Dad AF

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This podcast has
24 episodes
Date created
Average duration
42 min.
Release period
26 days


Supporting Dads to be Men. -------The Dad AF Philosophy is simple: Drop It - Drop your excuses. Own It - Take Full Responsibility. Live It - Walk your talk.-------After working with 100's of dads, soon-to-be-dads, businesses owners and soon to be business owners I've discovered a few key things we all have in common. I'll be interviewing everyday dads, fathers, sons, experts and business owners on their experiences, as well as dropping in a few life lessons, stories and experiences of my own as I continue to work closely with dads and men.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Dad AF podcast

Ep#3 - Aaron O’Neill - Learning to love himself helped him to love his kids.
Aaron and I go to a very unexpected place in this eye-opening chat. Aaron speaks about his experience with Ayahuasca and how it completely shifted his perspective on how he approached every relationship in his life. In an instant, he went from pain and suffering to pure love.  A truly fascinating account of his life's journey.  Father of 3, Single Dad  &  Business Owner  Hot Topics The challenges of separation and navigating kids50/50 custody and the light at the end of the tunnelHow to get what you want in mediationYour Value is based on what YOU value, not what others value.Self Conscious vs Self AwareSmoking the venom from a toad from the Sonoran desertThe vail of not being enoughDevine timing & the beginning of the change (Ayahuasca)Setting an example for your kidsThe power of negative people 
Ep#2 - Damian Glynn. What it takes to raise men in this world
I chat with Damian Glynn, Founder of Better Every Day about what it takes to raise men in today's world as he reflects on his journey... from success to bankruptcy and eventually finding his way through physical movement and a last-ditch effort from his wife to help him see what he already has. Father of 3, Consultant to multinational organisations. Jiu-jitsu enthusiast and try hard Musician Topics:  Being a stepdadNever wanting to have kidsTurning up with the right mindsetWhat “Man-up” ACTUALLY meansJiujitsu - Movement is a Non-NegotiableHow moving more will help you overcome your challenges?How Damian’s wife saved his life, business and marriageEmpathic Leadership 
Ep#1 Welcome to Dad AF
Ep#1 - Welcome to Dad AF! The podcast for Dads and Men who are searching for answers in order to live a fulfilled life.    My name is Max Latimer.    My highest goal in life is to empower more dads - just like you - from all over the world to step up and go after the life you’ve always dreamed of.    My Philosophy is simple - Drop your excuses and ego., Own your situation and take full responsibility for everything in your life, and Live your highest purpose unapologetically. Always remember - When Dads on fire, on purpose, and living with intent - everyone wins!  Strap yourself in and Enjoy the show.
EP#21 [Interview] Stephen Wren - Be the Benchmark
“Forget chasing benchmarks. They are records of other people’s standards and you can’t be sure they did all that was possible to set them.   Instead - BE THE BENCHMARK!” Steve was a police officer for many years, an executive in sales for many more and as CEO of Stephen Wren Consulting, currently partner some of Australia’s leading brands and companies.  His book, “The Chemistry of Selling” champions the dignity of being a professional salesperson and offers immediate options for working professionals and their leaders. I met Steve by chance about 10 years ago. He spent 2 days with our sales team teaching and guiding us through the power of chemistry and human connection. 10 years later and I’m still drawing from the lessons he shared. This is NOT TO BE MISSED.
Ep #20 [CASE STUDY] Sam Gardel - Owning your shit to create more time, freedom and purpose
We go deep on what it took for him to pull himself out of his destructive patterns, patterns that were destined to leave a wake of broken relationships, businesses and homes if left unchecked.  We’ll chat about… - What it takes to own your shit - How health, mindset and discipline are the key foundation - The power of DOING the WORK and how to influence people with your actions - Drinking, gambling, parenting, business, leadership, ownership and everything in between. Men Gettin' After It Facebook Group:
Ep# 19 [Convo] Ben Hughes - Dads, discipline, motivation and gettin' after it for the right reasons.
We originally shot this podcast as a video for our closest mates. What Ben and I discovered about showing up every day and doin ' the work was FAR TOO GOOD to keep to ourselves. Now... we've decided to release it for everyone. (Check out my Youtube channel for full video -  The Next Level Leader Project) Every dad, mum, husband, wife, partner, parent, friend... whoever needs a kick in the ass and a way to get their shit together - this is for you! This is an In-depth, uncut and candid conversation on how Ben and I have created new habits, broken old habits, influenced and transformed our lives to set the best example possible for our children.  Ben Hughes is one of my oldest friends. We grew up together from the age of about 8 years old. He's now married, father of 2 beautiful girls, GM of one of the Largest ANZ branches in Victoria, and my business partner. This is raw, uncut walk-thru of what we did, how we did it, and WHY we did it. 
EP#18 - You're focusing on VALUES that aren't yours!
You'll never find ultimate fulfilment if you keep anchoring your self-worth on someone else's subjective worldview. Your value of being "seen" as smart is out of your control. Valuing growth, learning and seeking insight IS in your control. Values are about you. What do YOU value? You don't need other people to validate your existence. Not your parents, your kids, your friends... anyone. It starts with what's important to you and is reflected in the world with your actions. Follow us or reach out at: Facebook Group: The Next Level Leader Project Instagram:@thenextlevelleaderproject Email:
Ep#17 - What Happened vs How you FEEL about what happened
Rational thinking is a learnt skill. Our go-to response from 100's of 1000's of years of evolution is fight, flight or freeze. Nowadays, our need to drop everything immediately with ZERO thought and bolt to save our own backsides is far less important. But, we tend to bring this outdated adaptation into our everyday lives. Flying off the handle without asking any follow up questions. Jumping to conclusions because in the heat of the moment. Making assumptions, joining imaginary dots, acting before thinking - all lead by our immediate emotional response. I feel ANGRY therefore I'll act angry and lash out. Did you know you can feel ANGRY and NOT act Angry? You could act calmly, for example. Takes a bit of practice though - 100% f*****g worth it! Follow us or reach out at: Facebook Group: The Next Level Leader Project Instagram: @thenextlevelleaderproject Email:
Ep#16 [On the Couch] w Max and Lachie - Freestyle Friday
Max & Lachie Freestyle about the core takeaways they've discovered through years of trial and error, personal development and literally thousands of hours of coaching clients to take FULL OWNERSHIP over their lives one day at a time.  Follow us or reach out at: Facebook Group: The Next Level Leader Project Instagram: @thenextlevelleaderproject Email:
Ep#15 [On the Couch] w Max and Lachie - Communication & Relationships
Max and Lachie Freestyle on everything on from Communication to Relationships and making the tough calls. Also, what part are you playing in your relationship and how to build your self-awareness with just a few well-appointed questions to the people in your life. Follow us or reach out at: Facebook Group: The Next Level Leader Project Instagram: @thenextlevelleaderproject Email:

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