Living Mirrors with Dr. James Cooke

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146 episodes
Date created
Average duration
46 min.
Release period
11 days


Join neuroscientist Dr. James Cooke as he explores consciousness, science and spirituality with scientists, philosophers, spiritual practitioners and key figures in the psychedelic renaissance.

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Trauma Release Exercises for Awakening and Nondual Realization with Christina Guimond | Living Mirrors #125
Chris Guimond is an awakening and nondual realization guide who works with the Trauma Release Exercises that I’ve previously spoken about on the podcast. You can listen to my interview with the creator of the TRE approach, David Bercelli (episode 64), if you want more detail on the practices. Chris and I connected over the fact that we’ve found the combination of TRE and nondual integration to be incredibly powerful, yet no one else in this space appears to be talking about it. On her own journey, Chris worked with previous podcast guest Angelo Dillulo (episode 110), and he has now started recommending these practices too, thanks to Chris. I think we’ll see this combination spread in years to come so I'm very grateful to Chris for her work promoting TRE in the awakening and nonduality space. I hope you enjoy the conversation.
AMA: Fear of Death, Sources of Wisdom, Experiencing Fear in the Body
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Michael Levin on the intelligence of life| Living Mirrors #124
Michael Levin is a developmental and synthetic biologist and a professor at Tufts University. He is known for co-discovering Xenobots which are living robots made from frog skin cells but his research is wide ranging, contributing to fields such as regenerative medicine and the treatment of cancer, as well as to our fundamental understanding of biological systems. As you’ll hear from our conversation, Michaels’ innovative science is based in a very thorough and rigorous philosophy of the intersection between biology and cognitive processes such as intelligence and memory.  
The Genocide in Gaza & the Psychology of Denial | Living Mirrors #122
The Genocide in Gaza & the Psychology of Denial
AMA: Retribution, Climate Anxiety, the Freedom of No Free Will
AMA: Retribution, Climate Anxiety, the Freedom of No Free Will
Alicia Juarrero on emergence & causality as constraint | Living Mirrors #121
Alicia Juarrero is President and co-founder of VectorAnalytica, Inc., a data collection and analysis platform. She is also a research associate at the University of Miami and is the author for influential complexity theory text Dynamics in Action. Her new book is called Context Changes Everything and it explores how we can think about causality in emergent systems, such as living things, in terms of constraint.
Uncompromising Nonduality with Jim Newman | Living Mirrors #120
Jim Newman holds meetings about nonduality, in a style that has come to be known as uncompromising or radical nonduality. This style began with the book The Open Secret by Tony Parsons, and along with Tony, Jim is the arguably most prominent person speaking of nonduality in this way. Whereas some approaches to nonduality advocate the following of a path in order to eventually realise that we are not separate from the rest of existence, the uncompromising perspective sees this as mistaken, the fundamental idea being that because reality is already non-dual, whole, and undivided, there is nothing anyone could ever do to move closer to or further away from the wholeness of what is. Today, we explore the intricacies that somehow seem to arise out of this very simple message.
AMA: The nature of thought, shadow work, love, & nonduality
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Indy Johar on Technological Animism: Societal infrastructure for living beyond separation | Living Mirrors #119
Indy Johar is an architect and a co-founder of Dark Matter Labs, an organisation focused on building the novel institutional infrastructures necessary to make societies centred on interdependence, equality, and justice a reality.  He has lectured at various institutions including University College London, Princeton, Harvard, MIT, and has held various positions, such as Advisor to Mayor of London on Good Growth. He also cofounded 00 ( a collaborative studio that innovates in the design space, for example by creating an open source solution to housing, their wikihouse. Through 00 he has also co-founded multiple social ventures such as Impact Hub Westminster and Impact Hub Birmingham.  Today we focus on his work on civic infrastructure that could underpin a future of flourishing for humanity.   
BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT - The Dawn of Mind: How Matter Became Conscious & Alive | Living mirrors #118
I'm excited to announce that I just signed a book deal with Prometheus Books. The title is The Dawn of Mind: How Matter Became Conscious and Alive. In it I lay out a synthesis of physicalism, panpsychism, and idealism, culminating in a scientific account of the biophysics of consciousness, rather than the neuroscience of consciousness. It's less dry than I've made it sound here though, I promise. Slated for release in late 2024. Please pre-order when the time comes, as that helps with the book's visibility.
AMA: Nondual Mindfulness & Body Scan Meditations for Emotion Work and Integration
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A Neuropsychologist’s Exploration of Psychedelics with Andy Mitchell | Living Mirrors #117
Andy Mitchell is a neuropsychologist and therapist. He has specialized in treating patients with rare brain conditions, head injuries and epilepsy, and in the application of mindfulness for neurological patients. As a therapist he has worked with people with a range of mental health disorders. Before entering medicine, his first degree was in English Literature at Oxford University.

Podcast reviews

Read Living Mirrors with Dr. James Cooke podcast reviews

4.8 out of 5
15 reviews
Stellations 2021/03/17
Brilliant conversations on consciousness & psychedelics
Dr. James Cooke has a talent for interviewing and an astounding knowledge base on the topics of psychedelia, consciousness, neuroscience, and psycholo...
3vo!vE 2020/11/05
Excellence Refind
Grounded, deep, transcendental conversations amazingly rich and informative.
thedevanman 2020/09/22
Fascinating and insightful
I have been searching for a while for a discussion of the intersection between science and spirituality and this is by far the best I’ve found. Dr Coo...
Olvegg 2020/08/14
Amazing conversation
This podcast is a great tool to understand the current theories on consciousness at the intersection of psychedelic medicine and neurosciences. Dr. Ja...
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