SoulWords- Full Library

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91 reviews
This podcast has
301 episodes
Date created
Average duration
49 min.
Release period
5 days


SoulWords provides Torah classes and lectures from renowned teacher, Rabbi Shais Taub, on a wide range of spiritual topics.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from SoulWords- Full Library podcast

The Mirror of the Heart
In Chapter 46 of Tanya, we learn about a mechanism by which we can automatically trigger intense feelings of love for our Creator. This is based on the Solomon's wisdom that "As water reflects a face, so does one heart reflect another heart."
Al Kein Karu 5713 : Class 2—Hashem's Will, Purim, and Atonement
The idea of a lottery represents a level of reality that transcends not only intellect but even will. This is the level of G-dliness known as "Ba'al HaRatzon" which means the master of the will. On that level, atonement for violation of G-d's will is possible. After understanding this, however, we are left with the question why Haman would have attempted to invoke such a concept that facilitates atonement for the Jewish people. The answer is that within the system of creation, Haman knew that he could not defeat the Jews. However, if he could access the level of randomness, there was at least a possibility that his plan would succeed. Chapters 3-5 of the discourse.
Remembering a Departed Love One
What is the proper way to memorialize a loved one who has passed? How do we as Jews comfort those who have suffered a loss? This lecture was delivered at the Levi Yitzchak Library in Cedarhurst, NY which is named for Levi Yitzchak Wolowik a"h who suddenly and tragically passed away in his sleep at the age of nine. PLEASE PLEDGE A MITZVAH IN LEVI'S HONOR AT:
Compassion for the Plight of the Soul
When one meditates on the idea of the soul's descent into a body, this should arouse our sense of compassion for its plight. This then can activate our feelings of love of G-d described by the kabbalists as "kissing" and "hugging." Based on Ch. 45 of Tanya.
Boomers vs Gen Z
Symbols of cultural identity that inspired Jewish boomers are not meaningful to Gen Z. Is this the end of Judaism or a new beginning? Rabbi Shais Taub suggests that the only thing left is to explain the mystical truth about the uniqueness of this physical world. Recorded in front of a group of college students from Aish UK on a trip to NYC.
Al Kein Karu 5713 : Class 1—Purim Is a Lottery
The name Purim refers to the "pur" or the lottery cast by Haman to choose the month in which to carry out his evil plan. Why is the name of the holiday connected with attempted tool of destruction? We begin to explain that the idea of a lottery, which features both on Purim as well as Yom Kippur, refers to a level beyond the normal framework. Chapters 1-2 of the discourse.
Life Meditation
Join Rabbi Shais Taub in a guided meditation based on Chapter 44 of Tanya, which helps one to cultivate a deep love for Hashem by contemplating His role as the source of our life. This is the meditation known as "My Soul, I desire You."
Basi Legani 5744: Class 5—Two Ways of Sensing Hashem's Presence
In this class, we give a review of the main themes covered so far in the previews chapters and we study the final chapter which explains the paradox of how the levels we have learned about called "ohr" (light) and "shem" (name) can coexist. We discuss two main ways in which we can perceive Hashem's presence in creation: Hashem as He gives life to the world and Hashem as He gives existence to the world something from nothing. Chapter 8 of the discourse.
Soulful Solutions (Part 2)
Second part in a series that takes a spiritual look at ethical dilemmas in Jewish thought. In this lecture, Rabbi Taub examines three concepts in depth: 1. The mitzvah to be "fruitful and multiply" as applied to non-Jews particularly in the Holy Land.2. A brief sketch of why the Torah view on abortion does not fit neatly into pro-choice or pro-life.3. When are we permitted to deviate from the truth?
Basi Legani 5744: Class 4—Divine Essence Hidden in the World
The Divine energy that is referred to as "shem" (name) is hidden more deeply in creation than other kinds of Divine energy, however, it also reveals a deeper level of Divinity. The most deeply hidden G-dliness is closer to the actual Essence of the Creator than forms of creative energy that are more revealed. Chapters 6-7 of the discourse.
Soulful Solutions (Part 1)
A spiritual look at ethical dilemmas in Jewish thought. In this lecture, Rabbi Taub examines three concepts in depth: 1. What is the actual reason why one should not repeat someone else's ideas without attribution?2. Why is it preferred to slaughter an animal on Shabbos to feed a sick person even if non-kosher meat is available?3. Why are we forbidden from turning over an individual to be killed in order to save a group?
Ahavas Olam Meditation
A meditation for generating a powerful love of G-d by redirecting feelings of love we already have for things of this world. This level of love is described in Ch. 43 of Tanya as "ahavas olam" (a love derived from the world.)

Podcast reviews

Read SoulWords- Full Library podcast reviews

4.9 out of 5
91 reviews
Ellie W MN 2023/06/13
Love listening to Rabbi Taub!
I appreciate how Rabbi Taub gives over information in a way that is consistently organized, relatable, and interesting. Thank you Rabbi Taub!
gregorio,roth 2023/01/23
Tanya Study
I have listened to thirty plus hours of the Tanya study and want to listen to the series 100 times. Taub’s teaching is like a salve for a world gone s...
empowered wife 2022/10/23
A walking Farbrengen is INCREDIBLE
I absolutely love this new initiative! The content is deep powerful and relevant. I especially appreciate the improv element which feels kind a real f...
Lidror 2022/10/29
AFTER MY FIRST EPISODE 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼: One star was deducted for the multiple silly jokes. They are distracting time-wasters and “cheapen” the speaker’s...
Porkere 2022/03/24
Amazing content and Torah wisdom
hsldud 2021/06/18
Very Grateful
It is clear that Rabbi Taub puts a great deal of thought and preparation into his discussions. I appreciate the clear message and often forward the p...
Dexter1962 2021/03/09
Great Insights and Stories
Nice opportunity to learn with this podcast.
moshe0000 2020/11/26
So genuine
Shlomo Zalman 2020/11/17
BS"D Rabbi Shais Taub Has For Years Been A Beloved & Outstanding Rabbi Of Mine Who Has Brought Such Kedusho To My Life. Yasher Koiach!
Eli677 2020/08/12
R’ Shais is Gold. Amazing content. Easy to listen to and easy to understand. Highly recommended.
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