The Way Out Is In

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66 episodes
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100 min.
Release period
24 days


This podcast series is aimed at helping us to transcend our fear and anger so that we can be more engaged in the world in a way that develops love and compassion. Thich Nhat Hanh’s calligraphy ‘The Way Out Is In” highlights that the way out of any difficulty is to look deeply within, gain insights and then put them into practice. "The Way Out is In" is co-hosted by Brother Phap Huu, Thich Nhat Hanh's personal attendant for 17 years and the abbot of Plum Village's Upper Hamlet, and Jo Confino, who works at the intersection of personal transformation and systems change. The podcast is co-produced by the Plum Village App and Global Optimism, with support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation.

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Shining Light (Episode #63)
Welcome to episode 63 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino explore ‘shining light’. This deep-looking practice, established in the Plum Village community, allows monastics to share and receive feedback, so that they can learn and grow together, and better understand each other. Fresh from a shining light session, Brother Phap Huu offers insights into the practice and its evolution over the years, while Jo brings insights from feedback systems in the lay communities. Their conversation touches upon radical transparency, power dynamics, generating joy and happiness in the sangha, the practice of gratitude, the importance of language in the process of growth, bringing this shining light into the everyday, and much more.  Enjoy! Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  ‘Shining the Light’  ‘The Practice of Gratitude’  Interbeing Sutras: ‘Discourse on the Dharma Seal & the Three Doors of Liberation’ ‘The Four Dharma Seals of Plum Village’  Bhikkhu  Quotes “Meditation on offering guidance. Lord Buddha and teachers over many generations, today we have a chance to practice offering guidance to our brothers, sisters, and friends. We know that in spirit, we are all part of one sangha, that our flesh and bones are also part of one sangha. Therefore, we are aware that offering guidance to another is offering guidance to ourselves. We vow to use all of our love and understanding in order to practice offering guidance. We promise that every word we speak will come from the good intention of wanting to have a correct view about the person to whom guidance is being offered. We vow not to let our anger, sadness, and prejudice wrongly influence our opinion. We promise that every word we speak will come from love, because offering guidance to one is also offering guidance to many. We are aware that this practice will offer benefits to each of us. Dear Buddha and ancestral teachers, please support us in our wholehearted effort to successfully offer guidance today.”  “The essence of this [practice] lies in real friendship or in real relationships. According to my understanding and experience of relationships, they require the time and space to acknowledge the flowers, as well as to support one another when we see a particular negative habit or tendency. This may be a viewpoint, or a recurring action. And if you don’t fix it, or if you don’t support the other person to change it, it will grow.” “When you hear something as simple as, ‘When you smile, brother, you make the whole room smile’, that’s a wonderful quality [to be told that you have]. I received this [complement] when I was a young novice. And I’d never experienced that before: being acknowledged for a simple action that can help brighten the room. And that became one of the threads in the fabric of who I am, and I always remember that [complement] when I smile. So shining light can water the seed that helps the wonderful characteristics of a human being grow and develop.”  “Freedom is freedom from something
The Heart of Meditation – Part Two (Episode #62)
Welcome to episode 62 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino continue their discussion with Sister True Dedication (Sister Hien Nghiem) about the 16 exercises of mindful breathing which are at the heart of the teachings offered by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community.  This episode, the second of a two-part special, explains and breaks down the practice of breathing exercises nine to 16. It includes the exercises’ traditional texts, revised versions, and variations and adaptations, with extensive explanations given by the two monastics about how to apply each to our daily lives. The first eight exercises are also briefly recapped, along with a description of the Three Doors of Liberation. Also, where do the 16 exercises come from? How do we gladden the mind? What is true strength? What about authenticity? Why is it important to name the mental formations? What does liberation feel like? And how do we integrate the 16 exercises into a busy life? These and many other questions are answered in this installment of the podcast.Enjoy. Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  Sister True Dedication  Songs: ‘The 16 Exercises of Mindful Breathing’  Thay’s Poetry: ‘Please Call Me by My True Names (Song & Poem)’  Interbeing  Sister Jina  ‘51 Mental Formations’  Dharma Talks: ‘The Noble Eightfold Path’ The Way Out Is In: ‘The Three Doors of Liberation (Episode #18)’  The Art of Living  Chinese Buddhist canon Dharma Talks: ‘The Five Remembrances’ ‘The Four Dharma Seals of Plum Village’  Master Tang Hoi  Yogachara  Quotes “‘What is going on in my mind?’ This phrase is a mental formation. And, especially in our tradition of Buddhism, we love this term ‘formation’; it means that everything is made of everything, is composite. Even our happiness, our sorrow, or our depression is made of lots and lots of different elements. There are many threads to them, and that insight, simply the word ‘formation’, can help us to not be so scared or overwhelmed by our feelings. There’s an inquiry here, an investigation: ‘What is going on in my mind? What has come to be, what has formed in my mind at this moment?’” “In terms of Buddhist psychology, because our mind has different layers and different depths, we can be carrying a feeling in it without knowing that we’re carrying it. And I would say my loneliness is a feeling. It’s partly in the body, but largely in the mind, because o
