Leading Edge Conversations Podcast

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This podcast has
5 episodes
Date created
Average duration
90 min.
Release period
85 days


Leading Edge Conversations with Luke Scott III. The show created to bring you leading-edge conversations from people who are living on the Leading Edge of consciousness.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Leading Edge Conversations Podcast podcast

EPISODE 5: 5D Ascension and Unity Consciousness with Ehren Steed
Ehren Steed is a Planetary Ascension Coach - guiding and supporting humanity as a whole through the illusions of the 4th dimension back to source and unity consciousness. Join us for this incredibly deep journey into why we are really here and what is truly going on right now from Ehren's super high perspective. Towards the end of the show Ehren takes us through a Guided Ascension Process for anyone looking to raise their consciousness. Let us know our thoughts and feelings on this Leading Edge Conversation in the comments. What really resonated with you? What aspects of this conversation will you take forward to live an even more Leading Edge life? If you liked this then make sure to check out our other Leading Edge Conversations. Thank you for sharing this with your friends and helping us to spread the message
Creating a Holistic Economy with Sagar Sumaria
In this episode of Leading Edge Conversations, we are blessed with the presence and wisdom of Sagar Sumaria. Sagar has created the Holistic Economy plan which will transform the way we live on our planet. A big part of his mission is to remind you that you are a Powerful and Sovereign being. Sagar is the creator of the Holistic Economy, upcoming Author and a Holistic Health practitioner. He guides people on healing themselves and our planet by bringing ancient teachings into the modern world. Let us know our thoughts and feelings on this Leading Edge Conversation in the comments. What quotes stood out for you? What aspects of this conversation will you take forward to live an even more Leading Edge life? If you liked this then make sure to check out our other Leading Edge Conversations. Thank you for sharing this with your friends and helping us to spread the message. You can find out more about Sagar at his website here: www.holisticeconomy.com
Connecting to the Cosmos with Honovi Strongdeer
In this episode of Leading Edge Conversations, we are blessed with the presence and wisdom of Honovi Strongdeer. Honovi is an incredible channel for Multi-Dimensional beings such as the 8th Density Sirians and in this conversation she channels these beings LIVE just for you. Honovi Strongdeer is a Reality Dismantler, Truth Slayer, Earth Guardian and a channel for 8th Density Sirians. Let us know our thoughts and feelings on this Leading Edge Conversation in the comments. What quotes stood out for you? What aspects of this conversation will you take forward to live an even more Leading Edge life? If you liked this then make sure to check out our other Leading Edge Conversations Thank you for sharing this with your friends and helping us to spread the message. You can find out more about Honovi you can visit her YouTube at website here: YouTube: Chai with the Cosmos  www.chaiwiththecosmos.com Make sure to contact Honovi to book a 1on1 Soul Blueprint Reading.
Expanding Your Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit with Elliott Timothy Harlin-Bethell
In this episode of Leading Edge Conversations, we are blessed with the presence and wisdom of Elliott Timothy Harlin-Bethell. Elliott shares some things in this conversation that you have probably never heard of before! Elliott is a Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit coach. He guides people on powerful Fasting experiences including Meditation, Breathwork and other Holistic Therapies. Let us know our thoughts and feelings on this Leading Edge Conversation in the comments. What quotes stood out for you? What aspects of this conversation will you take forward to live an even more Leading Edge life? If you liked this then make sure to check out our other Leading Edge Conversations. Thank you for sharing this with your friends and helping us to spread the message. You can find out more about Elliott on his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZJiFgv0Yg7x_8VkRHyRzqQ
Connecting to the Wisdom of the Earth and Your Heart with Juliette Bryant
In this episode of Leading Edge Conversations, we are blessed with the presence and wisdom of Juliette Bryant. Juliette facilitates a POWERFUL Heart Opening Meditation too so make sure to listen all the way through. Juliette Bryant is an Earth Connector, Author, Nutritional Consultant, Superfood Chef and Presenter who runs courses, talks, workshops and retreats around the world. Her passion is helping people thrive by showing how to make delicious and healthy food. Juliette runs a busy world-wide practice giving nutritional consultations to individuals and businesses. Here is one of our favourite quotes from Juliette from our conversation: “You are beautiful. You are loved. You are whole. You are part of this incredible Earth. Remember. Wake up. Rise into your Self… into that beauty that you are, and Trust. Trust that the way will be clear. Trust the journey that you are on, and trust that you are supported and loved.” Let us know our thoughts and feelings on this Leading Edge Conversation in the comments. What quotes stood out for you? What aspects of this conversation will you take forward to live an even more Leading Edge life? If you liked this then make sure to check out our other Leading Edge Conversations Thank you for sharing this with your friends and helping us to spread the message. You can find out more about Juliette on her website here: https://www.juliettebryant.com/

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