Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker

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23 episodes
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6 min.
Release period
13 days


Each week, you will learn new ways to amplify your voice, increase your impact, and inspire the world. You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic creation and your voice deserves and needs to be heard. How will you amplify your voice today? Find out more ways to amplify your voice at Produced by Number Three Productions, Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee anyone’s success when using the topics presented in this show. There is only one person who can guarantee your success, and that is you. The content provided on this show is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment or to cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast.

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Check latest episodes from Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker podcast

Special Re-Release from Cosmic Revolution: You Deserve to Have Faith, First and Foremost, in Yourself
Welcome to Amplify!. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.   Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Revolution show page or see at the end of the show notes for links to all major platforms!   We’ll be back soon with new episodes of Amplify! and Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker!   - - -   I was in middle school the first time I heard the expression, “Knowledge is Power.”  What Sir Francis Bacon didn’t lay out in his brilliant statement is specifically what kind of knowledge do you need to have to be powerful.  Obviously, it isn’t knowledge about lichens - or - from my more adult perspective, knowledge about how to soothe a newborn baby, how to fix a hearty bowl of soup to feed your family when funds are tight, or how to emotionally prop up an anxious 12-year-old during a pandemic. What kind of knowledge was Sir Francis Bacon actually referring to? What is knowledge?  Who decides what is knowledge?  Or, on a more frightening note, what is truth?   To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at   You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event. Karen Curry Parker   Follow Cosmic Revolution on Apple Podcasts Follow Cosmic Revolution on Spotify Follow Cosmic Revolution on Google Podcasts Follow Cosmic Revolution on Stitcher Follow Cosmic Revolution on Audible
Special Re-Release from Cosmic Revolution: Using the Pareto Principle to Change the World
Welcome to Amplify!. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.   Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Revolution show page or see at the end of the show notes for links to all major platforms!   We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Amplify! and Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker! - - - The gap created between physical and virtual realms is the difference in the way we treat one another.  No reasonable and good human would communicate with another human the ways trolls treat each other online or with the ease at which we can text and email each other terrible things without much thought. A small percentage of the people in the world are affecting a large portion of what we are experiencing and our consequent perception of reality. If we look at the world through the lens of math, 80% of the resources of the world are controlled by 20% of the people.  20 percent of your efforts in life net 80% of the results.  This is called the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 Rule.  The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes, often referred to as the “vital few.” What if our actions ARE actually significant and powerful?  What if we can change the world simply by making small, incremental changes in 20% of our actions to generate 80% more growth? What if we don’t have to transform our entire life, just 20% of it, to begin to experience the effects of these small changes?    To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at   You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event. Karen Curry Parker   Follow Cosmic Revolution on Apple Podcasts Follow Cosmic Revolution on Spotify Follow Cosmic Revolution on Google Podcasts Follow Cosmic Revolution on Stitcher Follow Cosmic Revolution on Audible
Special Re-Release from Cosmic Revolution: The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Heal the Planet Right Now
