Out Of Office: A Travel Podcast

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264 reviews
This podcast has
170 episodes
Date created
Average duration
50 min.
Release period
16 days


Out of Office is a travel podcast hosted by us, Ryan Davis and Kiernan Schmitt. From early childhood, we were each infected with a serious case of wanderlust (among other things.) We define travel broadly, from local day trips to high-flyin’ overseas adventures. Every episode, we dig into one topic—ranging from the serious to the silly, the practical to the outlandish—and give advice on how to get out there and explore the world.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Out Of Office: A Travel Podcast podcast

James Beard Foundation Awards
In this episode of "Out of Office: A Travel Podcast," Ryan speaks with Dawn Padmore, Vice President of Awards at the James Beard Foundation, about the newly released list of semi-finalists and how the JBF discovers these exceptional restaurants across the United States. Additionally, Ryan and Kiernan share some of their favorites from the list. The JBF: https://www.jamesbeard.org/ Semi-Finalists List: https://www.jamesbeard.org/blog/the-2024-james-beard-awards-semifinalists Notre Dame Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/notre-dame/id1438098925?i=1000436877749
NYT Travel Editor Amy Virshup Talks 52 Places In 2024
On this episode of “Out of Office: A Travel Podcast,” Kiernan talks to Amy Virshup, the Travel Editor of the New York Times, about the paper’s just released “52 Places to Visit in 2024” list. Plus, the boys launch a new segment called “The Judy Alert” to help Ryan’s mother determine whether her son is in danger. Things we talk about in this week’s episode: “52 Places to Go in 2024” https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/travel/places-to-travel-destinations-2024.html  Quito, Ecuador episode https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quito-ecuador/id1438098925?i=1000610538652  Ecuador Travel Advisory https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/ecuador-travel-advisory.html  White House Press Release on Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/08/08/fact-sheet-president-biden-designates-baaj-nwaavjo-itah-kukveni-ancestral-footprints-of-the-grand-canyon-national-monument/   
Stowe, Vermont
On this episode of “Out of Office: A Travel Podcast,” the boys revisit their 2023 Travel New Year’s Resolutions, set down some new ambitions, respond to some SCATHING listener reviews, and then relax into full New England Winter Mode with a city guide to Stowe, Vermont. Things we talk about in this week’s episode: Vermont Covered Bridges https://www.vermontbridges.com/goldbrk.htm#:~:text=The%20Gold%20Brook%20Bridge%20in%20Stowe%2C%20built%20in%201844%2C%20is,Vermont's%20Howe%20truss%20railroad%20spans.  Stowe Mountain Resort https://gostowe.com/listing/stowe-mountain-resort/ Trapp Family Lodge https://www.trappfamily.com/about-us.htm  Stowe Recreation Path https://www.stowerec.org/parks-facilities/rec-paths/stowe-recreation-path/   Bear Pond Books https://stowebooks.com/  Idletyme Brewing Company https://idletymebrewing.com/ Alchemist Beer https://alchemistbeer.com/  “25 Stunning Sites in South America” by The Discoverer https://www.thediscoverer.com/blog/25-stunning-sites-south-america/XvHyVpKgiwAG5ann?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2004919419 Japanese Plane Collision https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/02/world/asia/tokyo-haneda-plane-fire.html  Alaska Airlines Boeing Loses a Door Plug Midflight  https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/07/us/alaska-airlines-boeing-passengers.html   
Christmas Spectacular Six
Grab your nog, it’s the annual OOO Christmas Spectacular where the boys put aside their passports to focus on Santa’s operational efficiencies and Sesame Street Christmas music. Things we talk about in this week’s episode: Rankin Bass Musicals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rankin/Bass_Animated_Entertainment  Freeze Miser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEbFfoBPfw4  The Largest Nativity Scene in South America https://www.expreso.ec/ocio/cultura/cuenca-reclama-pesebre-grande-latinoamerica-173858.html  “Santa Baby” by Ariana Grande https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlR0MkrRklg   Cookie Monster’s “12 Days of Christmas” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQCmsuK-Lmw  Ugly Sweater Ornament https://www.ebay.com/itm/255838445784?hash=item3b9128e0d8:g:Uj4AAOSwodVjeaGy&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8NPxIqG7TEJv1y5rq1ngNG9jrGcrhJezWdhmJou2WW3KRzFtstVU77F2rBgYqUVIGP%2FOuTkPbL09UTcSjPoyXy7TJRs5s8aCpCpqz4C%2FU4Ym%2F4cP%2BNrvCbzs4Hc4gIkqx2uZXJFhWyT%2BB3HqTtzxOFLuzeWvjTOmvF%2Bo1REtDZhOxtuRqLBaTwwoNpLZhq%2B550zP5Qaw%2Ba%2BpSyt1HNJMpJF0OdHdKPKCXtN%2BDHNOdgnStEqShRLcQLhiz2Ngnrp4SGQQKQO%2BohqLxrI0iGz8pksqxDSb0SjLR%2FgxG1yA6rylPFbvl3EBfTOHJruagIQlYQ%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4jryaSNYw Ugly Possum Ornament https://www.jdevlinglassart.com/bac-185-possum-ornament/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAj_CrBhD-ARIsAIiMxT84-U1us_3R7qrv4OkXqRFy_GWNyikBaBFlB6SgDuxyP4TcVLy45rcaAhhaEALw_wcB   
Guayaquil, Ecuador
This week on the pod, join Ryan as he explores Guayaquil, Ecuador's largest city. Discover a Millennial Malecon, delve into miniature history museums teeming with pirates, and encounter feral iguanas. Also, stay tuned as Kiernan learns what a chameleon is. Things we talk about in this week’s episode: Quito Episode: https://outofofficepod.com/podcast/episode-149-quito-ecuador/ https://apnews.com/article/ecuador-crime-cocaine-fernando-villavicencio-4f96684926c2600e2483373555a7cf42 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malec%C3%B3n_2000 https://www.lonelyplanet.com/ecuador/pacific-coast-and-lowlands/guayaquil/attractions/museo-en-miniatura-guayaquil-en-la-historia/a/poi-sig/1504404/363353 https://www.theworlds50best.com/discovery/Establishments/Ecuador/Guayaquil/Casa-Juli%C3%A1n.html https://www.theworlds50best.com/discovery/Establishments/Ecuador/Guayaquil/Mikka.html The Last Stop: Ryan: Z-Food in Quito (https://zfoodquito.com/) Kiernan: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/20/us/death-valley-lake.html   
