ABA Journal: Legal Rebels

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11 reviews
This podcast has
103 episodes
Date created
Average duration
37 min.
Release period
30 days


The ABA Journal Legal Rebels Podcast features men and women who are remaking the legal profession and highlights the pioneers who are changing the way law is practiced and setting the standards that will guide the profession in the future.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from ABA Journal: Legal Rebels podcast

Fall in love with legal technology at this year's ABA Techshow
What better way to spend Valentine’s Day than with your favorite lawyers, legal professionals, technologists and thought leaders who will be on hand to teach lucky conference goers about all the latest trends and developments in the field of legal technology?
Want to clear a criminal record? This lawyer has an app for that
The impact for people clearing their criminal records can be life-changing, leading to long-term employment and financial security. And research shows that it also helps prevent recidivism. But the path to expungement is not always easy, requiring people with criminal records to navigate an unfamiliar, costly and drawn-out process. That’s where lawyer Noella Sudbury comes in.
What were the top legal tech stories of 2023?
As 2023 draws to a close, the Legal Rebels Podcast looks at the top stories in legal technology for the year. Between the explosion in popularity of ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence tools, the continued use of virtual or hybrid working arrangements and the underwhelming mergers and acquisitions market, it was certainly an eventful year.
How this lawyer uses TikTok to skewer law firm culture
Legal professionals are not immune to the pull of platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and YouTube Shorts. Some are even using short-form videos to inform clients about their law practice; build their business or brand; or shed light on the culture of BigLaw, crafting short-form video content giving an insider look at the profession. Among them is Alex Su, a former lawyer and head of community development at Ironclad, a contract management software company.
How generative AI is already changing contract review
One of the areas that has already felt the effects of ChatGPT and other large language models is contracts. Users can now use these AI-enhanced tools to help them quickly draft, analyze and review contracts. All you have to do is type in what you want, and the tech does the rest. Of course, it isn’t that simple. The technology is still in its infancy, and there are limits to what it can do.
What is the future of remote working in the law firm world?
Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home and communicating and collaborating via real-time communication tools has become the norm for many law firms and offices. The benefits of such arrangements are obvious. However, some firms, including several of the largest in the country, have begged to differ. Citing a need to maintain or preserve office culture and strengthen personal connections, these firms are now mandating at least four days in the office per week.
Changing the culture at law firms to promote wellness and mental well-being
For decades, lawyers who worked in BigLaw could expect some version of the following: Work long hours, including nights and weekends, with minimal free time, giving up almost all semblances of a social life. The reward: money and a potential partnership. And if you didn’t like it, there was the door. And if you were having mental health or wellness issues, then suck it up and deal with it.
How GPT and other large language models could change e-discovery
When technologically assisted review first started gaining traction in e-discovery in the 2010s, many of the same superlatives assigned to ChatGPT were used to describe this groundbreaking new process that purported to review documents faster and more accurately than humans. Lawyers would get hours and hours of time back, and clients would save tons of money.
What could AI regulation in the US look like?
In the United States, there has been very little movement toward establishing a regulatory framework at the federal level for artificial intelligence. Why is that? ChatGPT, the large language model released by OpenAI, is one of several such tools that have revolutionized the legal industry in a short amount of time, igniting debates about whether artificial intelligence has to be regulated—and by whom. The European Union recently took the first step toward passing the AI Act, whereby regulation would increase in proportion with the potential threat to privacy and safety that an AI system poses. China has also drafted rules to regulate AI.
Pre/Dicta takes a radically different approach to predictive analytics than others
There are plenty of judicial analytics and litigation prediction tools on the market. They may have differences in execution and focus, but the general rule of thumb is that they look at a judge’s past rulings and opinions to predict how that judge might rule on a similar motion or case in the future. For instance, you can look up how a particular judge on prior motions to dismiss on certain employment discrimination cases to get an idea how they might rule on a similar one currently pending in their courtroom. That knowledge can be important for lawyers.
What the Silicon Valley Bank failure means for our financial institutions
Many of us still get a chill running down our spines when we hear about bank failures and bailouts. After all, it was less than 15 years ago when we went through one of the worst economic disasters in history, and institutions such as Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers Inc., American International Group Inc. and others became famous for the wrong reasons. The Great Recession took years to recover from, and some of its effects can still be felt to this day.
How Casetext utilized the latest GPT technology to create an AI legal assistant
In November, when OpenAI unleashed the newest, most advanced version of its chatbot, ChatGPT, it immediately captured the imagination. So far, it’s been a hit. Casetext launched CoCounsel earlier this month, and it functions as a legal assistant, helping users draft all sorts of legal documents. Users can utilize CoCounsel to help draft briefs, compose research memos, draw up contracts and analyze them, and write correspondence—all by typing their questions or requests into a prompt.

Podcast reviews

Read ABA Journal: Legal Rebels podcast reviews

4.5 out of 5
11 reviews
Escaped Notice 2016/04/30
Present at the disruption
Brisk interviews draw actionable ideas from a wide range of change agents in technology and access to justice.
MollyRama 2016/04/28
Legal Rebels Podcast w/trailblazers
Like Laurence I’m a little biased. As one of the editors at the ABA Journal I’m delighted to see this project underway. It adds a dimension to our pop...
Neal online 1 2016/04/27
Paperless law office--interesting
Terry Carter does a great job dissecting how to dive in to the paperless lawyer's world. Very solid info here. Our office "went paperless" as to our n...
Laurence Colletti 2016/04/21
Producer’s Review
I am the producer and so (admittedly) I am a little biased. That said, this is an exciting project because it presents the opportunity to work with th...
AAJCCA 2016/04/21
great show for lawyers from the ABA Journal
I enjoyed the first few episodes and really looking forward to more.
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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