Postcards From Nowhere with Utsav Mamoria

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5 reviews
This podcast has
208 episodes
Date created
Average duration
9 min.
Release period
11 days


Postcards from Nowhere is a travel podcast that takes you on journeys exploring culture, history, food and people in the form of stories. With over a decade of travel stories in his kitty, Utsav Mamoria narrates the stories of the strange, obscure and fascinating things about the world, often interspersed with practical tips and deep realizations, which would shape the way you travel. Tune in to the new episode every Thursday.

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Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Postcards From Nowhere with Utsav Mamoria podcast

Sex, Drugs and Gobi Manchurian
Delve into Bangalore’s culinary obsession with Gobi Manchurian and explore how language influences our food experiences. Journey back to Calcutta's history of Chinese migration, uncovering the roots of Indian-Chinese cuisine. Discover the intriguing parallels between food and sex, as we uncover the hidden connections that tantalize our taste buds and ignite our passions. Tune in for a deliciously provocative journey where every bite tells a story of pleasure and desire.
Why East Asian food lacks Desserts
Ever wondered why do East Asian cuisine's lack of desserts. From the subtleties of taste to the deep-rooted philosophies, explore why sugar takes a backseat in Chinese culinary traditions. Discover how genetic predispositions, cultural norms, and historical contexts shape the palate of billions. Through insightful discussions and savory insights, we unravel the fascinating world where meals end without a sweet note. Tune in as we explore the rich tapestry of flavors and traditions that make East Asian cuisine truly unique.
The Ubiquitous Art of Cooking in Leaves
Step into the enchanting world of "Leaves of Flavor: A Culinary Journey Across Cultures," where each episode invites you to explore the hidden treasures of global cuisine through the humble yet versatile leaf. From the iconic streets of Mumbai's Matunga to the serene temples of Tamil Nadu, and from the aromatic kitchens of Gujarat to the historic recipes of medieval Karnataka, embark on a tantalizing adventure that reveals how leaves have shaped culinary traditions around the world. Join us as we unravel ancient techniques, savor nostalgic flavors, and uncover the rich tapestry of culinary heritage that unites humanity across continents. From steaming idlis in jackfruit leaves to savory delicacies wrapped in betel leaves, from Greece's dolmas to Mexico's tamales, "Leaves of Flavor" celebrates the diversity of our palate while highlighting the shared passion for culinary creativity. Discover the magic of cooking in leaves and let your senses be transported to a world where every bite tells a story. Tune in and embark on a journey that will leave you craving for more.
Why we are all Hungarians from Rajasthan ?
Unveil the enigmatic ties between Rajasthan and distant lands in this trivia-packed podcast! From the exploits of Paan Singh Tomar to the fascinating history of the Tomar clan, embark on a journey through time and lineage. Explore the tantalizing theories linking Rajasthan's Chauhan kings to the Huns of Hungary, weaving a tale of shared heritage across continents. Delve into the world of genetics as we unravel the diverse origins of communities like the Jats and Rajputs, revealing the intricate tapestry of human ancestry. Join us for a whirlwind exploration of Rajasthan's rich history and its surprising connections to the global stage!
Why do we have Addresses at all?
Did you know that the famous 221B Baker Street, home to Sherlock Holmes, sparked a real-life address feud in London? Dive into the intriguing world of addresses with us this week as we uncover the unexpected drama behind this fictional location. From mysterious letters to a full-time job just to reply to them, the story gets crazier! Tune in for a wild ride through history, names, and the surprising reasons we have addresses.
Why does Japan have no street names?
What if for a moment, I transported you into the heart of Tokyo, and you discover that the city has no street names? And not just Tokyo, all of Japan is like that. And what does that have to do with the 1987 U2 song 'Where Streets Have No Names', written in a completely different context in Ireland? This week, we travel to Japan and ask a simple question - What if we pay attention to the notion of addresses and street names? What if we stop and ask, why are our addresses and street names the way they are? Tune in, and understand why Japan has no street names, and how it links to the languages we speak and write.