Welcome to Amplify!. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.   Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Revolution show page or see at the end of the show notes for links to all major platforms!   We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Amplify! and Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker! - - -   What’s rarer than the hope diamond? More precious than any gem? You. We truly are standing on the very edge of a Creative Revolution.  You play a vital role in this revolution.  Your own personal healing of your internal sense of your worth is THE MOST important thing you can do to heal the planet right now.  When you do that, everything that emanates from you will be sustainable and influential on a deep level. The planets, and the world, and the universe, and your divine siblings have their “hands” on your back.  They are pushing you into a curriculum of healing that will transform your life and the world. You deserve it. I’m humbled to be on the planet with you, dear Cosmic Revolutionary, at this very pivotal time.   To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at   You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event. Karen Curry Parker   Follow Cosmic Revolution on Apple Podcasts Follow Cosmic Revolution on Spotify Follow Cosmic Revolution on Google Podcasts Follow Cosmic Revolution on Stitcher Follow Cosmic Revolution on Audible
Special Re-Release from Cosmic Revolution: Unifying our Minds and Building our New World, Together
Welcome to Amplify!. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.   Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Revolution show page or see at the end of the show notes for links to all major platforms!   We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Amplify! and Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker! - - - Let’s imagine a world of sustainable, equitable peace: A world where all people feel loved, empowered, and able to make their unique contribution to the world. A world where we all heal the karma and the pain of the past and only bring forward the lessons and the blessings from what we’ve experienced, and the intention to write a new story of humanity that is equitable and just. Let’s imagine a world where everyone is safe from war, hatred, discrimination, and terror. Where we see the Heart of each other and we honor the unique expression of each and every one of us. A world where we are free to choose who and how we love, and we embrace the many faces and facets of love. A world where words are used to uplift, create, empower, love, and honor each other. A world where we honor all sentient beings and serve as sacred stewards for this breathtaking and awe- inspiring planet. We see ourselves living in a world where our natural state of wonder in connection with our true creative power is kept alive and celebrated and where everyone honors their unique gifts and knows that each life is a precious once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event.   To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at   You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event. Karen Curry Parker   Follow Cosmic Revolution on Apple Podcasts Follow Cosmic Revolution on Spotify Follow Cosmic Revolution on Google Podcasts Follow Cosmic Revolution on Stitcher Follow Cosmic Revolution on Audible
When the World Is Hurting, We MUST Remain Creative
What do we do as creatives when the world feels like it’s falling apart?  When children need to be rescued and fed?  When brave people take to the streets to fight for their precious freedom in the face of an onslaught by a bully?   It’s easy to feel discouraged and disheartened during times when it looks like the world is headed in a direction that seems so counter to what our Hearts know as truth.  I want my own world to stop along with the world of the Ukrainians - a sort of collective, empathic, breath-holding… I want the world I imagine in my morning hours - a world of equitable, just, abundant, and sustainable peace - to be a part of the current reality of the world, RIGHT NOW… But how do we win wars, feed children, build a free world, and tackle the challenges facing humanity today?  Innovation begins with metaphors, dreams, and stories that invite us to ask the question, “What else is possible?”  The seemingly impossible always starts first with a dream - an imagining…   Art changes the world.    Thank you for joining us for Amplify!  Make sure to subscribe and follow us at or on your favorite platform so you don’t miss any of the amazing shows we have in store for you.    Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at   Produced by Number Three Productions,
Becoming the Patron of Your Own Art
How much do you edit yourself? How much do you hold yourself back from radically authentic self-expression? These questions aren't about shaming you or judging you for toning it down. It's about exploring where you may have allowed yourself to muffle your own voice, your own creative drive. Let’s talk about becoming the patron of your own art this week. What would happen if instead of doing a commission for someone else with your art, you commissioned a project for yourself? Here's to wildly unedited works of art and amplifying your true and relentlessly authentic voice. If you want some support in amplifying your voice, here's a powerful, next right step for you. Go to our website,, and schedule a call with our publishing consultant. Together, you're going to craft a powerful plan to get your wildly authentic message out into the world. I'm Karen Curry. Thank you for joining me for Amplify!. Make sure to subscribe and follow us at or on your favorite platform so you don’t miss any of the amazing shows we have in store for you.  May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world. Produced by Number Three Productions,