Shakespeare Travel for the Big Folio 400
This week on the pod, Kiernan takes us to merry old England to visit sites related to William Shakespeare in honor of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the First Folio. Without the Folio, we would likely have lost half—HALF!—of Shakespeare’s plays. Libraries around the world will be hosting special events throughout the year, and there’s never been a better time to head to the theatre! Things we talk about in this week’s episode: Ryan’s OTHER podcast Red Pen https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/red-pen-a-grammar-podcast/id1658608663  Folio 400 https://folio400.com/where-are-they/  Panda Diplomacy https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/08/us/politics/panda-zoo-china.html  Atlanta Zoo https://zooatlanta.org/activity-type/wild-encounters/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5pxOo1X0nXLy7cGyxIpUqgR-UgVVrsz2trHpg2aUUxlotA-4Pp-j6_hoCQtEQAvD_BwE  NYer article about Panda Mating https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/09/02/bears-do-it  Folio anniversary write-ups we like https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/03/books/review/shakespeares-first-folio-turns-400.html  https://www.lrb.co.uk/blog/2023/november/the-first-folio-at-400  Misc: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/theater-floorboards-shakespeare-uncovered-2376341  
Bear Safety
On this week’s episode of “Out of Office: A Travel Podcast,” Kiernan teaches Ryan how to protect himself from bears, and not the Fire Island-type. National Parks Bear Safety https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/idkt_bears.htm  Bear Spray https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/species/livingwithwildlife/bears/pdfs/bear_spray_what_you_should_know.pdf  Critter Gitter Sensor https://crittergittersensor.com/  Futuro House https://www.wboc.com/news/kent-county-futuro-house-nears-national-historic-register-landing/article_44c49dca-6e0d-11ee-a74d-671f80e01aed.html?fbclid=IwAR3h371CgsAgIFynOBhO9yJhGHkOMC4XOaVIjCiTp8lnoGzdbNGnyTFCAP4  Ark Encounter https://arkencounter.com/   
Ryan's Adventure In Bahía Solano, Colombia
Join Ryan as he recounts his recent adventure in Bahía Solano, Colombia. Encounter tall, handsome motorcycle drivers, majestic whales, Colombian Huck Finns, and baby turtles. Don’t miss Ryan's many exhilarating experiences crossing multiple bridges. Things We Talked About in Today's Episode:  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ooopodcast/ Airbnb: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/917672623315797476?source_impression_id=p3_1697708123_XGHn8l8m1zAwtWd6 Turtles: https://www.instagram.com/tortugasdelpacifico/ Coolest Bar In Town: https://www.utriahostel.com/ The Bitch:  https://www.amazon.com/Bitch-Pilar-Quintana/dp/164286059X
Rick Steves!
In honor of the “Out of Office: A Travel Podcast” 5 year anniversary, Kiernan landed a big interview: travel luminary Rick Steves. Rick has been THE dream guest for the boys since Day 1 and he’s finally here in studio. Kiernan and Rick talk European sightseeing, the ins-and-outs of travel book writing, and why Portugal is better than Orlando, FL.  Is it the end of The Quest for Rick Steves or the beginning of The Great Kiernan-Rick Bromance? Things we talk about in this week’s episode: Everything Rick Steves https://www.ricksteves.com/   Rick Steves’ Europe Season 12 https://www.ricksteves.com/tv-programmers/season/twelve  The Last Stop:  Stuff You Should Know: Night of the Grizzlies https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/night-of-the-grizzlies/id278981407?i=1000630016148   Banff Grizzly Deaths https://www.npr.org/2023/10/02/1203036630/bear-attack-couple-dies-canada-banff
National Park “Field Trip” with WashPo’s Lillian Cunningham
On this week’s episode, Kiernan talks to Washington Post journalist and podcaster Lillian Cunningham about her fantastic 5-episode National Park podcast “Field Trip.” They talk about environmental disasters, how Native American communities relate to the Parks, and the challenges of making audio stories about highly visual landscapes.  Plus, RYAN VISITS BOSTON. Things we talk about in this week’s episode: “Field Trip” https://www.washingtonpost.com/podcasts/field-trip/  “Presidential” https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/podcasts/presidential/  Rich Men North of Richmond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqSA-SY5Hro  Spoke in Somerville http://www.spokewinebar.com/  Chez Baldwin https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/exhibitions/chez-baldwin  Plum Island https://www.newburyport.com/plum-island-beach/  Bob Lobster https://boblobster.com/
Watching Movies on Airplanes
On this week’s episode, Kiernan and Ryan discuss their sometimes divergent philosophies of what makes a perfect airplane movie, the best thing to do with your screen if you’re not using it, and why you don’t want to sit in front of Ryan when he’s engaged in a heated round of Tetris.  Things we talk about in this week’s episode: Fail Foliage Map: https://smokymountains.com/fall-foliage-map/ Last Stop: https://www.roerich.org/ https://www.factorytoursusa.com/ Rate and Review Us: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/out-of-office-a-travel-podcast/id1438098925 Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ooopodcast/
On this week’s episode, Ryan takes us between two oceans to Panama. Pirates, Teddy Roosevelt, and propeller planes: what more could you want in an episode? Things we talk about in this week’s episode: https://www.amazon.com/Gods-Favorite-Novel-Lawrence-Wright/dp/1416562478 Restaurants:  Fonda Lo Que Hay  Intimo Restaurante  Maito Restaurante  Cantina del Tigre  https://www.amazon.com/Path-Between-Seas-Creation-1870-1914/dp/0671244094 https://www.museodelcanal.com/en/book-here/  https://barefootpanama.com/ https://www.audacy.com/podcast/search-engine-c67a8/episodes/wait-should-i-not-be-drinking-airplane-coffee-39823