The Heart of Meditation – Part One (Episode #61)
Welcome to episode 61 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino are again joined by frequent guest Sister True Dedication (Sister Hien Nghiem). Together, they discuss the sixteen exercises of mindful breathing which are at the heart of the teachings offered by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community.This episode, the first of a two-part special, explains and breaks down the practice of breathing exercises one to eight. It includes the exercises’ traditional texts, revised versions (plus the reasons for their revision), and variations and adaptations, with extensive explanations given by the two monastics about how to apply each one to our daily lives.  In addition, stories are shared about Thich Nhat Hanh practicing meditation, as well as the concrete steps taken and challenges faced over time by both Brother Phap Huu and Sister True Dedication.  And why is sitting meditation the hardest practice? Is it essential to meditate in order to be a good practitioner of mindfulness? How can one ease oneself into attention? What difference does paying attention to our breathing actually make? These and many other questions are answered in this installment of the podcast.Enjoy. Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  Sister True Dedication  Songs: ‘The 16 Exercises of Mindful Breathing’ Talks: ‘The Noble Eightfold Path’ The Five Contemplations Before Eating  Interbeing  Breathe, You Are Alive!  Mahayana Jo-ann Rosen  Sister Jina  Dharma Talk: ‘Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing’ Quotes “From a more Western background, there’s a goal we need to meet and then we’re done. And I think that has also been applied to meditation, mindfulness, or spirituality: we think that there is one aim and if we practice for this long, then we will feel successful and accomplished, and then we’re finished. But Thay didn’t stop practicing, even after being named a Zen Master. The Buddha himself never stopped practicing, even after his enlightenment. So we have to change our view of meditation, to see and understand it as a path of practice. And each step, each breath is a journey, is a continuation. And we will grow in our own understanding of the breath.” “Our practice is also learning to befriend the breath, and seeing that the breath is our spiritual foundation, our spiritual home. And it’s mobile, because wherever we go, that breath is with us.”  “Meditation in the sitting position offers a combination of stillness, alertness, and deep calm, and then deep looking can arise from that stopping and that stillness. And so, each of us may have to be quite creative to find the moment when we can have real stillness.” “Meditation is not a fixed point in time or a fixed place; it’s a way to see the world.” “In our
32 Words to Create Harmonious Relationships (Episode #60)
Welcome to episode 60 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino share 32 words from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh that can make your relationships deal with suffering and create happiness. The Four Mantras, Thay’s beloved teachings, are intended to help create healthy relationships by allowing conversations and enabling people to be truly present for each other.  The discussion touches upon generating presence; setting up intentional practices; being a refuge for people; building two-way communication; calligraphy as a way ‘to change the energy’; and so much more. Brother Phap Huu shares the origins of mantras and helps introduce each mantra with practical tips, real stories from his life and from the monastic community, as well as unheard (yet!) insights from Thay’s practice and creation of the mantras. And can you guess which is Thay’s favorite mantra?  Jo brings his lay perspective on the mantras and their application in life. A couple of new mantras are discussed, too, but you’d better dive in for some pure essence of Buddhist wisdom.  The episode ends with a mindful recap of the mantras discussed.  Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  Rains Retreat  Historical Vedic religion  Vedas  Mahayana New Heart Sutra translation by Thich Nhat Hanh  Interbeing  Sister Chan Khong  Dharma Talk: ‘The Six Mantras’  ‘Plum Village Mantras and How to Be the Sum of Your Acts’ ‘The Four Dharma Seals of Plum Village’ Dharma Talks: ‘True Love and the Four Noble Truths’ Quotes “Thay created these mantras, which are very practical; it sounds very simple, but if done with right mindfulness, it has such impact. The first mantra is the essence of the practice of mindfulness. When we practice mindfulness, it is to generate the energy of awareness, so that we can offer ourselves a presence and know what is going on inside of us and around us. And with that mindfulness, we are in control. We have the agency of the present moment.” “When we’re close to someone, we take each other for granted. We stop noticing the little things. We stop noticing that what someone is doing is generous. That what someone’s doing is making them happy. We just stop noticing.”  “The first Dharma seal of Plum Village is, ‘I have arrived, I am home.’ What does it mean to arrive and be home? It is to say, ‘I am safe here. I can show up as myself and I know that I will be held.’” “We forget how precious things are right in front of us, and we forget to be present for the ones we truly love. So the first mantra is, ‘I am here for you.’ It is as simple as that. But in the word ‘present’, when we want to give somebody a present, our natural tendency is to think about buying som
