Audacity Bootcamp Podcast

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18 episodes
Date created
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12 min.
Release period
15 days


The Audacity Bootcamp is a podcast for podcasters and a resource for creating great audio for our podcasts and videos. You'll find helpful topics relevant and useful to podcast and video editors who use Audacity as their audio editing platform. My name is Mike Adams and I’m currently a podcast and video host, editor, and producer. My audio recording and production experience began in the mid-1990s and my podcasting career launched in March of 2015.

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Starting a Podcast? What Do You Need and How Much Will It Cost?
Welcome to episode 18 of the Audacity Bootcamp podcast. Are you thinking about starting a podcast? What kind of hardware and software will you need and how much is it going to cost? Do I need to sink hundreds of dollars into microphones and other hardware? Do I need to spend thousands of dollars on a studio quality room? How about software training? Am I facing a huge expenditure for software training? These are great questions that need to be asked when taking on any new project and podcasting is no exception. It's also the subject of this podcast episode. Links to things I talk about in this episode: RODE NT USB Mini Microphone: AT2040 XLR Dynamic Mic: AT2020USB+ Microphone: Shure SM58 Microphone:  Audacity Audio Editing Software: Audacity Bootcamp: Beginner to Advanced - Zoom H6 Recorder:  You'll find me online at First Person Audio: This podcast is at  ------ NOTE: The Amazon links above are affiliate links meaning that there is no additional charge to you but if you purchase an item from these links, I'll receive a couple of dollars.
An Audacity Bootcamp Podcast Update
Welcome to episode 17 of the Audacity Bootcamp podcast. I recorded this episode in Audacity using my RODE NT USB Mini. I've decided to revert the name of this podcast back to the Audacity Bootcamp and I explain a few reasons why in this episode. I also talk about my minimalist approach to recording and editing audio for my podcast and for my videos, and the new version of Audacity (3.0.4) that's been released. Podcasting doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg. If you're just getting started in podcasting, you don't have to sink a lot of cash into what you're doing. You can get inexpensive hardware and Audacity is free. The most important part of your podcast is the room you record in. You can get great audio with inexpensive gear if your initial recording is free of echo and room noise. That's not hard to achieve. Some blankets, pillows, moving blankets, and closed curtains will add immeasurably to the quality of the audio in your podcast. I'll be talking more about that in the next episode. Links referenced in this episode: The Audacity Bootcamp podcast page Download the latest version of Audacity The RODE NT USB Mini microphone (affiliate link) The First Person Audio website -Enjoy!  
What It's Like Being an Introvert With a Podcast
Welcome to episode 16 of First Person Audio, the podcast formerly known as Audacity Bootcamp. Here's some techy stuff: I recorded this episode using my Rode NT1 condenser mic recording into my Zoom H6. I did the editing and post production in GarageBand using the Waves NS1 Noise Supressor Plugin, along with Graphic EQ and a Limiter set to -1dB. I exported it from there as a WAV file and leveled the audio to -19 LUFS with a true peak of -2dB in my Auphonic Desktop App. From there I exported it as a mono MP3 to my audio host. I've been giving a lot of thought to why I podcast and that's the topic in today's episode. I'm an introvert (sometimes extremely so) and as of this recording I have 3, count 'em, THREE podcasts. if you are into the enneagram, you should know that I am a 9. Not only that, but I'm a social 9. That means that even though I am an introvert who is sometimes happiest in a quiet room with no one around, I also have something in me that makes me want to be around people. It's like a cruel joke at times. I'm a bit of an anomaly to some and maybe just plain weird to others because I seldom do the things that I'm told I need to be doing in order to be successful as a podcaster or video producer. But I'm ok with not doing those things or not being that person because I don't podcast in order to be a huge success that everyone is talking about. I podcast because I find it therapeutic and calming to be alone in a quiet, mostly dark room (except when I'm recording a video - then the room is well lit) talking into a microphone with no one else there. It's good therapy for me. It's my therapy session for the day. I love doing that, even if no one listens or follows.  I'm thankful that I have an income that's not tied to my podcasting or video production because if that weren't the case I would have to monetize myself and what I do and I know that I wouldn't be any good at that. Here are some links I talk about in this episode. Typology: An Enneagram Podcast - First Person Audio Website: First Person Audio YouTube Channel: Rode NT1 Condenser Mic Kit (Affiliate Link):  Zoom H6 Recorder (Affiliate Link):  Leave a Comment by clicking the website for this episode.
First Person Audio Launch
Welcome to episode 15 of what used to be the Audacity Bootcamp podcast and is now the First Person Audio podcast. Yep, the rebranding to First Person Audio is complete! In this episode I talk about: 1. The rebranding to First Person Audio is complete 2. Audacity's announcement of a soon-to-be-released version of Audacity that includes real-time VST effects which means non-destructive editing is on the way. 3. The Rode NT-USB-Mini microphone and the Rode Connect software. I recorded this episode using this Rode mic and Rode Connect and I didn't put any effects on the voice track in post production except for loudness leveling to -19 LUFS. The small amount of editing that I did (breath and mouth sound cleanup), I did in Audacity version 3.0.3. No EQ, Filter Curve, Compression, or any other effects were added to my voice because I wanted you to hear the audio in the raw. Links in this episode: The First Person Audio Website: Audacity Bootcamp: Beginner to Advanced:  Audacity Announcement on Facebook: Audacity 3.1 Preview:  Rode NT-USB-Mini microphone (affiliate link):  Rode Connect Audio Recording Software:  Enjoy!
