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This podcast has
111 episodes
Date created
Average duration
56 min.
Release period
15 days


Living with XXY is changing the way the world views Klinefelter syndrome (47XXY). Focusing on community, awareness, and positive traits.

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#109 - Parents of Boy with XXY - Anne and Chris Price
Anne Price had an NIPT screening due to her age of 41. One week later, while their family was on vacation with their two older kids, Anne received a call while waiting for the Finding Nemo ride at Epcot. Her phone rang. Her OBGYN, who had a very somber tone of voice, delivered the news horribly, telling her the results were a sex chromosome abnormality and the mention of Klinefelter syndrome. He said, "The good news is that your child doesn't have Down syndrome." The call got disconnected, and Anne couldn't leave the line, so she started to cry uncontrollably during the ride.
#111 - Mother and Son - Kelly and Connor Stine, age 17
Kelly Stine is the mother to Connor, who is 17, a senior in high school. Connor encourages other boys his age to share their stories and help build a community for teenagers with XXY. Connor loves to play Roblox and Brawlstars. He also enjoys his government class because his teacher is super funny. At the end of 10th grade, she noticed his maturity was not developing like others. After some blood work, Kelly noticed his FSH levels were off the charts. She started to learn about Klinefelter syndrome and asked her doctor to do a Karyotype. Once he was diagnosed, they did Micro-Tese which came back negative. Kelly says "starting testosterone has been a night-and-day difference for Connor."
#110 - Early Intervention - Carson Blake
Carson Blake shares with us about her son Louden, who is now four years old and has been in Early Intervention since he was six months old. Carson talks about why EI has been super helpful for her son and his accomplishments. Carson also got her state of Missouri to add Klinefelter syndrome to the First Steps Early Intervention system for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, who have delayed development or diagnosed conditions associated with developmental disabilities.
#108 - Mother of Teen with XXY - Colleen Sanders (UK)
Colleen Sander's son, Jackson, was born at 29 weeks and wasn't speaking at the age of two. Once Jackson started school, he was given speech therapy, and over time, something didn't seem right for Colleen. Jackson, 14, had some routine blood work done a few days before receiving a strange phone call from the NHS on a Sunday evening around 9 p.m. The doctors asked for him to come back and do some follow-up testing. Colleen jumped on Google to research what the results might have meant. She started to cry when she was reading about Klinefelter syndrome, checking all the boxes off that this was most likely what her son could have.
#107 - Mother of Teen with XXY - Jessica Henderson
Jessica Henderson's journey to diagnosis started with her firstborn son, Clay, who is now 18. When Clay was two, Jessica's Grandmother offered to pay for speech therapy. School started to become challenging for Clay in the third grade. One of the teachers told Jessica at a parent-teacher conference, "I've just learned to expect less from your son".
#106 - Father and Son - Michael and Carson Bush, age 18
Michael Bush is the father to Carson, an 18-year-old diagnosed with XXY at 15, and together, they want to inspire other young men and their parents to do a podcast. Carson shares his story, from being unable to talk about XXY to his love of teaching people about it. At the age of three, Carson hit his peak in growth, and by the time he was five, he started taking growth hormones. Around 12, Carson was experiencing mobility issues, and their family doctor thought he might have Heller and Danlos syndrome. Michael wants people to know that having a child with XXY is okay. Carson grew up being a normal child, riding bikes and playing outside. Michael also wants to encourage parents not to shelter their boys because of this diagnosis and says everyone will face challenges in life.
#105 - Mother of Boy with XXY - Carolina (Brazil)
Carolina is the first person from Brazil to share her story on our podcast. She was 35 when she was pregnant so her OBGYN was concerned due to her older age. She asked her to proceed with doing an NIPT. After the results came in, her doctor called her and said she was having a boy with XXY. The doctor also told her his life would be fine, and that he might have troubles with fertility. Her son is also a rainbow baby, which seems very common among our XXYcommunity.
#104 - Adult with XXY - Melvin Amantiad 56
Melvin Amantiad was born and raised in Hawaii. When Melvin was in his early 20s (1980s for reference), he went in for a check-up for prostate cancer because he was having pain in his growing/stomach area. Because of his body shape, his doctor suggested doing a karyotype test. The test results came back positive for XXY. He was given a pamphlet from the doctor and sent on his way. His doctors scared him with the idea of being put on hormone treatment that it would make him very aggressive and get into trouble with the law.
#103 - Mother of Boy with XXY - Tara Whitfield
Tara Whitfield shares her story about her son Westin. Her first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. When Tara was ten weeks pregnant, she opted for NIPT. Being a nurse, when the results came back positive for XXY, she had never heard of it. Tara has listened to every single podcast, and it has been a light for her in dark times during her diagnosis. She hopes that her story will encourage others to share their stories.  
#102 - Teenager with XXY - Toby Voige, age 15
Toby Voige, age 15, shares his experience from his recent trip to Denver, Colorado, while participating in research. The Lipids to Fat study aims to see how boys with XXY bodies use fat as an energy source. Dr Shanlee Davis is the lead on this research. If you would like to learn more, please click the link provided and watch the video. Details about the study are in the video description
#101 - Parents of Boy with XXY - Amanda and Jonathan Korb
Amanda found out she was pregnant in 2020. Having a background in the OBGYN field, they did an NIPT because they wanted to know the gender of their child. Amanda went online to her medical account to find the test results were completed before her doctor could call her. She saw the results said male, but it was also flagged as XXY. Her doctor's office didn't know much about the diagnosis and referred them to a genetic counselor who said, "if your baby is going to be diagnosed with anything, this is the one you want."
#100 - Adult with XXY - Daniel Sharp
Daniel Sharp was overweight at 24 and went to the doctor to see if they had any answers to why. The doctor talked to Daniel about having low vitamin D levels and lower testosterone. She suspected he had Klinefelter syndrome, but no further testing was done to confirm. After meeting his first wife, they tried to have a baby for two years, with no results. He did a sperm test and found out he had zero sperm. The doctors attributed his no sperm to him being overweight. His first wife divorced him because he was unable to have kids.

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5 out of 5
30 reviews
Realtor954 2023/08/29
Living with XXY
Ryan is doing a great job to give information on this to folks. It’s great for this information to be available for people to see.
RyanMoki 2020/11/25
Wonderful life experiences
This is an incredible podcast sharing the true stories of people who are living with Klinefelter syndrome. Thank you so much for doing this!
ruzzell99 2020/07/13
Much needed podcast!!!
Very glad to see Ryan and guests give personal experiences on XXY and Klinefelters syndrome. As a person with mosaic XXY the Living with XXY network i...
Seeking other professionals 2020/07/06
So thankful for this great podcast!!!
This podcast is truly a blessing for anyone who wants to learn about Klinefelter syndrome!!!! Thank you so much for starting this and I look forward t...
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