The 6 Steps to Creating Your Chief Aim Statement
Last week, I shared some information with you about your Chief Aim. This week, I have a short exercise for you to help you assess whether you’re clear on your chief aim. If you’re not? Keep listening and we’ll discuss 6 steps on how to create your chief aim statement, together. If this is hard for you, that doesn’t mean you’re not ready. If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll never start. Here’s a powerful next right step for you.  Go to our website, and schedule a call with our Publishing Consultant. Together, you’re going to craft a powerful plan to get your message out into the world. So you can meet your Chief Aim - and do what you came here to do. Thank you for joining us for Amplify!  Make sure to subscribe and follow us at or on your favorite platform so you don’t miss any of the amazing shows we have in store for you.  May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world. Produced by Number Three Productions,
Finding Your Chief Aim and Making Your Impact
1% of people have impact 99% barely make a ripple If you’re like most people with an idea they want to share, you’ve been collecting all kinds of publishing and marketing “checklists” and “how to publish” reports.  That information is pretty easy to find. Our clients are a little different.  They want more than to just write and publish a book. They want to make an impact. Maybe you relate to this? You’ve got a wish, a hope, a snarled up frustrated feeling in your gut that you’ve got something important to share with the world.  You watch other people do it.  Maybe you even hear other people say things that you know you could say better…but you never act on it.  Or you start, get in the weeds, get too busy, go round and round with it, but never get it done.  In some cases, you never even get it started. Here’s a powerful piece of intelligence we’ve dispensed to our clients over and over again during our combined 60 years in publishing and visibility coaching.  Until you know why you’re here on the planet - that ONE thing that you were born to do and give to the world - you won’t be ready to share your message with the world. Napoleon Hill, the great American self-help writer, called this your “Chief Aim.”  Successful influencers - writers, podcasters, speakers - know how to activate their own initiative, because they know where they are headed before they start. This is more than goal setting.  Goals are tangible metrics that measure how far along you are on the path and are often something you can reach in a short amount of time.  This is about having a big vision, a tangible, but breath-taking desire, to do something impactful. Pretty much any good publisher and visibility coach can help you meet your goals.  An exceptional publisher and visibility coach will help you push towards that dream that takes your breath away and helps you fulfill the true purpose (the really, really BIG one) of why you’re here. That’s what we live for.  Helping you fulfill your “Chief Aim” is our “Chief Aim.” Usually it’s not knowing your “Chief Aim” that gets you hung up.  You might tell yourself: Who am I to share my message? I don’t have enough time. I don’t know where to start. My business is already successful.  I don’t need to do this. I have too many ideas. I don’t know what to say. I won’t know how to market or promote my work. I’M NOT READY YET. (We hear this one all the time!) (Fill in your creative excuse here _________________________)   These are all just clever - but pretty convincing - excuses. Look, we’ve written books with newborn babies sleeping in our laundry baskets at our feet while sucking on strong coffee to stay awake.  We’ve written books when our elderly parents needed extensive support and care.  We’ve written books from scratch in less than three weeks after losing the entire original manuscript file on our computer. We’ve written best-selling books, launched podcasts, given TedX talks, while homeschooling our children during a pandemic. We’ve written books, spoken on podcasts, given talks on global stages, while raising teenagers.  We’ve written books, hosted podcasts, given talks on global stages while running million dollar companies and simultaneously getting dinner on the table for our families. When you know your Chief Aim, your excuses don’t win.  You do it anyway.  Here’s the deal.  Finding your Chief Aim isn’t always easy and if you’re struggling to connect with it, it’s not your fault.  We live in a culture that encourages us to put our Chief Aim on the back burner - until we retire or we have money or we do it on the weekends or when we have nothing to lose… We live in a world that teaches us that dreaming is great, but your dream better be practical and “realistic,” otherwise you’re going to get hurt, disappointed and waste your time or money and people will judge you.
