Great Moments In Science

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10 reviews
This podcast has
252 episodes
Date created
Average duration
7 min.
Release period
7 days


From the ground breaking and life saving to the wacky and implausible, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki reveals some of the best moments in science.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Great Moments In Science podcast

Measles erases immune system memory
Measles is a nasty infection that you don't want to get. It can cause death and, what's more, it can also erase your immune system's memory. Only relatively recently scientists have measured this directly - by concentrating on antibodies – which can be generated by natural infection, and by vaccines.
Anticipation is a strange experience. It can take you all the way from hope and trust, to anxiety and fear. But there’s a happy balancing point where anticipation can enrich your life.
Drunk animals
Who’d’ve thought that one of the most sober animals is the humble hamster. They love alcohol but it doesn’t affect them. And who’d’ve thought that there’s a way to measure inebriation levels in animals - it’s called the Wobbling Scale – but hamsters NEVER wobble. 
The washing of bed sheets
The average recommendation is to wash your bed sheets at least every two weeks. This is because every day you shed a mix of dead skin cells, sweat, germs, and body oils.. Sometimes you can delay bed sheet washing, it all depends on what kind of things you get up to in bed.
Atmospheric rivers, part 2
Very long and very widebut only a few kilometres thick, atmospheric rivers carry water from the tropics towards the poles – and they shift huge amounts of heat as well. A few decades ago, atmospheric rivers hit West Antarctica and collapsed two massive ice shelves.
Atmospheric rivers, part 1
A discovery in weather in the 1990s was the Atmospheric River. They've been around for pretty much ever though - one of them bankrupted California in 1862, and another dumped lots and lots of water onto Brisbane, in February 2022.
Why are whales so big?
Whales are the giants of the marine realm, and here's why they get that way. This episode was originally published in May 2018
Most distant star ever found
The star Earendel came into existence a long time ago, and is now famous as the most distant single star that astronomers have been able to obtain an image of.
Grasshopper can turn into locust
The Koran, the Bible, the Sanskrit Mahabharata, and the Greek Illiad all mention plagues of locusts, and they're seen as carvings in ancient Egyptian tombs. Large numbers of locust could have come about because, in certain circumstances, grasshoppers metamorphose—into locusts.
Ivermectin and COVID—Part 2 of 2
The drug ivermectin is really good for treating worms; unfortunately it was falsely promoted as a COVID cure due to data errors, drug trial anomalies, or insufficient publication review.
Ivermectin and COVID
There are many cases of drugs being repurposed once a new aspect of them is discovered—their new use is often very beneficial. One such drug is ivermectin. It works well against various parasitic infections. It does not work against COVID.
The swing of bowling
Ball games were happening 3,500 years ago, and ever since then we’ve bounced and batted in all sorts of fun ways. We're especially interested in the mechanics of a ball curving as it travels through the air—which happens in swing bowling.

Podcast reviews

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4.9 out of 5
10 reviews
KayakOtter 2015/10/02
Interesting topics that make you think.
Interesting topics that make you think. Good audio quality. Nice short but fun podcasts.
clint wolf 2012/05/08
Great podcast!
Dr. Karl always does a terrific job. Thanks for the great work.
Madlisa 2009/06/01
Dr. Karl - He's the best.
Having moved from Australia to the USA one thing I missed was Dr Karl. His books are great, and these podcasts are awesome. So glad I can get my Dr. K...
djc0 2007/06/23
I'm surprised noone has reviewed this podcast yet. Its classic Dr Karl - informative, funny, interesting, all with a twist. One of the best science ...
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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