Pagan Coffee Talk

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8 reviews
This podcast has
130 episodes
Date created
Average duration
30 min.
Release period
7 days


We will discuss topics related to the Pagan community. All views are from a traditionalist's point of view. The conversations are unscripted (no preparations have been made ahead of time). A special thanks to Darkest Era for the use of their songs: Intro- The Morrigan, Exit - Poem to the Gael. Check them out at

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Pagan Coffee Talk podcast

Beyond the Rituals: The Heart of Religious Identity
Have you ever wondered what truly defines a religion? Join us as we dissect the fascinating criteria that the U.S. federal government uses to distinguish religions from other belief systems. In a thought-provoking conversation, we peel back the layers of faith, exploring the significance of holy elements, articles of faith, liturgy, and the unbreakable bond of community. Prepare to engage with a narrative that questions whether a religion without community can maintain its sacred core, and how personal resonance with spiritual practices can lead to a harmonious existence. Wander down the metaphorical path of spirituality and wisdom with us, where we confront the complexities of defining sacred across diverse religions while acknowledging the bedrock that supports these institutions. Through our journey, we debate the modern reluctance towards structured religious practice and shed light on the challenges less mainstream beliefs face in gaining formal recognition. Grab a cup of your favorite brew and tune in to share in this discussion of human faith and belief. Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
Soulmates Redefined: Exploring Love's Many Forms
Have you ever felt an inexplicable connection with someone as if your souls were old friends? Join us as we embark on a heartfelt journey through the mysteries of soulmates, challenging the traditional quest for "the one" and opening the doors to a world where profound connections flourish in myriad forms. In a vibrant discussion that weaves personal anecdotes with spiritual insights, we reconsider the customary portrayal of soulmates, proposing that these significant bonds aren't exclusive to romantic partners but also include the cherished ties with friends and family. This episode takes you on an explorative path where we dissect the initial sparks that ignite our hearts and ponder if they're truly markers of a destined soulmate or just nature's chemistry at play. As we unravel the pressures society places on us to find that singular perfect match, we share intimate reflections on the power and depth of familial love. Prepare to expand your perspective on love's diverse expressions and the soul's capacity for multiple meaningful relationships, both in this lifetime and beyond. Sit down with your favorite brew and join us for the next episode of Pagan Coffee Talk.  Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
Strengthening Character from Layman's Struggles to Priesthood
Discover the transformative power of discipline as we try to unravel its profound impact on personal growth within the priesthood. We journey through the pivotal stages of development, and the unique challenges faced by those who embrace the craft later in life. Our discussion ventures beyond the cloistered walls, drawing parallels between the structured rigor of military training and the spiritual fortitude found in religious life. Delve into how figures like Jordan Peterson echo the masculine quest for structured goals and how even without a military background, one can cultivate the same level of discipline for personal advancement. In a world where gender roles and societal expectations weave complex patterns, our conversation sheds light on the underlying motivations of men's choices in relationships and community. We explore the where the line is drawn before discipline turns to excess. Addressing the shifting landscape of traditional family and religious practices, we contrast cherished Sunday family rituals with modern-day distractions, and examine the varying responses of Christian and pagan communities to these changes. Brew your favorite coffee and tune in for a thought-provoking episode that weaves together the spiritual, the traditional, and the contemporary, challenging listeners to reflect on their own paths of discipline and growth. Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
The Roasted Path to Joy: The Intersection of Individuality and Conformity
Could you imagine a world where the embodiment of rebellion, Satan, serves as a mirror reflecting our societal and spiritual complexities? Our latest episode tries to unfurl the enigmatic tapestry of Satanism, plucking some of the threads of its theatrical origins from the politically potent fabric it has become. We uncover the nuanced relationship between Satanism, paganism, and Christianity, and how the Church of Satan has morphed from a religious entity to a more of a political one. We delve into the philosophical nuances behind the Morning Star's rise in popular culture and consider why the voices of modern-day Satanists seem to have receded into the shadows, leaving behind a whisper of their former clamor. Journey with us as we cast a light upon the intricate dance of individual identity and the elusive pursuit of uniqueness. We challenge the notion of uniqueness—pondering if our essence is truly our own or merely a byproduct of clever marketing strategies that herd us into neatly defined consumer categories. We muse about the balance between blending in and standing out, and how each of us contributes to a collective tapestry of joy. Join us as we reflect on these existential musings, recognizing the value of every individual's journey through life's vast roastery. So, grab a cup of your favorite roast, and join the conversation.  Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