Why dictators love town squares ?
Embark on a journey from Poland to China in this riveting episode as we explore why dictators are drawn to town squares and how these very squares become the stages of their demise. From Tiananmen Square in Beijing, witness the poignant events of 1989, to the Grand Market in Krakow, a symbol of resilience against Nazi and Communist regimes. Discover the historical significance of town squares as dictators' theatres of power and learn how, in a twist of fate, these squares become the battlegrounds for resistance, ultimately sealing the fate of autocracies. Join us as we unravel the complex interplay between power, politics, and public spaces across the
The Unkindness of History: Lenin in a Theme Park
"In this week's episode, join us on a journey to Krakow, Poland, where a statue of Soviet hero Vladimir Lenin undergoes a bizarre journey from a symbol of communism to a casualty of local disdain. Uncover the surprising twists that lead this statue to an unexpected home in a Wild West-themed park in Sweden. From failed bombings to aphrodisiac-laden cat antics, this tale is a rollercoaster of historical oddities.
Two Billion Euros and the Polish Temple of Memory
Embark on a riveting journey with this week's episode as we trace the tumultuous odyssey of a priceless painting worth two billion Euros. From Hotel Lambert in 1830s Paris to the clandestine moves during World Wars, this painting, Leonardo Da Vinci's 'Lady with an Ermine,' becomes a symbol of Poland's resilience and identity. Through six generations of the Czartoryski Family and multiple hidden relocations, the collection at the Czartoryski Museum emerges as the memory of the Polish Nation.
The untold story of Holocaust heroism: 'Under the Eagle' Pharmacy
Journey back in time to Krakow's darkest hours during the Holocaust, where ordinary heroes emerged from the shadows. Explore the remarkable story of Tadeusz Pankiewicz and his team at the 'Under the Eagle' pharmacy, a symbol of hope in a sea of despair. As walls rose around the ghetto, this unassuming pharmacy became an embassy of solace, a lifeline to those in need. Join us to uncover the extraordinary acts of compassion and defiance that history often forgets. In a world consumed by darkness, these unsung heroes illuminated a path to survival.
The complicated legacy of Schindler's List
This episode takes you on a journey through the complex legacy of Spielberg's Schindler's List. Beyond the heroism, we explore the enigmatic truth behind Oskar Schindler, and why it's not quite what it seems. We also contrast it with The Pianist, a Holocaust film that presents a different perspective - the victim's story. Join us to understand how cinema shapes our perception of reality and morality, and how we can respond to genocides around us.
The surprising evolution of Polish food
"1981, Communist Poland At the peak of the Soviet rule in Poland, the country had run into enormous economic hardships. Food became scarce, and citizens marched on the streets protesting against hunger. Everything became rationed, and even then, sometimes the rationed needs could not be met. But this is not the story of the food shortages of Communist Poland. This is the story of the larger arc of Polish food, and how it came to evolve in surpising ways over 15 centuries. If you enjoyed this episode, check out the other food episodes Ep 169 Genetics, Milk and the Great Indian Sweet Divide Ep 170 The famine-induced cuisines of North Korea Ep 171 the war-induced cuisine of Tamil Eelam Ep 174 How Buddhism shaped Sri Lankan food Ep 179 How Ice Age shaped Indian food Ep 180 How Sangam Landscape changed Tamil food Ep 184 Satyagraha for the soul of Odia Cuisine "

Podcast reviews

Read Postcards From Nowhere with Utsav Mamoria podcast reviews

4.8 out of 5
5 reviews
AGoodTeacher 2020/04/14
Postcards from Nowhere Bring Messages From Everywhere
All lovely scripts with crystal clear descriptions and touch of humanity.
KanikaAG 2019/10/18
Love it!
Love the premise and the short format! Easy listen on my Uber rides to work.
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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