Dinner For One

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76 reviews
This podcast has
37 episodes
Date created
Average duration
41 min.
Release period
66 days


An audio exploration of what happens when the Paris fairytale ends and real-life begins, one solo dinner at a time. Location: a kitchen in Paris

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Dinner For One podcast

S5: Ep 1 Tender Love & Fried Chicken
It’s been almost 4 years since I started the podcast. In 2018 I was very much on a ‘no boys allowed’ train. I needed to get my shit together by myself and was very wary of falling into the trap of using a relationship to help me. Time has passed, things have changed and now for the first time I find myself in a place where I think I *may* actually be ready to open myself to the possibility of falling in love again. I’m ready to share everything I’ve learned about myself, my mature outlook on love and life, essentially a new and improved Sue B with the lucky bugger that captures my heart. In this first episode of season 5, I cook a finger-licking good, stick to your bones, make you feel warm and cozy fried chicken and herb-infused mashed potatoes while talking about love. Specifically, I talk about how my idea of love has evolved, I randomly share what I consider my first love (hint: it was in Jamaica and I was like 3 years old haha)  and I go on a few tangents but it all makes sense in the end….trust me. Throughout the season I’ll invite friends into my kitchen to cook and discuss all types of love: long-term love, love in a second language, love post-divorce, etc. Hope you’ll stick around. Et voilà, quoi. On y va. 
S5: Ep 2 DFO Memoir Sneak Peek
I’m not cooking in this episode and there is no chatting about my current life in Paris instead, I’m going to tell you a little story about what led me to you and you to me. So find a cozy spot, your fave beverage of choice, and listen to me tell you about the fateful Saturday that led me to start cooking dinner for one by reading the prologue of my memoir. I did get a *little* EMOSH during the reading 🤪. I can’t help it. Maybe with every reading, it’ll become a bit easier…. As always, thanks for listening and rocking with me. Happy Holidays and talk to you soon. 
S5: EP 3 Growing in Love with Camille Joux
19 years, 3 children, 2 long-distance stints and the love that Camille has for her husband Bruno is as strong and palpable as when they met in school at the tender age of 18 years old. It really is just a coincidence that this episode is being released on Valentine’s Day and their anniversary. I didn’t plan it this way but my unwavering procrastination led to this twist of fate. I spoke to Cam about how she’s sustained her relationship through the ups and downs of life, how they’ve grown as individuals, as a couple, and in love. I found our conversation very insightful and reassuring. And as I was editing the episode the one thought that was on replay in my mind was: Love is patient, love is kind Merci encore Cam for your friendship and taking the time out of your schedule to talk to me and for sharing your experience and wisdom.  Happy Valentine’s Day à tous.
S4: EP 1 - Mindful Mussels
Fall of 2020 I skipped town and laid low Aix-en-Provence for a little bit. I went there with a specific goal in mind, but left with an addiction to mussels and so much more. 
S4: Ep 2 Lacy Pancakes w/Hattie Crisell
London-based journalist podcast host Hattie Crisell joined me on this episode where we cooked pancakes and had a wonderful conversation. We talked about gaining confidence in the kitchen, the therapeutic elements of cooking solo during a pandemic, our policy on wearing a bold lipstick color on a date and so so much more. Enjoy!  You can find Hattie's podcast, In Writing with Hattie Crisell here Hattie's Instagram Hattie's Twitter  
S4: Ep 3 French Soul Food w/ Laurianne Melierre
*Just a heads up, this episode is in French. Why? Listen to at least the first few minutes to find out.* Journaliste, fondatrice de l'agence de rédaction PLUME et animatrice du podcast Manger, Laurianne Melierre m'a rejoint dans ma petite Parisian cuisine pour enregistrer ce bel épisode où nous avons fait des pieds de porc pané, des œufs mimosa et quelques accompagnements 💪🏾. Avant l’enregistrement, j’avais une idée de la façon dont l’épisode se déroulerait mais notre conversation a pris une tournure complètement différente et je suis ravie. Nous avons parlé de tout... de l’identité française aux “food projects” dans lesquels Laurianne s’est lancée pendant le confinement de l’année dernière (comme cuisiner un pigeon qui me laisse toujours bouche-bée!) Je me suis régalée dans tous les sens avec l'enregistrement de cet épisode et j'espère que vous aurez le même sentiment après l'avoir écouté. 
S4: Ep 4 Sisterhood of the Traveling Yassa Chicken w/ Natasha Nyanin
I had the pleasure to chat with New York-based, Ghanaian writer and creative consultant Natasha Nyanin about her tried and true Senegalese Yassa Chicken recipe that has made its way from Senegal to New York City to Poland and to my Parisian kitchen (and a few of my friend's kitchens too!) What I loved the most about this conversation was the way Natasha elevates cooking, hosting, and designing her tables to an art form. I highly recommend following her on Instagram and join me in drooling all over her delicious dishes and eyeing her killer wardrobe.   
S4: EP 5 How To Love w/Gabrielle Barnes
It's been 11 years since Gabbie and I lived together and almost 8 years since we've lived in the same country, yet she's one of the first people I turn to when I need a non-judgemental listening ear and let it all out. But that doesn't mean she doesn't tell me about myself when needed (and I need to be put in my place more than I would like to admit). Her well of love runs deep and wide and I'm so happy she joined me on this episode to discuss her approach to fostering a healthy romantic relationship, her journey to understanding and accepting her emotions, and how to be comfortable with yourself.  I attempted to make a shrimp scampi with her, but I kinda just ended up doing my thing. She was incredibly annoyed at me for not following the recipe and I enjoyed every single minute of grinding her gears.  Friendships like this are rare and I feel beyond lucky and blessed to know that truly there ain't no mountain high enough, valley low enough, or ocean wide enough to keep me from my Gabz. 
S4: Ep 6 For The Love of Cooking w/ Rebecca Plotnick
Once I started cooking more regularly and upping my culinary game I noticed that more and more people with similar interests began orbiting my universe, and me theirs. And this was definitely the case with the guest on the most recent episode, “For The Love of Cooking” w/ Rebecca Plotnick. Rebecca actually ticks two boxes: a love of cooking and Paris. She lived between Paris and the US for a few years and is currently based in the states, but that hasn’t decreased her love of Paris and the French way of life (including the food bien sur). She's the eye behind the beautiful award-winning blog Everyday Parisian where she shares all the lessons she's learned from her time living in Paris and traveling in France.  As a true Francophile Rebecca chose sweet potato quiche as her Dinner for One meal, which we cooked together as we chatted about Paris, cooking in Paris, moving to Paris, the magic of Paris, pretty much everything Paris, quoi. Rebecca's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydayparisian/ Rebecca's Blog: https://everydayparisian.com/
S4: Ep 7 Cooking as an Experience w/ Manal Al Saleh
My favorite Bahraini princess Manal Al Saleh joined me on this episode (kidding, she’s not actually a princess but she’s a princess to me!) We’ve known each other since university and what’s so funny about our post-university transition is that we both went from not cooking at all (the first meal Manal ever made for me was a cheese sandwich) and driving from Hartford to Boston because we craved lamb shank from an Iranian restaurant to it becoming one of our passions. We’ve come a longgggg way. In this episode, Manal shares with me (and you!) how the entire experience of cooking inspires her, has changed her life, and continues to motivate her to push herself to new heights. She also shares wisdom around being a mom and not falling into the trap of thinking you need to do it all. So sit back, enjoy Manal’s beautiful accent, listen to us reminisce about our transitions to being boss ladies in the kitchen, and giggle. 
S4: EP 8 6 Things Cooking Dinner for One During A Global Pandemic Taught Me
The pandemic is far from over but this past year and a half has been quite a doozy, no? I’m still processing everything we’ve all been through and trying not to be too nervous and anxious about what’s next, so I decided to get on my soapbox and talk about the 6 *positive* things cooking dinner for one during a global pandemic taught me while making a tomato salad. The salad is so simple and delish. It’s just cherry tomatoes, red onions, feta, and parsley.
S3: Ep 1 Dinner for One en français with Nathalie Bonnet
I'm back after an extended break. To kick off this season I decided to do things a bit differently by recording the entire episode in French! My good friend Nathalie joined me as we had a chat and shared a few giggles over a very Parisian apéro dinatoire.  The rest of the season will continue in English with sprinkles and dashes of French thrown in here and there, as usual. ;)  Donc, pourquoi en français?  J’ai décidé de faire ce épisode en français parce que pour moi ça représente une étape naturelle dans ma vie à Paris, ma vie en France, d’être capable de m’exprime en français avec confiance et des moins d'erreurs possible. La première saison de Dinner for One j’ai beaucoup réfléchie sur mon situation actuelle, a l’époque, ce t a dire “Comment je vais et est-ce que je peux survivre ça, cette nouvelle vie de divorcée, célibataire, dans ma trentaine, dans une pays et ville qui ne pas le mien?” Saison deux j’ai été un peu perdu, est-ce que je vais rester? Est-ce que je vais partir? J’ai décidé que je vais rester pour le plus long possible et donc voilà on arrive à saison trois. J’espère que pendant cette saison je vais explorer comment je peux vraiment construire une vie ici, et le première façon est de parler français, non?

