The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

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235 reviews
This podcast has
99 episodes
Date created
Average duration
31 min.
Release period
1 days


Pastor and bestselling author Andrew Farley's weekly messages and radio shows.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley podcast

“I’m not living up to God’s expectations!”
Is there any sadness or disappointment in Heaven? Will disputes be settled and bitterness be healed in Heaven? Do angels have bodies like humans? How are our minds renewed? I feel like I’m not living up to God’s expectations. I heard you teach that we don’t need to tithe 10% today. Where do we find that? What about Jesus’ instruction on tithing? I’ve been smoking for decades and can’t seem to stop. Does this mean I have a lack of faith? What does “help my unbelief” mean in Mark 24?
Alive with Christ: Discovering Our Spiritual Riches in Ephesians – Part 6
Join us here for our morning service at The Grace Church. We continue our series called "Alive with Christ: Discovering our Spiritual Riches in Ephesians" with Part 6 (Ephesians 4:17-32). Below are the discussion questions for today’s message:   (1) Read verses 17-19. How do words like futility, darkened, excluded, ignorance, hardness, and callous describe the unbeliever? What is the main cause of this? (Hint: Consider the electrical outlet analogy.) (2) Read verses 20-24. Why is it important to read these five verses as one big thought? Is it really saying we need to put off our old self daily? If not, what does it mean? (Make sure to cross-reference Colossians 3:9-10). (3) What does verse 24 say about you as the new self? What does this mean to you personally? (4) Read verse 25. How does belonging to one another relate to lying? (5) How does “letting the sun go down on your anger” give the devil an opportunity? What’s the solution? Be sure to discuss what “forgiveness as a choice” really looks like. (6) Read verses 29-30. How does verse 29 give us insight into what it means to grieve the Spirit? (7) Read verse 32. In what way is this the opposite of what we see in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:14-15)? How do we resolve the discrepancy? (Hint: Consider the cross as the dividing line of human history and the purpose of the Sermon on the Mount.)  
“We unplug from Adam and get plugged in to Christ”
What are the ways in which Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled by Jesus? What exactly happened at the fall for Adam and Eve? I want a deeper spiritual relationship with someone close to me, but I always seem to feel rejected. Any advice?
Wait on God or move forward?
I get confused and even depressed from all the different theological viewpoints out there. Is Hell only for fallen angels? What is the main issue with Calvinism? Do we wait for God to bring us a spouse or do we actively seek one out? Or is there an entirely different perspective? What Bible version is the best and why?
Do you have a “dirty worm” view of yourself?
Are we simultaneously saints and sinners? Can you talk about the “dirty worm theology” so many have today? What does your tag line “Jesus plus nothing“ mean? What is our authority as believers to do miracles or heal people? Why is Jesus talking about nakedness and clothing in Revelation 16?
Deny yourself? Not if you’re the new self!
Does our old self die when we believe? Does the Holy Spirit live in me or does Christ live in me? Why does Paul give instruction about women’s clothing but not men’s? What do you mean by “you can be yourself and express Jesus at the exact same time”?
“What if I stop believing?”
Why did Jesus mention Heaven and Earth passing away in reference to the Law? Can Christians really have more fun than unbelievers? Is generational trauma a real thing? What about generational curses? Can a Christian stop believing and lose their salvation? What about free will?
Forgive to be forgiven? Justified by works?
What kind of repentance actually saves? How should we view the Lord’s Prayer if believers are already forgiven? Why does James 2 say “justified by works” three times? Who was Melchizedek and why is he mentioned in the Old and New Testaments? Do we lose our painful memories when we get to Heaven?
Alive with Christ: Discovering Our Spiritual Riches in Ephesians – Part 5
Do we “get” more self-control over time? No!
Who exactly is the Holy Spirit? Why did Jesus tell the man near the pool at Bethesda that he should sin no more so nothing worse happens? I can’t seem to quit smoking weed, and I’m torturing myself every day. Can you help? Do we get more self control as time goes by?
“I’m struggling with lust and sexual sin…”
Can you be in Christ but still “think” in Adam? (Well, not exactly, but here’s why we’re still learning and growing.) I know I was saved early on in my life, but I feel that my heart has been hardened, and I keep believing lies. I’m miserable. Can you help me? Is self-defense with a firearm okay for a Christian?
Do we need to “hold fast” to stay saved?
Why do Hebrews and Colossians say to “hold fast“ or “continue”? Does this imply we could lose our salvation? Is Romans 7 about Paul before or after his conversion? When Romans 8 says “no condemnation”, is it referring to total forgiveness of our future sins? Why do some Christians seem to have a negative view of Jews in the Old Testament or even today?

Podcast reviews

Read The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley podcast reviews

4.8 out of 5
235 reviews
dlass16 2023/01/02
Freedom in Christ explained
I’ve been a dedicated Christian and reading my Bible steadily for over 50 years and I’ve never heard the New Covenant explained so simply yet so profo...
JackFrede 2022/09/15
Made me fall in love with Jesus all over again
For about a year of being a Christian I was struggling with condeming legalism no matter how hard I tried. I prayed to understand the Gospel and God b...
Sharms04 2022/09/10
Awesome revelation and truth reaching!
Being a Christian for 50 years I have never heard a clearer picture of God’s truths eg who I am in Christ … than when I started to listen to Andrew F...
cali61 2022/08/19
Good News
Andrew clearly articulates the good news of the gospel. He is very clear and easy to understand and mixes it all together in a refreshing way with a g...
S0N 0F KRYPT0N 2022/06/20
A reminder
This podcast is a simple reminder that the gospel is “GOOD NEWS” thanks to the finished work of Jesus.
Clint.... 2021/06/19
Great news
In this current age when many are mixing “old wine” with “new wine” and ending up with a bad and confusing brew, Andrew teaches the simple gospel whi...
Tonie1220 2020/08/05
Now I Know
It saddens me that I was so confused and lost over religion for my entire childhood. The answer has always been Jesus. It’s a shame big religion can g...
Watch news anywhere. 2019/04/07
Leave the confusion of religion
God hates religion but He loves people. Andrew teaches the simple truth that religion reaches up in an empty attempt to reach God. Andrew sorts out th...
zorrothelegend 2017/10/11
I love Drew
What a grasp on the gospel! He has a mind like a steel trap and leaps over buildings with a single bound... he loves Jesus and Jesus is first as the f...
Shawn Fulkerson 2012/03/02
Truth that frees you!
These messages seem to split spiritual hairs in a profound and illuminating way. My spirit rings out in agreement with the life and freedom found in t...
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