Remember the True Story of Who You Are
Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at Produced by Number Three Productions, Sometimes finding your Voice means that you have to let go of old internal stories and narratives that can make you feel like your Voice is muffled or invisible.  We hold these old stories in our minds and sometimes even in our bodies.  Anytime we internalize the idea that it’s not safe or okay to be who you are and how you are, the body literally experiences that as trauma.  Obviously, it’s not the same as some of the big, life-threatening traumas that we sometimes experience in life.  And yet, the body responds to messages that disconnect us from the value of who we are and the power of our Voice, in almost the same way. Having your authentic Voice denied repeatedly actually causes your brain to store the pattern of this experience.  Your hippocampus goes on high alert anytime it perceives that you might be under threat of being re-traumatized and you experience stress.  You also often react to life events in such a way that you take action that “protects” your Voice. Usually that means we deny our Voice and, often, the purpose of our Voice. This is one of the hidden reasons why we often procrastinate, fail to follow through, or fear the expression of our creative power. This is why being creative is often vulnerable. But, the creative journey also has the potential to be a tremendously healing journey.  Finding your Voice and committing to expressing yourself authentically into the world is a profound reclaiming process that helps you not only help others, but also to remember the true story of Who You Are. This week I invite you to contemplate the following list of reasons why we deny our Voice.  Explore through journaling whether any of these themes are holding you back from stepping into the power of that once-in-a-lifetime-Cosmic-event that is You and your beautiful and powerful Voice. Use the following journal prompt to start your exploration:  What needs to be healed, released, aligned, and brought to my awareness for me to rewrite the part of my story that is still carrying the energy of ________________________________ ? Listen carefully as I read this list of possible things you might want to put in that blank and feel whether any of this is true for you…. Over giving and rescuing Disorganization and chaos Denying myself and what I want and need Perceiving aging as devaluation Failing my mission Not valuing my dreams, my values, and my standards Adapting to the expectations of others Struggle Martyrdom Facades and false faces Feeling responsible for other people’s feelings Losing myself Trauma Manipulation Spiritual warfare Lack consciousness The patriarchy and oppression Compliance out of fear Self-Doubt Bullying Drama Projection and expectations of others Mediocrity Stress and pressure Money fears People who use fear to manipulate Deprivation Disrespect Binary and limited thinking Illness Pain Sexual shame Sexual trauma People who don’t hold their own vibration Mind control My own lack of worth and my own devaluation My own “not enough-ness” Overdoing Overcompensating out of fear Desperation Disconnection from my Voice Disconnection from my Power Fear of speaking my Truth Weak boundaries Guilt Shame Fear of being authentic Lack of self-love Not honoring my courage Misusing my own energy Lies I tell myself Lies others tell about me Disempowerment Denying my wisdom Seeing rest as weakness Seeing rest as laziness Not seeing my own value enough to nurture myself Not honoring my own energy Not being in integrity with who I am Not feeling free The fear of prosecution The fear of being judged The fear of losing my loved ones Old vows and promises that are no longer valid Denying the power of my own words and my own story Feeling abandoned Feeling abandoned by God Losing my connection to nature Not trusting God Not believing in myself
Karen Curry Parker
My grandmother had a major stroke 10 years before she died. This left her wheelchair bound and living with limited perception.  Before we brought her home to live with us so that we could take care of her, she had a long stay in a rehab center. She often didn’t recognize our faces, but she always knew our voices.  As soon as she heard any of us talking in the hallway - even though our voices were muffled through the door, she knew we were there.  We all have a unique voice.  Scientists can measure your voice sound signature and tell the difference between your voice and someone else’s voice.  You have a unique voice. And yet, as we grow up, we lose connection to our voice.  We learn to modify it, tone it down, make it more presentable and pleasant, filter what it says and turn it into an acceptable voice.  We say - or write - the things that are appropriate, that will make us more valuable and increase our perception of our ability to “play the game,” and be successful and correct in public. But if scientists were to measure your voice signature while you’re saying things you don’t really want to say in the name of being “polite,” they’d still be able to tell your voice apart from someone else’s. Being a creator - a relentlessly authentic creator - often means liberating your true voice.  Not just having a signature measurable vibration that scientists can assign as being “yours,” but to make sure that the words you speak or write or the art you create actually matches the unique signature of your voice.  For most of us that means that we have to dig deep and remember our True Voice.  We have to ask ourselves key questions such as: Who would I be if I wasn’t told to become the person I’ve been pretending to be? Who would I be if I wasn’t the person I was told I “should” become? Who would I be if I wasn’t the person I was told to be? This often begs of us to explore what would we say if we weren’t pretending to be someone we aren’t?  These questions can be profoundly uncomfortable and yet simultaneously liberating.  Questions that, ultimately, can transform your creative self-expression into a passionate, authentic, and sustainable practice.  This doesn’t always have to be a trauma-riddled deep dive, although if these questions trigger some grief over the loss of your voice, may I gently recommend that you allow yourself to mourn for your lost voice.  The good news is that this awareness can actually allow you to bring your authentic voice back and share it whole-heartedly with the world.  I invite you to start this week with a simple exploration that, in and of itself, might be a wildly liberating query.  Begin with this question: What do I long to tell the world?  What do you want to sing from the rooftops?  What do you sometimes have to fight to keep yourself from blurting out at the dinner table? What is your Heart begging you to say? Those words - that longing - THAT’s the resonance of your Authentic Voice rattling the cage where you’ve hidden it away. What do you long to tell the world? May this week be the week when you begin to remember Who You Truly Are - and recover your True Voice.  May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world. Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at Produced by Number Three Productions,
Here’s to a Year of Reckless, Creative Abandon!
