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El Paso County firefighters tried to reduce the fire risks at encampments. The effort went up in smoke
Enforcing fire safety in homeless encampments is a challenging issue.
In the San Luis Valley, a religious celebration with traditions spanning generations takes place this weekend
Bells mark the beginning of the Fiesta of the Lady of Guadalupe at the first parish established in Colorado.
Interview: The evolution of Colorado Springs Teen Court
For nearly three decades, Colorado Springs Teen Court has provided youth accused of misdemeanor crimes an alternative path aimed at preventing future criminal behavior.
One year later, hundreds gathered to remember those killed and honor survivors in Club Q shooting
The shooting happened at an LGBTQ club in Colorado Springs, killing five people and injured countless others.
The spirit of Manitou Springs is alive with the Emma Crawford Coffin Races
The nearly 30-year tradition reflects the unique character of Manitou Springs and the people who live there while sharing some of the city’s history.
Interview: Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade on his journey to the U.S., the American Dream, and finding ‘the real Yemi’
The mayor's most in-depth interview yet about his life and what led him to Colorado Springs and politics.
‘Streets don’t normally blow up’: Officials still don’t know what caused an underground utility fire and power outage in Colorado Springs
Whenever Michael Reynolds takes the Bustang bus up to Denver, he shows up to the downtown Metro terminal on Kiowa Street.  Only this time, there wasn’t any place for theRead More
What to know about tarantula mating season in Colorado and other spider facts this Halloween season
It's tarantula mating season in southeastern Colorado. Here's what to know about the love lives of tarantulas and other spiders, their role in the ecosystem and whether their bites are dangerous.
LGBTQ+ community resource center opening in Colorado Springs
A community center focusing on the LGBTQ population is opening this fall in Colorado Springs. The Prism Community Collective will provide access to resources like mental and physical health providers. It's made possible through a three year federal grant totaling just over $5 million, secured following the shooting at Club Q.
Farmers fear laws meant to protect agricultural workers could put them out of business, end iconic Colorado crops
Agricultural workers in Colorado have seen an extensive rise in protections in recent years. For some farmers, the changes are having dire financial impacts.
In the San Luis Valley, artisans paint pictures of everyday life using colcha embroidery
Colcha embroidery is traditionally used to decorate bedspreads, clothing and table linens with images like flowers and birds, but some women in the San Luis Valley use it in a different way — to capture stories of the region.
Interview: Sallie Clark talks priorities for military, government under new role in Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade appointed his former political rival, Sallie Clark, as senior advisor on government and military affairs.

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4 out of 5
5 reviews
PopularQueenAhole 2023/02/16
Yo mama
This is just witawee trash. If I could give it 0 stars I would.
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