Nitzotzos: Thoughts to keep your spark alive

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452 episodes
Date created
Average duration
36 min.
Release period
3 days


Shiurim and Divrei Chizzuk from our Mashpia Rav Burg and other inspirational speakers to light up our soul.

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Tetzaveh - Ringing the Bells of Greatness
In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains (based on a piece from Rav Shaul Alter shlit"a) the inner connection between the three times it says the word V'nishma in the Torah. We must know that: 1. We have inside of ourselves the capacity to be totally devoted to Hashem. 2. No matter how far we stray from the path, Hashem always us a relationship with us. 3. Every Jew is a Kohen Gadol, worthy of wearing the robes of nobility.
Tetzaveh - Illuminating the World With Oneness
In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains why Moshe Rabbeinu's name is not mentioned specifically in this weeks Parsha. Moshe Rabbeinu argued with Hashem that if Hashem were to destroy the Jewish People then he may as well erase Moshe's name from the Torah. Moshe had become one with the Torah to the degree that it was no longer necessary to mention his name. He was the Torah and the Torah was him. Klal Yisrael, Hashem and the Torah are one. Moshe was one with all of Bnei Yisrael. To destroy Bnei Yisrael would be to destroy the Torah itself. Only though connecting on this essential level can we illuminate the world.
Terumah - Entering the Inner Sanctum
In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg explores (based on a piece from Rav Moshe Weinberger) how Yiras Shomayim is the outer sanctum and Torah is the inner sanctum. One must enter the outer sanctum first, where we feel the pain of exile, before we enter the inner sanctum, the joy of Torah. Although the Beis HaMikdash has been destroyed we still have our Mikdash Mi'at, our Shuls and Yeshivas where we can access the joy of he inner sanctum.
Terumah - Building a Relationship with Hashem
In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains how the building of the Mishkan represents three stages in the development of our relationship with Hashem. 1. We live for the Other. 2. Intimacy means exclusivity 3. We give our hearts to the One we love
Mishpatim - The Prohibition of Milk and Meat: Creating Healthy Boundaries
In this shiur, delivered in Sharfman's, Rav Burg explains (based on a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe) why Shaatnez is sometimes permitted, why Kilyaim is never permitted and why we might have thought that milk and meat would be permissible for the eating of Kodshim. Ultimately, in the times of Mashiach, one will be allowed to eat milk and meat together and this represents the perfect balance in our relationships.
Mishpatim - Jews that Sparkle
In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains why Parshas Mishpatim, with all of its intricate legal details, follows the giving of the Torah at Har Sinai and not Parshas Terumah, which involves the building of the Mishkan. Halacha is not merely the details of our relationship with Hashem, like the dew on the grass, following Halacha ought to make us sparkle.
Mishpatim - Nezikin: A Journey in History, a Journey towards Hashem
In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains a very sophisticated concept from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The three gates of Nezikin (Babba Kamma, Baba Metzia, Baba Basra) are three steps in mans journey throughout history. We move from barbaric to civilized conflict to Godly harmony. Similarly in our journey towards Hashem we begin by conquering our negative forces, then we conquer our more civilized nature and ultimately we partner with Hashem in building the world into a Godly place.
Yisro - On Eagles Wings
In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg shares a Torah from Rav Moshe Weinberger shlit"a on what it means that Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim on eagles wings. Because we have been in Golus for so long we have forgotten that we have the ability to soar like an eagle. When Hashem takes us out of Golus he reveals to us the true nature of who we are and then we can soar.
Yisro - Restoring the Radiance of Klal Yisrael
In this shiur, delivered at Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains how before Klal Yisrael could receive the Torah they needed to be restored to their glory. Only after Klal Yisrael was healed could they receive the Torah.
Yisro - Insiders and Outsiders
The Medrash tells us that Yisro added on a chapter to the Torah that otherwise would not have been taught. How could this be so? In this shiur, based on a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l, Rav Burg explains the difference between the approach of Yisro, the ultimate outsider, and Moshe Rabbeinu, the ultimate insider. Should we be our best self or our most authentic self. This is the core of the Machlokes between Moshe Rabbeinu and Yisro.
Beshalach - When Pharaoh Converts To Judaism
In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg explores three dimensions to the story of Pharaoh at the Yam Suf. 1. The simple explanation that Pharaoh was killed. 2. The deeper explanation that Pharaoh was spared and suffered as he watched the devastation of the Egyptian army. 3. Pharaoh did Teshuva, became the King of Ninveh and ultimately converted to Judaism. We all have a Pharaoh part inside of ourselves. Do we destroy our Pharaoh, force our Pharaoh to watch the destruction it causes or convert our Pharaoh to Judaism?
Beshalach - The Sea Splits For Those Who Expect The Miraculous
In this shiur, delivered at Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains how the miraculous only occurs for those who see themselves as worthy of a miracle. Klal Yisrael at the banks of the Yam Suf saw themselves as idolaters and therefore were unfit for a miracle to occur. Only when they saw the bones of Yosef did they define themselves by their essential selves and not by their worst moments. And then the sea split.

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