Happy New Year! Every year we start with intentions to do better, to grow, and to expand who we are.  For Creatives, that means setting intentions to push your creative boundaries further than you’ve pushed them before, to stretch yourself and find the courage to open the door to your Heart and share your creative contribution with the world.  One of the biggest places I see Creatives stop themselves short is “imposter syndrome,” the fear that you’re trying to be “greater” than you really are. Here’s the deal.  True imposters don’t have “imposter syndrome.”  Whenever we seek to grow and expand beyond the known, following the inner promptings of our Muse, compelling us to explore every curve and bend of the chamber that contains our creative genius, we’re not really capable of duplicating what someone else has created.  We each have our own creative path to follow.  It’s a path that is born of the unique combination of our soul’s intentions, our ancestral lineage, and the narratives we tell about ourselves that are rooted in the soil of our own lived experience.  No matter how hard you think you’re “imitating” someone else, you simply can’t.  Think about this: even the best forgeries can’t imitate original works of art without eventually getting caught. “Imposter syndrome” is really “comparison syndrome,” the death knell of all creative urgings.  You will never create and fulfill your creative intentions if you’re looking over your shoulder to see if you’re doing it like someone else.  You are a once-in-a-cosmic-lifetime-event.  There has never been anyone like you before and there will never be anyone like you again. You simply can’t create like anyone else because you have your very own creative curriculum to explore in this lifetime. You have a unique, vital, and irreplaceable role to play on the planet.  This is a role that only you can make. When we shut down our creative longings because we compare them to the quality of someone else’s creative journey, we fail to fulfill our true life’s purpose. Your life purpose is to fully express all of who you are.  It’s not about getting it right, or perfect, or like Michelangelo… It’s the act of fearlessly challenging yourself to craft your talent, to surge towards the most excellent expression of your unique creative contribution and to find the most aligned articulation of your soul that you can muster.  This alignment IS what you’re here to give the world.  This alignment IS your life purpose and the embodiment of your life’s work. They say that art transforms the world.  It’s not the end result - the paintings, the poems, the songs - that change the world.  It’s the unmitigated pursuit of our relentlessly authentic creative drive that transforms the world. You being YOU is the purpose of your life.   No one else can do that the way you can. Here’s to a year of reckless creative abandon and wild, ungoverned explosions of self-expression! We are honored to be a part of your creative journey.  May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world. Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at
Creatives are Magicians of the Highest Order
Creativity is the spark that begins the scientific process.  A good scientist, technological innovator or industrial genius is first and foremost a creative.  What good is a hypothesis if it’s not initiated by the Creative Spark?  We must be mystified by the magic of potential and the promise of possibility.  As we emerge into 2022, we are not only healing the miasma of the trauma of the disconnect from our creative essence, we’re stepping into our power, activating our voices, amplifying our healing powers, and releasing anything that is holding us back from fully BEING Creatives. We are remembering the Words to speak with, Words that will build the energetic template of what’s to come and serve as a vortex of power drawing to us the details necessary to heal and construct our future. We are remembering the Ways to let Magic flow into the world, uncovering ancient pathways and wisdom, harnessing new understandings, and allowing our bodies to be vessels for the flow of the Divine and servants of our creative muse. May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world.   Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at Produced by Number Three Productions,

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Read Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker podcast reviews

5 out of 5
3 reviews
sweetgloss 2022/01/04
Amazing ‼️
Thank you for simplifying things I binge listened to every episode. Can’t wait for the next one, my only wish is that they are longer.
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