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463 reviews
This podcast has
812 episodes
Date created
Average duration
66 min.
Release period
3 days


Sickboy is determined to break down the stigma associated with illness and disease. Join Jeremie, Brian and Taylor as they tackle health taboos with people who have experienced them firsthand. Taking the lead from Jeremie's life long battle with Cystic Fibrosis, the three best friends help us understand that sometimes the best way to deal with illness, disease and life is simply to laugh.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Sickboy podcast

Help Us Find A Kidney For Ellie
In this heart-tugging episode, the fellas dive into a tale of resilience, love, and the complexities of kidney transplantation with one ultimate goal - finding a Kidney for our dear friend, Ellie. Ellie is a rockstar nurse battling kidney disease. She opens up about her journey through kidney failure, dialysis, and the quest for a second transplant after her first one has hit a rough patch. Ellie's story is nothing short of a rollercoaster. She sheds light on the emotional and logistical hurdles of finding a kidney match, all while juggling life with her superhero partner, Keegan, and contemplating the future of their family. But it doesn’t end there! Jeremie then chats with Candice Coghlan from the Centre for Living Organ Donation, who brings her own kidney transplant tale and heaps of knowledge about the kidney-paired exchange program. Candice debunks transplant myths, giving us the lowdown on how we can play a part in this life-saving process. To cap it all off, the boys share a laugh over a bizarre encounter with a patient simulation robot that's eerily reminiscent of a 10-year-old boy, because what's a deep dive into medical marvels without a touch of Chucky being sliced open over and over again before ultimately turning on his “care providers”? Here’s the thing folks. This isn’t just another episode of Sickboy. This is a mission. Help us find a kidney for Ellie! For more information check out the links below. Key Takeaways - Kidney disease can have a significant impact on a person's life, requiring dialysis and potentially multiple kidney transplants. - Finding a compatible donor for a kidney transplant can be challenging, especially for individuals with a high level of antibodies. - Kidney disease can affect decisions about family planning, and options such as freezing eggs may be considered. - The kidney-paired exchange program increases the chances of finding a compatible kidney for transplantation. - Donating a kidney can save someone's life, and individuals can enter the program as directed donors or non-directed anonymous donors. - Living with kidney disease can take away the ability to feel carefree, but it can also foster empathy for others. - Nurses play a crucial role in the healthcare system and are often underappreciated and undervalued. - Spreading awareness about the kidney donation program can help more people find suitable donors. - The kidney paired exchange program allows people with living donors who are not compatible to find a suitable match through a national registry. - Potential kidney donors go through a rigorous evaluation process to ensure they are healthy enough to donate. - Living kidney donors can live healthy, normal lives with just one kidney. In the event of a potential organ donor, please call (902) 473-2222 and have the on-call Donor Transplant Coordinator at the QEII paged. Follow Ellie's story on Instagram: @kidneyforellie Find more information on UHN Transplant: - - - Instagram: @givelifeuhn Follow Sickboy: Instagram: Tiktok: Discord: Support Sickboy: Patreon -
ANNOUNCEMENT: Sickboy is Evolving - The Future of the Podcast
This is it. The end of Sickboy... as you've come to know it that is. This is the final FGF episode but fear not! We're not going anywhere. We're just evolving. It’s been almost ten years and hundreds of episodes since we sat down and recorded our first episode, which is crazy. For those of you who’ve been listening from the start, we love you so much! And today we have some big news. Starting next week, we’re experimenting with a fresh new format to bring you one epic episode a week full of all elements that make Sickboy what it is — We can't begin to express how much we love you for your continued support. With that, lets throw back to the very first Feel Good Friday recording we ever did.
