This Working Life

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15 reviews
This podcast has
407 episodes
Date created
Average duration
26 min.
Release period
7 days


Lisa Leong helps you navigate your way through the tough times, looking for the sunshine and the humanity in the world of work. From the quirky to the somewhat controversial, experts in the world of work and business share their ideas, experiments and fast fails, that you can apply to your own career. We’re cheaper than therapy and more fun than LinkedIn, think of us as your digital water cooler.

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"These are necessary guardrails" - Expert reactions and advice for our new right to disconnect from work
There's been a lot of talk about the new right to disconnect laws. But what do they mean for you, practically?  In this episode you'll understand how it'll help you switch off from work (and what that will do for your health and wellbeing) and what you and your team can do to prepare.  
Zombie Leadership: How to kill the Hollywood narrative
It’s been dubbed the Hollywood narrative of leadership - that leaders are special, and that we can’t work or succeed without them. This is what Professor Alex Haslam calls ‘Zombie Leadership’. In their paper, Alex and his co-authors detail what Zombie Leadership looks like and how we can kill these dead ideas that still walk among us.
Can’t decide what to listen to? Try this...
It’s estimated we make up to 35,000 decisions every day so how can you make better decisions at work?  Before you start drawing up pros and cons lists, listen to this episode to hear how you can make decisions with less stress and a lot more satisfaction - from small everyday ones, to big ones like changing career.
How you can be a Friction Fixer at work
Friction is everywhere - from our systems to our relationships at work. But there’s good news - not all friction is bad and if you know how, you can be a friction fixer. Robert (Bob) Sutton is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Stanford Business School and co-author of The Friction Project. He takes us through the different types of friction and how we can fix it. Meanwhile, we hear personal stories from a few This Working Lifers about how they tackled friction in their jobs - thanks to Hamish Thompson, Kate McCallum, and Yashika Nayyar.
Are you paying attention? This is why not.
Finding it hard to get your brain into gear for the work year? You might feel your mind wandering a bit, daydreaming of being back on the beach. To help you get you back on track, one of the world’s top experts on attention, Dr Gloria Mark from the University of California Irvine, explains how our attention spans have declined and what we can do about it. And Sydney University Associate Professor Paul Ginns provides a simple hack to keep you focused through your work day. 
Feeling a bit stuck? Here's how to progress in your work
Feeling a little bit stuck right now? Like you want to progress on something but feel a bit glued up? Why does this happen to us? It turns out getting stuck is not a bug in our system — it's a feature in our success. So how can we get unstuck? Here are some tips and techniques to help you navigate a breakthrough. 
Why you should say 'no' more at work
Saying "yes" too often can leave you feeling overwhelmed and perhaps a bit resentful. You might hear yourself saying "yes of course I can" when your inner voice is screaming "no!" Here's how you can say "no" more often at work, without feeling rude, and what it can do for you and your team in the long term.
How to be a leader with both your head and your heart
Our image and expectation of a good leader is changing, and increasingly we're needing them to use both their head and their heart in making decisions. Leadership expert and author Dr Kirstin Ferguson argues that the art of this type of leadership is knowing what is needed when. So what does this balancing act really look like?
The power of Anti-Striving and feeling less ambitious
We've seen the Great Resignation, Lying Flat in China and Quiet Quitting. And now we're hearing murmurings of another movement that some are calling 'Anti-Striving'. So what exactly is it? And what will making peace with feeling less ambitious bring us in the long-term?
How to get along with difficult colleagues
We've all had to work with 'that' difficult person that we just clash with. It's tense. It's stressful. And it's exhausting. So, do we have to get along to do our best work? Or is it in our best interests to make peace and move on? And how can we best do that? The solutions might surprise you.
How one woman’s ‘fail’ lets us all embrace failure at work
When we make a mistake or fail at work we might want the earth to open up and swallow us whole. But what makes a fail ‘right’ and how can we talk about it at work? Amy Edmondson is a Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School. Renowned for her world-leading research into the concept of psychological safety, a crucible movement in the 1990s helped her understand our relationship with failure and how we can better embrace it at work. In her new book Right Kind of Wrong, Amy explains the three archetypes of failure and which ones help us fail in the right way.
Curiosity - Bad for cats. Good for workers.
We know curiosity is good for us and our work, but few of us actually feel it day to day. So what’s causing this gap? We find some answers and solutions so you can feel more curious in your work and career.

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4.6 out of 5
15 reviews
ASobering 2022/09/29
Such a wealth of knowledge! 🧠
This podcast is so insightful and I’ve enjoyed every episode I’ve listened to so far! Lisa is a very skilled interviewer - she does such a great job o...
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