Podcast reviews

Read Dinner For One podcast reviews

4.8 out of 5
76 reviews
PeppermintCharlotte 2022/02/03
Long time fan!
Been a fan for a long time- Sutanya is fabulous! This podcast is not only soothing, but allows you to feel as though you are getting to know her, walk...
SecurityNightmare! 2021/06/18
Discovered this podcast while looking for a podcast about living in France and am loving it! Sutanya, the host, is great: I love the sounds of her coo...
frenchliketoast 2021/05/13
This podcast was recommended by a friend.
I am on episode 2 of season 1 and I am already falling in love. I appreciate the thoughtful rumination and the levity and the food!
stesika 2020/11/23
It’s like listening to an old friend chatting away
So chill, soothing and relatable as an American living in Europe. I loved the quote in episode one season one “I’ve invested so much in building a lif...
Mswmba 2020/09/12
Truly enjoyable
I truly enjoy listening to dinner for one. I truly feel as if I am having a conversation with a dear friend. I love the honesty and the value of self ...
Fan in Cape May 2020/06/12
Genuine and personal
I follow several Parisian podcasters and have been to Paris many times. “Dinner For One” by Sutanya is a refreshing, truthful look at life in Paris to...
Car0Car0 2019/06/14
A beautiful audio vacation
Just started listening to this modern American in Paris story and I love how it takes me away, engages my senses, and makes me slow down and think abo...
LeParisien212 2018/08/19
Totally in love with this podcast
Loki_darling 2018/07/29
I needed this..
I’m a fellow American NJ/NY expat in Europe and this podcast really feels like a conversation with a (super cool) friend about all my issues. Really t...
Graceful101 2018/06/27
Good things in store
As always, commentary was humorous and insightful! Long time follower from the 'Almost Parisienne' Youtube channel. I always know when I see Sutanya's...
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