Podcast reviews

Read Out Of Office: A Travel Podcast podcast reviews

4.7 out of 5
264 reviews
nutellakell 2024/01/29
My favorite travel podcast!
You guys are awesome! Love all your location-based episodes especially. Also as a fellow Bostonian who lived in Bushwick for two years, I feel such a...
E2179 2024/02/12
So much nonsense banter...
I have tried to get into this pod, again and again, I will download an episode but the 15 minutes of banter is too much... these guys are possibly the...
Archibald Livingston 2024/01/22
Ryan rules
Finally a travel podcaster that does things I actually would want to do. Natty wine and gay bars? Yes please! It’s actually so impressive the travelin...
Jeanne from PA 2024/01/21
Entertaining and informative
Was looking for London travel info and found the first timers to London episode and found it helpful. Then listened to Stowe 👍👍 really enjoyable.
HafaAdaiEpa 2024/01/21
Out of Office
I enjoy the banter between these two guys! They always make me laugh…or at least smile😉. I enjoy their individual perspectives on their travel topi...
Phamer55 2024/01/18
Ryan is the best, Kieran is pretty good too!
Love this podcast, definitely worth a 5 star rating. Even if I'm not particularly interested in the location they are discussing, I still find the ep...
Mraley13 2023/12/24
Y’all never disappoint!
As a listener for several months, I always look forward to your next episode! I am especially enjoying listening to your Christmas special as wrap th...
Jennmer 2024/01/02
You lost me less than 2 minutes into the Medellin episode when stating “oh nothing drug regulated ha ha ” when discussing the attractions your guest w...
cargillf 2023/10/25
Map please
Love the podcast, went to Norway and Colombia recently and really enjoyed the Colombian episodes, don’t know if there are Norway episodes. This inspir...
Greg Paré 2023/10/18
Fun and informative
I have been looking for a travel podcast that fills in the week between Rick Steves episodes for quite some time and never found one to be worthwhile ...
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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