My Brother, My Brother And Me

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29475 reviews
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712 episodes
Date created
Average duration
65 min.
Release period
8 days


Free advice from three of the world's most qualified, most related experts: Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy. For one-half to three-quarters of an hour every Monday, we tell people how to live their lives, because we're obviously doing such a great job of it so far.

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MBMBaM 699: The Platonic Dad
Don't worry if you missed out on the pop culture zeitgeist in the big sport event! We've got the rundown on everything you missed: not going in twisters, anti-Valentines, Jon Bovie the cow musician, and hedgehog-adjacent tater tots. Suggested talking points: Caffeine Porridge, An R2-D2 Full of Bath Bombs, Skibidi Valentines, Dolly Parton Drifting The Marsha P. Johnson Institute
MBMBaM 698: Don't Piss on a Shark
This might be the closest we’ve come to an actual argument, but we worked it out all for the sake of giving you our best advice. Of course, at least one brother is very wrong about peeing in the ocean, the Dune vs Avatar debate, and breaking up via pizza. Suggested talking points: Bummed Out Popcorn Bucket, Glasses on, Hair Up, Men's Riddle Activist, We All Have Our Darude Within Us, Swingey Todd The Marsha P. Johnson Institute
MBMBaM 697: Vamples
Can you believe the Oscar mnomnations came out recently-ish? Congrats to the narminees: Jeff Dunham's puppets, the house across the street, Charles Entertainment Cheese, and the Cream Gentleman. Good luck to all those nerminated! Suggested talking points: Retirement is Death to a Puppet, Presidential Taco Bell, Damage to His Fun Centers, Jasper T. Jowl's Howlin' Hootenanny, I Don't Want Love, I want Donuts The Marsha P. Johnson Institute
MBMBaM 696: Robo Wants an Oreo
We're getting our pitch together for billionaire Cube Markan and his friend Bald Randy. We have so many good business ideas we don't even know where to start: Ask me A Brother, Robert Cop, shopping mall snacks. Once we get in with Cube we'll chuck some ducats and make some buckets! Suggested talking points: Hot Dead Famous People, Burner Brothers, Foot-Long Cookie Paddles, TravWife World Central Kitchen:
MBMBaM 695: Snuffling for Gubbins
GET FIRED UP this Friday . . . Monday . . . because we're going treasure-hunting! You never know where you might find an antique violin, or an AI Companion, or maybe even wings with bones. Suggested talking points: That's Not a Time, Grown Friend without Secrets, Crotch Emergency, Child's Basement Rainboots, Jeremy Lupin, Cousin Fazolis World Central Kitchen:
MBMBaM 694: Pre-Show Pzizz
This episode is coming to you, TravNation, hot from the high seas, where anything and everything is legal! That includes spaghetti showers, ham whittling, and your dad's LSD. We're gonna be here for a while, at least until the Merfolk invade the land. Suggested talking points: Scurvalicious, Embrace Bouyancy, Wild Hog Soul, White Beyond our Years, Don't Touch Me Until I've Had My Shower World Central Kitchen:
MBMBaM 693: Run, Don't Wonk
The most anticipated film is finally out in theaters and we're so excited that we're cussing up a storm. It's good there isn't a sign to stop us for this uncensored discussion about new gizmos, salty coffee, and the strongest Beatle. Suggested talking points: Farewell to a Friend for The Clapper, Don't Call Santa Be Santa, Bart Simpsons Curse-Free Zone, Arm Truss, Where Are Triceps, Sweet Meets Salty For Your Cup of Coffee World Central Kitchen:
MBMBaM 692: The Naming of 2024
Never before have we faced such a challenge as this: coming up with a year name that rhymes with "four". It's so unusual that it even caused a shift in the brother energy, so now there's a new Justin and we sure hope he remembers his Mavis Beacon lessons. Suggested talking points: Not Every Bridge Goes to Somewhere, Limited Totemic Energy, The MB in MBMBaM is Mavis Beacon, Painted with the Color of Paranoia World Central Kitchen:
MBMBaM 691: The Sword of Good Grades
Rip yourself a fresh baguette, in half or length-wise, chug that 84% fresh milk, and grab your sword the size of a cookie sheet. It’s time for a training montage before seeing Wonka, as long as you keep your grades up. Suggested talking points: Mild Piquant of Griffin, Wonka Nate Silver, The Elder Statesman of Fish Throwing, The Smart Swordsman Doesn't Lose, A Yucky Phonetic Journey Harmony House:
MBMBaM 690: Freewheeling Josh Types
It took some time to compile, but it’s finally here: our Wonka gift guide. Share this extensive line of movie tie-in merchandise with your family and friends. Things like Wolf Blitzer Buddy Comedy, tiny truck nuts, and Noodle. Suggested talking points: Tell Hugh if His Face is in the Movie, All Interpretations of Noodle are Valid, Grumpus McElroy, Big Package for the Little Package, The Mind is Not an Immortal Machine, Josh Outta Hell Harmony House:
MBMBaM 689: I Live in the Walls of Downton Abbey
Time is running out to talk about all the Wonka-verse tie-ins, and we're already falling behind! So it's a rapid-fire session about Wonka the Chocolate King, purple pancakes, DDR, and voting on airplanes. Suggested talking points: JSMR, Chalamet-Bounding, Sinskull Shamy, Dragon Drop, Toilet Risotto, Shoes or No Shoes Harmony House:
MBMBaM 688: Face 2 Face: You Can’t Boo Through the Whole Thing
This was during a very important sport game, so thank you Philadelphia for coming to the beautiful Miller Theater instead. We know how much Philly loves their sports, but we also learned they have a lot of feelings about other things, like large bees, studying, Step Mania, and Dolph Lundgren. Suggested talking points: Dog Bees Got Wolfman Magic, Loudest Baddest Idea, The Curse of Pocket Grandpa, 12-year-old What Got Bigged, Salt Knuckles, Who is the Chief of the Munch Squad, Fix Our Special Food, Easy and Good Cheating Fair Elections Center:

Podcast reviews

Read My Brother, My Brother And Me podcast reviews

4.9 out of 5
29475 reviews
Robiticus 2024/02/20
Jon Bovi
Please make this shirt. Thanksss.
auwalker 2024/01/25
Very Nice
Just a couple of real rowdy boys
John Roderick
Instead of reaching out to Roderick to have a private conversation with their longtime friend and associate, they dogpiled on… Et tu, Brute?
checktest80 2024/01/28
The judges of all things problematic
A. Barbel 2024/01/20
Been listening since 2015, just now rating
Three brothers take on "giving advice" and a handful of other bits. If you are coming into this podcast blind to the McElroy sphere of influence, it w...
POG!{!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2024/01/16
It good
WondercatzzzZ5641 2024/01/13
Brings joy
Always brightens my day and gets at minimum one actual laugh out of me each episode. Got me through these last 6 months of a rough time
instanttaylor 2023/12/26
Continually Great with Massive Relistenability
This podcast has been so amazing for me over the last couple years it’s hard to put into words. Three wonderful people being who they are is so refres...
RabbitMedic 2024/01/08
Frankly the show hasn’t been good for a while now.
What was once a great advice style podcast with lots of good goofs, is now a wonka fan fiction podcast. Ever since yahoo left and “the wizard” took ov...
1453worstyearofmylife 2023/12/13
Wonka watch
I love my good boys and have been listening for years. I’ve been loving all the Wonka coverage cause it’s hilarious but they haven’t brought up the co...
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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