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31 episodes
Date created
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5 min.
Release period
2 days


A lot happens in Boston every day. To help you keep up, WBUR, Boston's NPR News station, pulled these stories together just for you.

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Trump, Haley and the Mass GOP's future is on the primary ballot
Trump is the dominant force among the Massachusetts GOP, but Nikki Haley supporters insist the fight for the nomination is not over.
Steward Health Care has kept financial information secret for years. Now, it faces a demand
Massachusetts requires all hospital systems to disclose detailed financial statements every year. But almost a decade ago, Steward stopped complying with this rule, according to state officials. Steward failed to hand over its documents by the Healey administration's deadline Friday.
Community behavioral health centers in Mass. see big demand for one-stop mental health care
The 26 centers, spread across Massachusetts, are part of a state initiative to increase access to mental health care.
Study: 42% of American adults know someone who died from an overdose
An estimated 42% of adults in the U.S. — roughly 125 million people — know at least one person who has died of a drug overdose, according to a RAND Corporation study published Wednesday that demonstrates the sweeping effects of America’s drug overdose crisis.
How Boston played an 'instrumental' role in the Underground Railroad
Morning Edition host Rupa Shenoy sat down with historian Kellie Carter Jackson to learn a piece of Boston's Black History. She's an associate professor at Wellesley College who focuses on slavery and abolition and a historian in residence for the Museum of African American History in Boston.
Harvard's Hasty Pudding Theatricals celebrates its 175th student production
Peter Sagal, host of NPR's Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me! was part of the club and productions when he was a student at Harvard in the 1980s. He looks back in conversation with WBUR's Lisa Mullins and the theater group's current president, Josh Hillers.
Pregnant newcomers to Mass. can face hurdles when seeking care
As Massachusetts grapples with an increase in new immigration, medical care is one of the challenges. This is particularly true for people who are pregnant. Patients and medical teams report hungry patients as well as questions about who will care for older kids when a single parent is delivering a baby.
Milton vote could harm efforts to expand affordable housing across state, says UMass Boston prof.
Milton is the only one of twelve communities in Greater Boston that failed to comply with the MBTA Communities Act by the end of 2023, as the law mandated. UMass Boston Prof. Michael Johnson says he fears that will embolden other communities to defy the law, which believes is a good law that will increase the supply of affordable housing.
Milton voters reject multifamily rezoning plan
The plan would have brought the town into compliance with a state law that requires towns and cities along MBTA corridors to allow for higher density housing.
How the immigration debate is roiling Mass. politics
In one local example, Republican Peter Durant won his election last year to the state Senate after immigration became a dominant topic in the campaign.
One-way streets, the T and hip-hop on the radio. Your letters to Boston
What are the snapshot moments that make Boston home? Is it navigating a maze of one-way streets from memory? Walking through Forest Hills Cemetery with a giant iced Dunkin’? Memories of your Boston neighborhood? We asked, you answered. These are your letters to Boston.
The key to a penguin's heart? Oily fish and a plastic crate
The New England Aquarium participates in a species survival plan to protect endangered African penguins from extinction. A key part of the program is carefully controlled breeding to preserve the species’ genetic diversity.

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4.2 out of 5
39 reviews
hopethedog 2021/10/12
Great local source
I’ve been looking for an audio version of local news. Perfect!
MKULTRA83 2023/04/07
Objective, local news and weather would be nice. Not this hysterical nonsense.
Sandycat72929 2020/05/11
Disgusted and disappointed to see you had the Worcester pastor who is defying state orders to hold church gatherings on to hear “his side”. He is NOT ...
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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