Sperm Superfoods: Eating Your Way to a Baby
Are those late-night snacks whispering secrets about your swimmers? In this episode, the fellas dive deep into the world of baby-making, but not in the way you might think. They sit down with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack and Lily Nichols, the brilliant minds behind "Real Food for Fertility," a book on how preconception nutrition and lifestyle choices support your health and vitality and lay the essential groundwork for your baby's development. The gang chew over everything from the mysteries of menstrual cycles to the nitty-gritty of nutrition for your swimmers. Ever wondered if that pea protein shake is messing with your mojo or why the quality of sperm is becoming a hot topic? We're talking the good, the bad, and the fertile, breaking down myths and munching on facts about what really goes into making a baby. Whether you're actively on the baby train or just curious about how your diet affects your fertility, this chat is packed with insights that'll have you looking at your dinner plate and lifestyle choices a little differently. Key Takeaways: - Understanding menstrual cycles and fertility awareness can help individuals and couples make informed decisions about contraception and conception. - Optimizing nutrition, particularly protein intake and quality fats, can improve fertility outcomes for both men and women. - Pea protein has been studied for its potential contraceptive effects, but more research is needed to understand its impact on fertility. - Sperm quality is a crucial factor in fertility, and guidelines for what is considered 'normal' may not reflect optimal fertility. - Reevaluating sperm quality guidelines and addressing male fertility issues are important steps in improving overall fertility outcomes. Detailed sperm analysis is important to assess sperm count, motility, and morphology. - Improving diet quality and taking targeted supplements can enhance sperm morphology and motility. - Certain nutrients, such as vitamin A, selenium, zinc, and folate, play a vital role in sperm quality. - Pregnancy cravings can be influenced by nutrient deficiencies or emotional factors, and finding healthier alternatives is encouraged. - Factors like diet quality, exposure to chemicals, sedentary lifestyles, and metabolic conditions may contribute to the decline in sperm count. Relevant Links: - Lisas Podcast: Fertility Friday Radio: - Real Food For Fertility Book: - Lilly Nichols Website: - Lisa Hendrickson-Jack’s Website: - For more of Lisa on tracking mensuration listen to Turn Me On Episode 200: Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!
When You're Drowning, Become A Fish: Caring For A Child With Cancer
In a world where the only thing scarier than a monster under the bed is a diagnosis you can't pronounce, Sam Taylor steps into the Sickboy studio to unravel the tale of her journey as a caregiver for her 12 year old daughter Ellie, who is battling rhabdomyosarcoma, a type of sarcoma. Amid the whirlwind of treatment schedules and medical jargon, Sam found solace in yoga mats and breathwork, proving that sometimes, the best armour against the unknown is a deep breath. With an open heart, she discusses the crucial role of communication, the unexpected therapy sessions that became their stronghold, and how a little podcast called the Deep C is turning into a beacon of hope for many. As the conversation dives into the depths of parental fears, challenges, and triumphs, it's clear that the true therapy lies in sharing these stories. So, buckle up as the fellas navigate through this emotional rollercoaster, reminding us that the strength of a parent's love knows no bounds, and sometimes, the most powerful medicine is an open conversation. Key Takeaways: - Open communication and support are crucial for children and parents navigating a cancer diagnosis. - Leaving the door open for conversation and providing emotional support can help children process their experiences. - Therapy can be a valuable resource for children and parents, providing a safe space to process emotions and seek support. - The transition after treatment can be challenging for parents and caregivers, and ongoing support is essential. - Sharing experiences and connecting with others who have gone through similar situations can provide comfort and a sense of community. Relevant Links: - Check out The Deep C podcast: - Campfire Circle: - Pediatric Rhabdo Facebook Group: Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!
Period Pads From The Future?!
Who knew your period could be your personal health detective? Picture this: A period pad that does more than just catch blood—it catches diseases, too! Enter the Q-pad, a brainchild of biotech innovation that's transforming the way we approach personal health screenings. With over a thousand tweaks and the aid of a menstruating robot named Betty, this FDA-approved marvel allows for easy at-home disease detection, from diabetes to cervical cancer. But the boys don't stop there; they dive deep into the alarming rise of STIs, spotlighting the syphilis epidemic that's hitting hard across the nation. With cases skyrocketing, they stress the importance of awareness and testing. Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!
Patient to Pioneer: Emmy's Research in Healthcare Transitions
A new generation of bright minds is storming academia, and Emmy Schuler is leading the charge, armed with innovative ideas to mend the cracks in our fractured healthcare system. This week on Routine Checkup, the boys dive into the world of psychosocial support with Emmy Schuler, a Master's student and researcher who’s turning the spotlight on the hidden struggles of living with chronic illness and infectious disease. From the bustling heart of Nashville, TN, Emmy brings her firsthand experience and academic prowess to unravel the complex tapestry of stigma, transition challenges from pediatric to adult healthcare, and the power of personal narratives. With a keen focus on diseases like HIV and tuberculosis, she’s not just studying the science; she's challenging societal norms and rewriting the script on how we view and treat the sick. Emmy’s journey from patient to researcher offers a unique perspective on the importance of integrating psychosocial support into healthcare, the critical gap in care for transitioning adolescents, and the transformative power of reshaping illness narratives. Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!