An Exploration of the Word Coven: Good or Bad?
Venture into the heart of pagan and witchcraft communities, as we unravel the intricacies of our spiritual groupings. Ever wonder why 'covens' carry a certain stigma, or why we sometimes prefer the term 'temple' over 'church'? Join us as we peel back the layers of confusion, examining why certain terms matter and how they shape the collective consciousness of our practices. As we journey on, allow us to ignite your inquisitive spirit by tackling the sometimes delicate art of questioning within witchcraft. Have you ever pondered the 'why' behind a ritual, or felt the prickly resistance when sacred customs are nudged? Lady Alba and Lord Night share tales of enlightenment sparked by such challenges, like a lesson learned from a simple question about grinding incense. This episode is a tribute to the alchemy of curiosity and dialogue, a reminder that the path to profound spiritual growth is paved with introspection and the bravery to refine what we hold dear. So, brew your favorite coffee and sit down with us.  Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
Dissecting the Spectrum of Good and Evil in Human Nature
Have you ever found yourself wrestling with the question of whether people are born bad, or if they're shaped by the shadows of their past? It's a conundrum that we try to unravel as we engage in a stirring dialogue on Pagan Coffee Talk. With the infamy of characters like Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson as our backdrop, we delve into the complexities of moral accountability and the murky waters where personal ethics meet external influence. It's a conversation that hits close to home, examining how we react to the missteps of our loved ones compared to those we don't know, and the societal desensitization to misconduct that's creeping into our collective consciousness. Strap in as we navigate the intricate landscape of ethics, morals, and the perception of evil, illuminated by the real-life struggles of siblings growing up with a parent's alcoholism. Our discussion takes a philosophical turn as we question the impact of religious and spiritual beliefs on our ethical compass, pondering everything from pagan views on energy to the existence of true evil. And, as we inch closer to finding balance in our judgments of others, we reflect on the importance of aligning with personal values and making the tough choices about who we let into our lives. We invite you to grab a cup of coffee and join us for this heartfelt exploration, and encourage you to reach out through our social media to share your thoughts and continue this meaningful conversation, until our paths cross again on the next Pagan Coffee Talk. Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
Crafting a Virtuous Path in Modern Witchcraft
Join us as we illuminate the intertwining of witchcraft laws and life's moral compass. We discuss the importance of balance, harmony, and personal responsibility and how they can impact your daily interactions and spiritual journey. We also briefly discuss the seven tenets of the craft and their vital role beyond the realm of the mystical, offering guidance on fostering dignified relationships and creating environments free from manipulation. Concluding our journey, we share stories of resilience and change, we encourage embracing a survivor's outlook, learning from missteps, and the courage to uphold one's values. Grab your coffee as we both celebrate the bravery required in sculpting a genuine identity and walking the path of continuous learning. Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
Pagans in Recovery: Embracing Alternative Paths to Addiction Healing
When the whisper of a prayer feels more like a shout, many pagans in search of sobriety find themselves teetering on the edge of two worlds. Our latest episode gently untangles this knot, guiding listeners through the labyrinth of addiction recovery when traditional programs don't align with non-Christian beliefs. We delve into how the comfort of familiar words in the Serenity Prayer can be fraught with discomfort for those in the pagan community. With an open heart we highlight alternative support systems and the empowerment of leading recovery efforts from within our own circles of belief. Navigating the nuances of spiritual community policies on alcohol and substance use, this conversation reflects our commitment to sanctuary and support for all. Lord Night shares candidly about his journey to quit smoking, portraying the razor-thin line between temptation and triumph. We recognize the profound impact of 12-step programs and the importance of being ready to extend a helping hand. Our discussion is a beacon for anyone struggling with addiction or those standing in solidarity with them, shedding light on the complexities and celebrating the strength found in our diverse spiritual tapestry. Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
Ravenwood: Heritage, Transformation and Future
