Kitchen Undrgrnd

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This podcast has
8 episodes
Date created
Average duration
59 min.
Release period
70 days


Food, Drinks, Service, Craft, Religion. An open, straightforward, and passionate podcast about everything that happens in the world of professional hospitality, spirits, culinary and why moussaka is the most “difficult” recipe in Bulgaria. I will introduce you to people behind-the-scenes, we will talk spontaneously about the exciting, about the negative, their backstory and about the underbelly of our industry. Every week for about an hour we will embark together in the underground kitchen. with wine. And all with a lot of samardala. The podcast is recorded mainly in Bulgarian and sometimes in English.

Podcast episodes

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Готвачът от село | Филип Захариев | Част 1
В този епизод на Kitchen Undrgrnd сме с Филип Захариев, Шеф готвач, който оставя делата да говорят за него. В част първа, с него дискутирахме как стартира в кулинарията, какво го е отвело толкова на север, значението което отдава на продуктите и непреклонността му да използва всичко от местността, в която се намира. И не на последно място - трудностите, страстта и победите му зад откриването на ресторант Онà. In this episode of Kitchen Undrgrnd, we are with Filip Zahariev, a Chef who lets his actions speak louder than his words. In part one, we spoke with him, how he started in the culinary world, what took him to work so far up north, his view on the importance of the origin of the ingredients and his willingness to use as much as he can locally, and last but not least his challenges in opening of his restaurant Onà. This episode is in Bulgarian.
In whiskey we trust | Emma Walsh
This week in Kitchen Undrgrnd we drink with Emma Walsh a proud Irish and an prominent representative for Irish whiskey and culture. We spoke about the way Bulgarians consume alcohol, why the trend and interest in low-alcohol cocktails is increasing globally, how important ice is for a bar and how it can be sustainable and why she is convinced of the passion she sees in our mixologist and how our bar scene is becoming internationally competitive.
За италианските баби и младите готвачи | Дико Томчев
В този епизод на Kitchen Undrgrnd сме с Дико Томчев, винаги усмихнат и готов да се хвърли в помощ на колега. С него, дискутирахме, защо има такава страст към италианската кухня, какви са важните стъпки през които, да минат младите готвачи и как е нужно да имаме държавна политика за развитието на кулинарията ни. In this episode of Kitchen Undrgrnd, we are with Diko Tomchev, always smiling and always ready to help in an instant a fellow chef. We spoke with him, why he has such a passion for Italian cuisine, the important steps young cooks need to take and how needed is to have a national policy for advancing the culinary sector in Bulgaria. This episode is in Bulgarian.
Вдъхновение дебне отвсякъде | Севда Димитрова
В този епизод на Kitchen Undrgrnd си говорихме със Севда Димитрова, какви са приключенията, трудностите и предизвикателствата да управляваш ресторант. Магнетична страст за кулинарията, мотивирана докрай и непреклонна в своето търсене на интересните вкусове. In this episode of Kitchen Undrgrnd, we discuss to Sevda Dimitrova about the adventures, difficulties and challenges to own and manage a restaurant. A magnetic passion for cooking, fully motivated and relentless in her search for new flavors. This episode is in Bulgarian.
True French Passion | Antoine Verhaest
This week in Kitchen Undrgrnd we sit with Antoine Verhaest at his catering kitchen to ponder what are the good, the great and the memorable aspects of him working and living in Bulgaria. An extremely modest Chef and is absolutely French with a passion for Bulgarian food! This episode is in English.
Класиката винаги е на мода | Алекс Иванчев
В този епизод на Kitchen Undrgrnd се срещаме с Алекс Иванчев. С него обсъждаме как социалните медии промениха сладкарството, струва ли си огледалната глазура популярността, дали един готвач може да се оправи в секцията на сладкар и най-важното - вафли. On this episode of Kitchen Undrgrnd we go into sweet territory with Alex Ivanchev. We discuss how social media changed pastry, is mirror glaze worth the hype, whether a cook can make it in the pastry section and most importantly - waffles. This episode is in Bulgarian.
When a pilot lands in a kitchen | Robin Villarreal
On this episode of Kitchen Undrgrnd we check with Robin Villarreal. Chef, mentor, long time friend who is exceedingly pedantic in his culinary work. We delve into Bulgarian food and heritage, how the industry is growing and we get a bit personal. This episode is in English.
In Vino Veritas | Кристина Маркова
В първият епизод на Китчън Ундъргаунд разговаряме с Кристина Маркова, съсобственик на Grape Central вино бар, за всичко около вино културата и защо пенливото вино винаги е правилен избор. On the first episode of Kitchen Undrgrnd we sit with Kristina Markova, Co-Owner of Grape Central wine bar to talk everything about wine and why sparkling wine is always a good choice. This episode is in Bulgarian.

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