Reclaiming Femininity: MRKH and Women's Health
Imagine a world where your very identity is challenged by your body—this is where Rima Zigaitis reshapes the narrative. In today's episode, the boys sit down with Rima Zigaitis, a beacon of hope and empowerment for women grappling with life-altering diagnoses. Founder of Sumaavi Coaching, Rima's own journey through the maze of Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome—a condition that left her without a uterus, cervix, or vagina—fuels her mission. Beyond the physical, MRKH challenged Rima's very identity as a woman, a journey she candidly shares with the fellas. From misdiagnoses and surgeries to founding Sumaavi and forging partnerships with women's health nonprofits, Rima's tale is one of resilience, acceptance, and transformation. Delve into the nuances of MRKH, the emotional whirlwind of living with it, and how Rima is changing the narrative on women's health. This episode is a raw exploration of the challenges and triumphs faced by women like Rima, and a testament to the strength found in vulnerability. Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!"
BREAKING NEWS: Sex Dreams, Lupus Genes, and Rabbit Queens
"BREAKING NEWS - You heard it here first! Your laptop is killing your sperm! Strap in (or strap-on in taylors case?) for a wild ride on Feel Good Friday as the boys dive headfirst into a world where science fiction meets reality, sweaty naked dreams blur into revelations, and history takes a hop into the absurd. First up, we've got a tale that's rhino-sized in both heart and hope. Scientists are playing god in the savannah, using IVF to give endangered rhinos a shot at love and survival. Then, Taylor takes us on a personal journey through dreamland, where the lines of love and identity blur in unexpected ways. Spoiler alert, Taylor is one horny dog in his dreams and he’s down to take what he can get! On the scientific front, Jer breaks down a major breakthrough in lupus research. A bit science-heavy heavy so we had our Gen Z consultant translate for all the TikTok-loving-Zoomers out there. It's all about rogue receptors, gene glitches, Yeet this and slay that. In a combo of WHAT THE HELLTH & History Lessons For The Boys, a dive into the bizarre tale of Mary Toft, the woman who turned 18th-century England upside down with claims of birthing rabbits. Takeaways - There have been significant advancements in IVF technology, including the successful creation of a southern white rhino embryo through IVF. - Dreams can sometimes be confusing and may not necessarily reflect one's true sexual orientation. - Researchers have made progress in understanding the mechanisms behind lupus and have identified a critical gene mutation that triggers the disease. - The story of Mary Toft, who claimed to give birth to rabbits, highlights the fascination with sensationalized news in the past. Mary's hoax was eventually exposed by Richard Manningham's careful observation and investigation. - Upcoming episodes of Sickboy include discussions on M.R.K.H., the opioid crisis, and a caregiver's experience with her daughter's cancer. Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!"
Chronic - Representation of Disability in Film
Laurel and Brendan are a film making duo and creators of the award winning comedy drama short film CHRONIC! The film follows Frankie, played by Nadine Bhabaha (Letterkenny), who struggles to ​accept the harsh reality of a recent brain injury. Her denial persists until she reluctantly attends a birthday party from hell thrown by her inconsiderate best friend. This event becomes a wake-up call, prompting her to re-evaluate her friendships and her approach to life. The siblings join the fellas to dive into Laurel’s lived experience that inspired the film and the importance of representation of disability in film and art! You can watch CHRONIC now on YouTube! Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!
Gabor Maté: Healing with Laughter
In the world of human complexity, laughter and wisdom intertwine unexpectedly. Buckle up! The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here. Recorded live from the Biltmore Cabaret in Vancouver, the boys sit down with the legendary Dr. Gabor Maté for a live recording that's nothing short of a rollercoaster of emotions and insights. Dr. Gabor Maté, a maestro of emotions and connections, joins the fellas for a journey through the complexities of human development, focusing on the crucial elements of authenticity and attachment. The gang explores the delicate dance between staying true to oneself and forging strong connections with others, and how this tango impacts our mental and physical well-being. Dr. Maté then unveils his latest endeavour, 'Hello Again', a project aimed at mending and enriching the bonds between parents and their adult offspring. He navigates through the choppy waters of managing expectations and the paradoxical power of embracing disappointment to deepen relationships. The chat takes a profound turn as they delve into contemplations on death, the afterlife, and the art of fully embracing life in the face of mortality. And just when you think it can't get any more personal, the gang hits Dr. Maté with a volley of cheeky, rapid-fire questions, revealing a side of him you've never seen before – if you have ever wondered what Dr. Maté’s favourite emoji is, then you’ve come to the right place! Want to watch the video version of this special episode? Head on over to YouTube to catch all of the fun! Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!