2023/12/27 Ravenwood ( Facebook Living Witchcraft by Campbell, Nancy R. (  Imagine stepping into a world steeped in tradition, where the essence of nature converges with spirituality. That's the journey we embark on with Lady Maia, High Priestess of Ravenwood Church of the Old Religion, as she guides us through the fascinating history of Ravenwood, a nearly 50-year-old Wiccan coven. We hear the tale of its evolution from a secluded backyard gathering to an influential public church, and the legal battles faced by its founders to secure their religious rights. Lady Maya, with her decades of experience, offers an insider's perspective into the heart of modern witchcraft and the paths one treads on their way to becoming a high priestess. As we delve deeper, we unveil the legacy and diversity of groups that have shaped Ravenwood through the years, fostering a strong sense of community. But as our world evolves, so does the perception of witchcraft. In the face of a broader societal shift, the rise of the internet and social media, and their impact on the Craft, how does an institution like Ravenwood navigate these changes? Lady Maia shares her insights, discussing the challenges and opportunities that such advancements bring about. She sheds light on the spread of misinformation and the potential for individuals to rediscover their interest in the Craft. So, grab your cup of coffee (or tea) and join us. Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
Finding Unity in Diverse Holiday Traditions
Ever wondered why your Christmas tree might be a matter of religious contention? Or got puzzled over how an Easter egg hunt could be a bridge between diverging belief systems? Join us as we unravel the curious connections between Christian holidays and pagan traditions in this dynamic edition of Pagan Coffee Talk. From dissecting those viral social media posts that point out pagan practices in our holidays, to probing the precarious topic of cultural appropriation, we journey into the heart of a heated debate. We conclude that a peaceful coexistence between different belief systems is not only possible but necessary – all it takes is a little respect and tolerance. But the journey doesn't end there. We take a detour into the world of holiday representation, expressing our vexation with the fight for uniqueness and the abysmal lack of inclusivity in holiday greetings. And while we're at it, we put under the spotlight the irony of Pagans perpetuating the same behavior they have often experienced from Christians. In our quest for a more inclusive holiday season, we stress the need for education without shaming, and celebration without judgment. So, come along, enjoy your holiday traditions, and let's wrap this up over some coffee.  Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
A Revelation: The Intricacies of Prophecies and Religious Beliefs
Ready to challenge your understanding of prophecies, apocalypse, and religion? We take you on a journey into these intriguing topics. From dissecting the possible intentions behind prophecies, to contemplating the idea of an apocalypse as a collective suicide for humanity. Ever wondered why society is so obsessed with the apocalypse and how this obsession influences religious conversion? Join us as we grapple with these complex ideas and the assertion that accepting Christ alone guarantees salvation. We'll push you to consider the importance of genuine devotion, the role of spiritual growth, and why imposing religious beliefs on others is a futile effort. A comparison to the TV show Doctor Who leaves us with the beautiful realization that our religious journey, much like our favorite Doctor, is a deeply personal choice. In the final segment, we express our concern that the current turbulence in Israel could lead to World War 3. You might just find our desperate need for more coffee amusing, but we promise, this exploration of the complex world of religion, prophecy, and apocalypse will keep you riveted and questioning. So, grab your cup of coffee (or tea) and join us. Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook
Disclaimer/Caveat Overload: Are We Losing Personal Responsibility?
Are we, as a society, becoming too touchy? Join us on a spirited episode as we grapple with the constant need for disclaimers in the pagan community and its broader societal implications. We're tired of doling out endless clarifications that our beliefs aren't mandates for others, but could we be dealing with a larger issue? We argue that the pervasiveness of warning labels speaks volumes about our declining sense of personal responsibility. Get ready for a thought-provoking conversation that might just have you questioning the norms. Have disclaimers and caveats become an unfortunate necessity, or are they a defensive tool, rooted in apologies? And here's a wild thought - what if we ditched the disclaimers altogether? Imagine a "no warning month" challenge where we bravely drop the protective armor of disclaimers. We encourage you, our listeners, to join this discussion and share your views on our Twitter survey. Let's stir up a storm, ruffle a few feathers, and challenge the status quo, together. It's about time we started thinking for ourselves, wouldn't you agree? Support the showJoin us on Discord: Facebook: (7) Life Temple and Seminary | Facebook

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3.8 out of 5
8 reviews
Codyblr 2023/11/06
Self Proclaimed “Authority” of All Things Pagan
show sets itself up as the “Authority“ of all things Pagan. After listening to a show that was basically apologetics for the Christian religion, and h...
thump342023 2023/09/11
Nothing more than self righteous ignorance. These guys must know everything about paganism. Lol they give a bad name to pagans with their elitist view...
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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