White Coat, Black Art

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56 reviews
This podcast has
56 episodes
Date created
Average duration
27 min.
Release period
7 days


CBC Radio's Dr. Brian Goldman takes listeners through the swinging doors of hospitals and doctors' offices, behind the curtain where the gurney lies.

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Fighting to provide gender-affirming care
Dr. Kate Greenaway is devoted to providing gender-affirming care to the trans and nonbinary folks who desperately need it. But with ever-increasing wait times and a lack of funding, she’s done something she never thought she’d do: go private. And as this care falls increasingly under threat in Canada, Kit Sparrow explains how Dr. Greenaway’s clinic saved his life – even though he feels he should have never had to pay for it.
ENCORE: The secret to success at community health centres
People with complex medical needs are welcome at Centretown Community Health Centre in Ottawa, one of about 120 CHCs across Canada. Teamwork by nurses, dietitians and others frees up family physicians to focus on patients, not paperwork.
The toll of cannabis-induced psychosis
When Kalpit Sharma started smoking high-THC weed several times a day, he thought he was just “living his life” as a university student. But then, he started hearing voices. Researcher Dr. Daniel Myran shares the science behind stories like Kalpit’s – and why young men are particularly at risk for concerning mental health outcomes.
Women take on the fight for earlier breast cancer screening
Women are advocating for regular breast cancer screening to begin at age 40, pushing back against the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care guidelines that recommend starting at age 50. They’re fighting for their voices to be heard, as the taskforce reviews its guidelines.
The high cost of sick notes
Patients don't like waiting in a clinic or ER to get them, doctors hate writing them, and yet, some employers continue to demand sick notes for a minor illness like the flu or a cold. Now, some doctors and other health-care providers are pushing back. They say sick notes tie up an already overloaded system, arguing that more paid sick days are needed instead.
The fight for faster eating disorder treatment
Twenty years after her daughter died, Winnipegger Elaine Stevenson is still fighting to get people better and faster treatment for eating disorders. Roughly a million Canadians have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, and as many as 15 percent will die because of it. Despite that, wait lists for treatment in Canada can be over a year, and it's not offered in every province.
What this woman wants you to know about power of attorney
When Mary Jarratt's brother, Billy, had a debilitating stroke at 58, she was thrown into the role of Power of Attorney. She had to make tough decisions about his care, the care of his teenaged son and whether to sell the family home. She wants people to know what they’re getting into when they sign up to be a POA.
An Organ Donation Leads To An Unlikely Friendship
Tara de Pratto donated part of her liver to a stranger, saving her life. The recipient was Farah Ali, and she and her family will never forget that act of kindness. In this second episode on living donors, we hear how Tara responded to a unique callout for a donor on social media, thanks to one woman’s passion for connecting donors with people in need. And how it led to a powerful bond between people whose paths might never have otherwise crossed.
ENCORE: The Sherbrooke Model of Long-term Care
Sherbrooke Community Centre’s intergenerational program, iGen, is unique in Canada. The long-term-care home in Saskatoon doubles as a Grade Six classroom and is helping both kids and seniors.
The Gift of Life
In this season of bearing gifts, it’s been said the highest form of giving is the anonymous kind. Heather Badenoch knows that very well. She donated part of her liver to a child she never met in Toronto. Now she uses her communications skills to recruit donors for people in need of an organ. In two weeks, we’ll have the story of one of the families she has helped.
Virtual Cancer Screening Service
B.C. family physician Dr. Stuart Bax co-founded the virtual cancer screening service CanScreenBC.com to get people checked as early as possible so they don't end up getting a cancer diagnosis too late.
Dismantling Alberta Health Care
The Alberta government is about to change health care like never before. It’s taking what’s been administered exclusively by Alberta Health Services and breaking it up into four independent parts: acute care, primary care, continuing care and mental health and addiction. Doctors and nurses, patients and experts are worried what this new healthcare system could look like for patient care. One health economist calls it a "train wreck."

Podcast reviews

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4.8 out of 5
56 reviews
FrEmDawn 2021/05/09
Important, Enlightening Podcast - Distracting Music
I love the topics, interviews and perspective and value system of this podcast. Thank you for talking to people in community who get a chance to have ...
ALittleChaotic 2019/04/08
What an amazing show!
Excellent program, superior topics !
Purllygurl 2014/10/17
Very interesting, informative, and addicting. Can't stop listening because it's something real and honest for a change. I love it because it's things ...
Sk8ddff 2013/09/10
Keep up the good work
ima904 2011/09/18
I love this podcast. It's been very informative. Sometimes it's good to hear what goes on behind the curtain.
SF Bay Rower 2008/05/07
Great Medical Storytelling
This is a podcast I listen to first as I hear the opinions of people on the front lines of health care on how they cope with hotly debated challenges ...
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