RAGE!!! Health Hazard or Emotional Elixir?
They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but could a vein busting fit of rage do the same, depending on your time zone? This Feel Good Friday, the fellas are dissecting a mind-bending study that shows how getting angry in the USA could be messing with your health, while in Japan, it might just be the secret sauce to feeling great. The beauty of cultural differences. Now don’t go raging out just yet, because the gang are celebrating the heartwarming story of Jeff Rhinerson, Kentucky's first paid deputy with Down syndrome. Jeff's not just wearing a badge; he's rewriting the rules of inclusion and shining brighter than a star in his new role at the judicial center. On completely different note, do insects experience heartbreak? The boys look at study about lovelorn fruit flies who prove that even the tiniest creatures can teach us big lessons about love and stress. Spoiler alert: Getting ghosted isn't just a human problem! For WHAT THE HELLTH!? A medical marvel. The boys dive into the tale of a man, his double-lung transplant, and some rather unconventional methods involving DD breast implants. Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!
BLOOD: Busting Myths On Menstration With Dr. Jen Gunter
Ever wondered how a topic as natural as menstruation became a cocktail of myths and misinformation? Buckle up, because today, the fellas dive deep with the fearless Dr. Jen Gunter, a true crusader in demystifying women's health. Best known for her groundbreaking books 'The Vagina Bible' and 'The Menopause Manifesto,' Dr. Gunter is back to debunk myths with her latest masterpiece, 'BLOOD: The Science, Medicine, and Mythology of Menstruation.'From menstruation shame to the impact of the ‘Wellness industrial complex,’ Dr. Gunter sheds light on the social perceptions and misinformation shrouding menstruation. How does menstruation shame manifest and affect healthcare? What myths are perpetuated by health influencers and social media? And, let's get real about menstrual products – can tampons actually cause painful periods? Dr. Gunter, armed with scientific facts, medical expertise, and a fierce feminist perspective, is here to set the record straight. This episode is not just an eye-opener; it's a myth-buster on menstruation, healthcare, and society's skewed views. A conversation that's as enlightening as it is essential – you don't want to miss this one! BLOOD: The Science, Medicine, and Mythology of Menstruation is available now! Find Dr. Gunter here: Jen Gunter (@drjengunter) Twitter: Jennifer Gunter (@DrJenGunter) Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!

Podcast reviews

Read Sickboy podcast reviews

4.8 out of 5
463 reviews
Kentucky Girl35 2023/02/24
I live in America. I wish we had a podcast like this. If we do, I haven’t found it yet. I like how illness is brought to the forefront. Keep it up y’a...
NIKI HH 2022/12/23
Best podcast
This podcast is so interesting and funny and the only thing that gets me through school😭
Sarah Sorbel 2022/05/01
Science of Endometriosis episode
This episode is concerning, and I think the info she presented is outdated and sets the endo community back. Removing ovaries does not stop endo sympt...
Sascha4real 2022/03/21
Funny and factual
If you want to have a good time while at the same time reducing your ignorance this is the podcast. I literally l laugh out loud every episode
mintchocolatechip- 2020/09/29
fun, casual, sometimes serious insight into illnesses
I’m about twenty episodes in and I’m really enjoying the podcast. Brian, Jeremy, and Taylor all add a little bit of humor and fun into every episode. ...
Yerba Mate 2021/03/27
Please listen
I have listened since the beginning, but it seems like at times you aren’t listening. You were listening to somebody telling a tragedy and then it’s y...
SavRewilder 2021/01/23
Please Let the Guests Speak!
I like the content and the variety of illnesses represented on the show, but the hosts interrupt the guests way too much, and it detracts from the qua...
Alandbfbdhahabajjd 2020/10/19
This episode is not at all relatable, it also doesn’t reflect the struggles that people with t1d go through on a daily basis. Please try & have other ...
mikaelalynnann 2020/08/13
Real Conversations with a Laugh
Absolutely love love love the Sick Boy Podcast! I stumbled upon it on accident and now I can’t stop listening to it. So glad to cure my morbid curiosi...
Grew223342 2020/08/09
Love it
Learning so much not just about diseases and conditions but also and LIFE!!!! Love you boys!!
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