I'm Re-Branding the Audacity Bootcamp
Welcome to episode 14 of The Audacity Bootcamp podcast. It's time for a facelift of The Audacity Bootcamp! So I'm going to give it one. I'll be changing the name of The Audacity Bootcamp to First Person Audio over the next week to 10 days. All of the existing content will remain as well as the current subscriptions to my YouTube channel. If I do this right, you won't have to do anything and it will be transparent to you. It will all just magically change. This re-branding is going to affect everything currently touched by The Audacity Bootcamp with the exception of my course on Udemy. That course is going to remain as-is. The new name will impact the website, podcast, Twitter, and The Audacity Bootcamp Facebook page. Re-branding like this will allow me more freedom to touch on other topics in my videos and podcasts, while keeping Audacity as a core element to what I do. Once the changes are made, it'll be back to business as usual.
Is Audacity Spying On Us? Version 3.0.3 Is Out!
Welcome to episode 13 of the Audacity Bootcamp Podcast. I'm back from a month long road trip and while I was gone, I started hearing and reading concerns over Audacity becoming spyware under its new ownership. Also today, April 26, 2021, a new version of Audacity (3.0.3) was released. Coincidence? Let's talk. Here are the links I mention in this episode: Steve Stewart in The Podcast Editors Club on Facebook The Audacity Desktop Privacy Notice What's New in Version 3.0.3? NOTE: As I was editing this episode, Audacity crashed and I was given the option to send the crash report or not send it, just as the privacy notice stated would happen. -Mike
Audacity Bootcamp: Beginner to Advanced
Welcome to episode 12 of The Audacity Bootcamp Podcast. This episode is a shameless plug for my online, on-demand video course, Audacity Bootcamp: Beginner to Advanced. If you're interested in diving deep into Audacity and learning things about Audacity that will give you advanced editing skills and techniques, in addition to greater confidence with Audacity, consider enrolling in my course. It's 6+ hours of video instruction that, like the title suggests, will take you from beginning concepts to advanced topics that can be hard to find elsewhere. Plus, I've priced it incredibly low on purpose to fit any budget. Want to know more? Push Play and listen in. You'll find the course by visiting:  There's a complete outline of the course there as well as several of the videos you can preview so you can make an informed decision. You'll also find me online at and there are links there to every resource I have on Audacity. -Enjoy!
Audacity Purchased by Newly-Formed Muse Group
Welcome to episode 11 of The Audacity Bootcamp Podcast.  "We’re scared and excited. We hope you are too." Those are the closing words on the Audacity Team's announcement of the recent acquisition of Audacity by the newly-formed Muse Group. The deal to purchase Audacity was announced on April 30th. The financial details of the acquisition have not been disclosed. With this acquisition, changes on the horizon for Audacity include: Non-destructive editing via stackable Virtual Studio Technology (VST) effects. An updated user interface that includes a non-Windows 95 appearance and feel. As part of this announcement, Muse Group ( vows to keep Audacity open source and free. In this episode, I share with you a couple of online articles concerning this purchase. One thing is certain; the future of Audacity means change. Here's hoping it's change in the right direction for us podcasters. Links in this episode: The Register announcement: MusicTech announcement: AudacityTeam announcement:  You can find me online at with links there to my YouTube channel, Facebook page, Audacity Bootcamp: Beginner to Advanced, and this podcast. -Enjoy!
How to Edit Non-Destructively in Audacity
Welcome to episode 10 of The Audacity Bootcamp Podcast. I've reached double digits. Yay! One of the bad raps Audacity gets is that editing in Audacity is destructive. That simply means that once you edit and/or put an effect on your Audacity project and then save and close the project, the edits you just did, along with the effects you just put on it, are permanent and can't be removed. This is referred to as destructive editing.  But did you know that non-destructive editing can be done in Audacity? Version 3.0.0 of Audacity introduced a new feature called Project Backup. In this episode, I explain how I use Project Backup as a way to eliminate destructive editing in Audacity. It's easy and it works! Links I mention in this episode: Audacity Bootcamp: Beginner to Advanced Audacity Bootcamp Website Audacity Bootcamp YouTube Channel -Enjoy and happy podcasting!  
What's Apple Doing With Our Podcasts?
Welcome to episode 9 of the Audacity Bootcamp Podcast. What's Apple doing with our podcasts? I've had some weird experiences with Apple on my podcasts these last few days. I updated my iPhone to iOS 14.5 (I probably should have waited) and weird things started happening. The latest episode of another show I do never showed up in my Apple Podcast app. But it did appear other places including my wife's Apple Podcast app. Weird. Push Play to hear more weird stuff. The links I mention in this episode: The Audacity Bootcamp -  Audacity Bootcamp: Beginning to Advanced -  -Enjoy!

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