Transforming Generational Suffering and Hatred (Episode #59)
Welcome to episode 59 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino discuss conflicts in our world. They focus on the war in the Middle East, through the prism of Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings, which remain so relevant in the current moment.  Exploring Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings in relation to conflict, pain, and the path to peace, the presenters investigate ways to not take sides during a conflict, and how Thay managed this during the Vietnam War; deep listening, holding space, and transforming the conflict in us; keeping communities together; cultivating nondiscrimination; walking the path of love and understanding in times of war; and gratitude.  Brother Phap Huu further shares around Thay’s legacy of dealing with conflict and the joint retreats he organized for Palestinians and Israelis in Plum Village; ways to show love for humanity; right action and enabling healing in the present moment; the importance of small acts of kindness; our own true presence of peace and nondiscrimination.  Jo also opens up about what it feels like to go through a “period of deconstruction”; being the child of refugees and the deep connection this can create to generational trauma; dealing with the tensions created in organizations by global conflicts; and fear, and how to not be consumed by despair, but, instead, how to feel it in order to transform it. The episode ends with offerings of gratitude and a short meditation guided by Brother Phap Huu.  Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  A Cloud Never Dies Interbeing  Peace Begins Here  Calming the Fearful Mind  Love in Action  Peace Is Every Step The Way Out Is In: ‘War and Peace (Episode #24)’ Dharma Talks: ‘Right View: Understanding the Roots of Our True Happiness’ Rains Retreat  Quotes “Thay went through the Vietnam War, or as it is known in Vietnam, the American War, and was constantly under pressure to take sides. And he refused to take sides and advocated for peace, knowing that violence does not end violence, that war does not end war, that killing does not end killing, and that all it creates is generational trauma.” “Thay’s foundation of action was peace, and his foundation of action came from true love and deep mindfulness. To be aware of the suffering, to listen to the suffering, and to look deeply at the suffering will be the way out of the suffering.”  “What you can offer is your true presence of peace, your true presence of nondiscrimination, and your true presence of courage to show up where it is needed.”  “Thay did not take sides; he took nonviolence as the path and peace as the path. So the voice that we speak, that we use, the actions of body, speech, and mind, is to generate and cultivate peace inside, to bring peace around us.” “Thay always spoke about cultivating inner peace in order to touch true love inside, b
Healing Body and Mind (Episode #58)
Welcome to episode 58 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino talk about healing the body. Brother Phap Huu is back in Plum Village, five weeks after undergoing surgery on one of his knees, ready to discuss dealing with ill health after 21 years as a practitioner of mindfulness. How can we accept what is going on in our bodies but also heal and be present?   The conversation touches upon many relevant topics, such as deep endurance of pain and suffering; being mindful of your body and coming home to it; recognizing ‘the fear’; Thich Nhat Hanh’s journey of being in hospital and dealing with health issues (as recalled by his attendants); accepting the present moment; learning to be teachers; impermanence; and more. Thank you for listening. Enjoy! Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  Gatha Poems  ‘How to Dwell Happily in the Present Moment’  Stepping Into Freedom  ‘The Five Earth Touchings’ Sister True Dedication  Brother Phap Linh  Neural pathway  ‘The Four Dharma Seals of Plum Village’  Quotes “In Buddhism, dying is not just the moment when we breathe our last breath. Because dying – the ‘no birth, no death’ – is the insight that there’s always birth and there’s always death in every moment. And that’s why we are ever changing and recognizing that we have to learn to let go of everything we hold dear – even our health. Our true belongings are our actions of body, speech, and mind.” “It’s the cultivation of the practice that allows you – in this difficult time [ill health], when there’s so much energy in the opposite direction – to pull back and rest in that place.”  “The only moment we have in life is the present moment. The past will become a memory, will become lessons, will become a legacy. And the future is not yet here. So all we have is the present moment.” “The present moment always teaches us to accept, let go, and embrace and dance with what we have.”
