Africa InsurTech Rising

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41 episodes
Date created
Average duration
1 min.
Release period
19 days


Join us in sharing unique stories as we aggregate InsurTech enterpeneurs, startups, corporates, investors , and trends in the African community and globally

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InsurTech Outlook 2022 by Andrew Johnston
Esteemed insurtech and insurance buffs...last year went supernova with a whooping sum of $15.5bn funding globally in Insurtech .  To set the tone for the year, as our tradition ( as was done in 2021),we are bringing you outlook conversations for 2022.We are super elated to have had a renowned and global  pace- "tracker" sit down with our Managing partner to discuss his views and, speak to us on the likely path for 2022 via his own lenses. This is none-other than the Iconic Andrew Johnston  global head of Insurtech of Gallagher Re (formerly Willis Re). Andrew Johnston(aka AJ) has been writing stellar quarterly reports on insurtech briefings since 2017!!! His reports have gained global recognition and have served as reference point for all stakeholders.  These reports have been featured in Insurance times UK, intelligent insurer, insurance journal and many more. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
AIR AFRIQUE SERIES: JS Speaks With Luc Noubissi - Commissaire Controleur CIMA
CIMA (Inter African Conference for Insurance Markets) is one organisation that has helped simplify the insurance process in Africa. It was established by treaty in 1992 and covers 15 countries in Francophone Africa, bringing virtually all insurance supervisory, legislative and regulatory powers under the CIMA Code. This regional insurance oversight body was created based on the notion that a large single market with common rules and a common regulatory authority will result in a more effective and efficient supervisory structure and will promote stable and secure insurance markets in the region. Join co-host, Jean-Stephane (JS) and Luc Noubissi, Commissaire Controleur Principal, CIMA in yet another exciting episode of AIR Francophone series.
AIR AFRIQUE SERIES: JS Speaks With Minetou Ndiaye - Director, Axionable
Axionable is the specialist in sustainable and responsible Artificial Intelligence consulting. Their mission is to assist companies in creating sustainable value via responsible AI, with positive and measurable impacts for businesses and the society as a whole. They develop meaningful, purpose-oriented artificial intelligence side by side with clients as well as a diverse ecosystem. In this exciting episode of AIR Francophone, co-host Jean-Stephane (JS) sits with Minetou Ndiaye, Director, Sustainable Insurance Axionable as they uncover current trends and happenings at Axionable
REMA, is a remote medical collaboration service dedicated to African doctors and connects african doctors for better medical decisions. Their mission is to improve the quality of medical decisions on the continent. REMA today, represents the largest active community of doctors in Africa and therefore constitutes the audience of choice for medical companies during their information, awareness or communication campaigns aimed at African doctors. We invite you to join Co-host Jean-Stephane (JS) and REMA's CEO and Founder, Sedric Degbo in this enlightening conversation on the AIR Francophone Series.
AIR AFRIQUE SERIES: Conversation With Kamilia Nali- Co-founder Unfrauded
Unfrauded is a Tunisian Startup founded in August 2019 by 4 young computer engineers. The story started after they won the Tunisia Digital Summit Hackathon, this resulted in a collaboration with the largest insurance company in the country to build Unfrauded. Unfrauded manages financial institutions processes faster and more efficiently to detect fraud with the power of AI. We invite you to join co-host, Jean Stephane (JS) and Unfrauded Co-founder and Business Development Officer, Kamilia Nali, in yet another exciting episode of AIR Francophone Series
AIR AFRIQUE SERIES: JS and the Partners of DWF
DWF is a listed legal business with an award-winning reputation for client service excellence, effective operational management and innovation. The company became the first main market premium listed legal business on the London Stock Exchange in March 2019. DWF has also been named by the Financial Times as one of Europe’s most innovative legal businesses and has been independently recognised for its quality of legal advice, service delivery and responsiveness. We invite you to seat with co-host Jean Stephane (JS) in this stimulating conversation with DWF partners, Romain Dupeyre and Souleymane Simpara as they share inside stories of happenings at DWF Group.
AIR AFRIQUE SERIES: #JS Speaks With Hakim Soufi - CEO Macir Vie
Macir Vie is Algeria's first 100% private insurance company specializing in personal insurance in the fields of travel, life and health. Founded in 2011 and a subsidiary of the International Insurance and Reinsurance Company (CIAR), Macir Vie offers a wide range of services and solutions to meet different needs, whether professional or private. Esteemed AIR Francophone community, join co-host JS in this scintillating discussion with Macir Vie's CEO, Hakim Soufi to get first hand knowledge on Macir Vie - the present and what to expect in the future.
The Deloitte Way- with JS
No matter the complexity or location within Africa, Deloitte Africa is  helps to maximise business potential. In yet another exciting episode of AIR Francophone, co-host JS seats with Deloitte Africa's Director, Sana Attig and Partner, Financial Services Advisory to get insights on Deloitte Africa, one of Africa’s leading professional services firm with an unrivalled capability to service its clients’ with the highest standard regardless of the challenges of geography and bureaucracy.
AIR AFRIQUE SERIES: J.S and the founders of TradeIn
Created in 2018, TradeIn is a Saas Fintech/Assurtech platform that allows you to evaluate in real time the payment behaviour of your B2B customers, to protect yourself against non-payment and to finance your cash flow.A member of the Village by CA network, TradeIn is a start-up that offers VSE/SMEs the opportunity to cover their payment risks and prevent payment incidents thanks to a collaborative platform for sharing financial and behavioural information on companies. Join our dear co-host J.S as he seats with the founder and co-founders of Tradein to get insiders' scoops on what's ahead for the company!
AIR Afrique SERIES- JS speaks with Ashley Gauzere-CEO, HUB2
HUB2 aims to unify and simplify payment processes in creating the link between banking and telecommunications spheres thank to our digital platform. Today, they are operative in Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Madagascar, and soon in Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon and Congo Republic.They  target companies that generates high volumes of recurring transactions like mass distribution, insurance providers and banks. Join JS as he seats with the CEO- Ashley for insider scoops on what's next for the innovative powerhouse!
Hello InsurTech buffs! So we made the announcement recently we had created a spin-off. In our bid to cover Francophone Africa, please join us in welcoming our co-host Jean-Stephane Gourevitch aka J.S. Now J.S s going to be serving us fresh narratives, insights and scoops  in french and damn! does he have an exciting line up or what!! In his first episode, he interviews Souleymane Gning, CEO- Assuraf, Senegal. ASSURAF is a Pan-African insurtech digital insurance aggregation platform, innovation lab for disruptive products, business models and ultra-customized policies; and digital advisor PLUS software factory for the industry value chain (insurers, re-insurers, brokers, end-users,) and ecosystem of partners.
Africa's Telematics is Rising- Conversations with Arthur Mulwa, CEO-AiCare
AiCare offers tailored telematics to strong players in the motor insurance sector. They combine telematics and Artificial Intelligence to give the most accurate risk assessment of your motor book, vehicle by vehicle.They are on a mission to empower motor insurance companies by providing innovative telematics technologies. Join us as we have a seat-down and talk about the future of the company with the CEO Arthur Mulwa.

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