All of the Classics

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This podcast has
19 episodes
Date created
Average duration
69 min.
Release period
95 days


Whether it's TV, movie, music to radio. I talk about Classic Hollywood, icons and events. With a dose of Hope Sears.

Podcast episodes

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Betty White Forever Queen of Game Shows RIP
The nation's national treasure, the beloved Betty White died at the age of 99, just a few days shy of her 100th birthday.  I explain why Betty White's love of games helped make her into the queen of games and got her a husband. Left a bit unsaid is that this constant exposure on TV shows as a panelist and games kept her in the public's mind for building up a persona.  This episode was originally made as a YouTube video. --- Send in a voice message:
Zach Eastman talks about Mel Brooks
Actor and director Mel Brooks was born Melvin Kaminsky on June 28, 1926. And on his birthday, I sat down with another director, Zach Eastman to talk about Brooks' career.  Mel wrote such movie classics as Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Spaceballs, and The Producers.  We also went over some of Zach's projects like The Boy Who Stares and Twombley. Eastman says he prefers to direct drama because it comes easier, but he appreciates Mel's work. As do I, that is why we talked for hours.  Zach’s latest project: The Boy Who Stares : Appearance on Zach's show talking about The Shop Around the Corner --- Send in a voice message:
Dean Martin and Rose Angelica's History Promoting an Icon
Dean Martin was born on June 7th, 1917 in Steubenville, OH. That is why the town pays tribute to their famous son in June. This year the festival is taking place June 24-26th.   Rose Angelica helped to start the festival and managed it for several years. Rose also is an indie artist with some popular songs of her own and tributes to icons like Dean Martin.  She has acted as a researcher for the family, TV networks, and an attempt at doing a Dean Martin movie. Subscribe to the YouTube channel: Leave me a voicemail The All of the Classics YouTube podcast explains timeless events, legends, and celebrities of vintage Hollywood. This podcast aims to extend the legacy of these icons by reaching a new generation of fans.  This channel creates content for unique people looking at Old Hollywood, old-school TV, old-time radio, classic books, and more. --- Send in a voice message:
Jack Benny: The Father of Modern Comedy
Jack Benny influenced several comedians and transitively influenced most famous comedians still today. Here on All of the Classics, we take a look at the audio version of my presentation on how Jack Benny changed modern comedy. If you don't know who Jack Benny is and you are a comedian, I suggest at least checking him out. He may not make you laugh, but his comic devices are superb.   Johnny Carson idolized Jack Benny. Carson in turn, inspired hundreds of young comics, but notably David Letterman who inspired Conan O'Brien.  We explore the comic origins of some of the top influential comedians of all time. But I will say that I gave an exception for black and women performers---they are less likely to trace their inspiration back to Benny.  --- Send in a voice message:
The Year Thanksgiving Moved
This is a true story and something that really happened in history. You can google it. The year was 1939 and Franklin Delano Roosevelt decided due to the economy and the Great Depression, he would move Thanksgiving to allow for more shopping time. From 1939-1941 there was confusion about when to celebrate Thanksgiving, with some celebrating traditional Thanksgiving. So some places had 2  days of thanks. This podcast explains how Thanksgiving got to be on the week it is every month. And gives a little history lesson into "Franksgiving" as it was deemed. Of course, this unique and odd situation was fodder for comedians everywhere. Including radio comedians and even feature films making reference to the chaos.  --- Send in a voice message:
That Certain Something: Arlene Francis, an Interview with her son Peter Gabel
Peter Gabel grew up with not one but two notable celebrity parents. Arlene Francis and Martin Gabel. Both were actors on radio, Broadway,  TV, and television. Today we focus on his beautiful and wonderfully talented mother, Arlene Francis. She is probably most well known now for appearing as a panelist on "What's My Line". She was one of the top paid female panelists, was the first woman host of "The Tonight Show"--before Joan Rivers, in the time in between Jack Paar and Johnny Carson.  Peter discusses his mother and his guest appearances on "What's My Line", where he stumped his mother every time. Peter is not in showbusiness-- he is a notable academic in American law, writer and editor.  --- Send in a voice message:
Chris Korman talks about Harvey Korman
Chris Korman is the son of lovable straight man, Harvey Korman. Harvey Korman is best known for being on the Carol Burnett Show as well as frequently starring in Mel Brooks' movies. However, there is more to Korman than being a comedian, Chris gives some insight into his role as a father.  --- Send in a voice message:
Herbert Hoover part 2
Herbert Hoover may get blamed for the depression, but just like any historical figure or event, there is more than meets the eye. I talked with archivist Matt Schaefer about Hoover's life and presidency. I also talk with Lynn Smith and Andrea Lewis, talking about perhaps some of the rarest film footage in history, perhaps the first color videos of all time--and of the White House. We also talked about gowns of first lady Lou Hoover and artifacts from all the U.S. presidents.  Honestly, quite a lot of fun if you love history.  --- Send in a voice message:
Herbert Hoover the Hero? Part 1
President Herbert Hoover is known as the President who kept Americans in the Great Depression. But he was once a world wonder, a businessman turned philanthropist that helped people all over the world be fed and able to get home when war broke out. He was nominated for 5 Nobel Peace prizes. So why did the man who had all success in business and politics prior to the Presidency, fail in the eyes of the American people as President so miserably? Matt Schaefer at the Herbert Hoover Museum helps explain Hoover's years after earning his fortune.  Also, we talk about how he is associated with Laura Ingalls Wilder of the Little House books, and why letters between Laura and her daughter live at the museum.  --- Send in a voice message:
Chris Walker-Thomson: 2nd Doctor
Chris Walker-Thomson is an actor and voice actor in the U.K. His most notable impression being the 2nd doctor, Patrick Troughton. He has done audiobooks and an audio drama for Big Finish. He talked to me about Doctor Who, voices, and what he wants to be as an actor. He's also been featured on BBC's Youtube Doctor Who fan show.  Catch his podcast of voice impressions with his pals, We Sound Familiar --- Send in a voice message:
This Day in-April Fools
I interviewed John Henderson, the man behind the "This Day in Jack Benny" podcast. We of course discuss Benny. However we also touch on old radio in general, journalism, and sci-fi such as Star Trek and Doctor Who. Now buckle up and get ready to ask yourself the age old question; when do I introduce my kid to this stuff? --- Send in a voice message:
Lucas Ross: Steve Martin 's biggest fan
Lucas Ross is a morning anchor at KFOR in Oklahoma City. But he's also the biggest Steve Martin fan to anyone that knows him. His love of Kermit and Martin have also made Lucas into a banjo loving advocate. From working on That 70s Show, meeting Martin,  working with Kermit , the son of a beekeeper tells me how his fan appreciation started, and where it's taken him. Also did you know Conan's obsessed with popcorn?  --- Send in a voice message:

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5 out of 5
3 reviews
Fan of Classics 2018/08/18
Wonderful start
The interviewer shows great depth in this first attempt at podcasting. The questions were well thought out. The responses were given plenty of time an...
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