Mindful Activism: From Anxiety to Agency (Episode #57)
Welcome to episode 57 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives.In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino are joined by Clover Hogan, climate activist and founder of the Force of Nature NGO. Together, they discuss activism in times of emerging polycrisis, dealing with growing anxiety, empowering young activists, and turning despair into fuel for change in the climate movement (and beyond) – at both collective and individual levels.  Clover Hogan is a 24-year-old climate activist, researcher on eco-anxiety, and the founding Executive Director of Force of Nature – a youth non-profit mobilizing mindsets for climate action. She has worked alongside the world’s leading authorities on sustainability, consulted in the boardrooms of Fortune 50 companies, and helped students in more than 50 countries take action. Clover has taken the stage alongside global change-makers such as Jane Goodall and Vandana Shiva, and interviewed the 14th Dalai Lama, while her TED Talk has been viewed almost two million times.  In addition, Clover shares about her first retreats in Plum Village (and why it is her favorite place on Earth) and how Thay’s teachings have impacted her activism; the pressure, as a teen activist, “to be optimistic and determined”; stepping out of her “bubble of climate privilege”; avenues to creating a regenerative organizational culture; the collective consciousness of the youth movement; lessons learnt from running Force of Nature; fear, disillusionment, and despair in the climate movement; working with intentionality; old practices for new activism; why a spiritual practice is essential; and much more.  Brother Phap Huu and Jo contribute leadership guidance from different perspectives; relevant stories from Thich Nhat Hanh’s own activism; teachings from Buddhism and Engaged Buddhism; advice about accessing the wisdom already inside us all; and mindful ways and practical tools for engaging with ‘the other side’ and showing up in a world in crisis – as an activist, but also in other roles.The episode ends with a guided meditation from the Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet online course produced by the Plum Village community.  Thank you for listening. Enjoy! Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  Clover Hogan   The Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet online course  Lazy days  Polycrisis  Dharma Talks: ‘True Love and the Four Noble Truths’  Retreats Calendar  Christiana Figueres  The Organic Happy Farms  ‘51 Mental Formations’  COP26  Limited liability companies (LLCs)  The Stonewall uprising  The civil rights movement  Hollyhock  Dharma Talks: ‘Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels’
Caring for Children, Caring for the Child Inside (Episode #56)
Welcome to episode 56 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives.In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino talk about the annual family retreats at Plum Village (the one time when families visit with their children): how they came about, and how the dharma can touch the lives of children and teenagers. The presenters share their unique experiences of these retreats, and stories of transformation involving parents and children, including ones featuring Thich Nhat Hanh and his deep teachings and special understanding of the youngest practitioners. Going deeper, the conversation delves into ways to remain compassionate and continue to listen deeply when dealing with a child; collective energy and co-creating an environment for children; the insight of nondiscrimination; the art of slowing down and being present for your children; authority and separation; the fourteen mindfulness trainings; and more.  Plus, why do people bring their families to a Zen monastery in the south of France? Are mindful practitioners better parents?Brother Phap Huu further shares how the retreats are run, some popular mindfulness practices, and how monastics work with different age groups. Jo talks about generational pain and the importance of deepening our relationship with our children, at any age.The episode ends with ‘Practicing with the Five-Year-old in Me and in My Parents’, a recording of a meditation guided by Thich Nhat Hanh. Thank you for listening. Enjoy! Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  Old Path White Clouds  The Organic Happy Farm  ‘The Pebble Meditation’  Looking Deeply: ‘Healing the Inner Child’  ‘The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings’  The Bodhisattva vow  Mahāyāna‘Practicing with the Five-Year-Old Child in Me and in My Parents’  ‘Practicing with the Child in Me (Guided Meditation)’  The Way Out Is In: ‘Healing Our Inner Child: Pathways to Embrace Our Suffering (Episode #10)’  Quotes “Now that I reflect on my childhood, what were the gems in my upbringing? One that stands out very clearly is when my parents were in Plum Village, because somehow Plum Village energy and the creation of the space was developed together; everybody co-created the retreat and you got to be yourself. We weren’t competing to see who was more mindful, or who was going to become the Buddha first. Then everybody slowly un-layered all of the masks they were wearing, as well as starting to embrace and accept themselves. And that presence has a very deep impact on a child.” “It does take a community to help a child grow.” “When the Buddha became enlightened, the first thing he did was to create a community. And I would even say that the Buddha’s journey goes all the way back to the support of children.” “Every action that Thay produced through body, speech, and mind was a transmission.” “The baby may not und
Spiritual Journey: No Quick Fixes (Episode #55)
Welcome to episode 55 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino discuss spiritual journeys, why they take a lifetime, and why there are no quick fixes on the spiritual path. But how does this fit into busy lives and the instant answers and results we have become accustomed to? They also touch upon the difficulties of maintaining the practice, the reason there are no certifications for mindfulness, and why a retreat is not enough. And what type of happiness do you most want to generate in this life?  Brother Phap Huu shares insights from both Buddhist teachings and recent Plum Village retreats where he interacted with families and teenagers – beginners on the spiritual path – and suggests essential practical steps for integrating the practice of mindfulness into busy schedules.The episode ends with a short meditation guided by Brother Phap Huu. Thank you for listening.Enjoy! Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources  The Way Out Is In: ‘Engaged Buddhism: Applying the Teachings in Our Present Moment (Episode #9)’  The Way Out Is In: ‘Regeneration and Musical Inspiration: The North American Tour (Episode #53)’  ‘The Four Dharma Seals of Plum Village’  ‘The Pebble Meditation’  Hollyhock  The Bodhisattva vow  Quotes “If Buddhism is not engaged, it is not Buddhism.” “Mindfulness is always mindfulness, first of all, of suffering. That’s why we practice. Because, to understand life, there always has to be an object for us to reflect on.”“Thay always says that walking meditation is not about arriving at a destination, but to arrive in the ultimate, which is the freedom of the now.”  “Suffering, as a noble truth, teaches us the values of life and allows us to know what peace is. If you only live in peace, you don’t have gratitude for the wonderful conditions that you have. But if we meet suffering, it reminds us of the life that we’ve experienced and the life that we want to create together.”  “When you look at the great arc of history, the idea of a quick fix falls apart very quickly. It seems ridiculous. A quick fix to what? To the millions of years of lives that have come before, which are in us?” “The Buddha said happiness and suffering are two truths that always go together. As long as there’s that thick mud, there can be some flowers there.” “What is the world made out of? Each and every one of us. What is the collective consciousness made out of? Each and every one of us. What is the collective habit made out of? Each and every one of us.”
Space, Time, and The Ultimate Dimension (Episode #54)
Welcome to episode 54 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. This week, we bring you a very special joint episode of The Way Out Is In and fellow podcast Outrage + Optimism, which explores the stories behind climate change headlines. From the peace and tranquility of the International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino speak with Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. Christiana Figueres, a student of Thich Nhat Hanh, was one of the architects of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, and is a valued member of the Plum Village Sangha. Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from 2010 to 2016, she is also the co-founder of Global Optimism, co-host of Outrage + Optimism, and co-author of the bestselling The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis.  Tom Rivett-Carnac is a political strategist, author, and podcaster who has spent more than 20 years working to address the climate and ecological crises. He is also a Founding Partner of Global Optimism, co-host of the podcast Outrage + Optimism, and co-author of The Future We Choose.  Listeners of both podcasts are invited to join an intimate and deep conversation which covers the spiritual elements missing from the climate movement; moving beyond linear timelines into exponential transformation; how to develop the power within ourselves to drive change; non-attachment to views; listening without judgment; what happens when we all stop; and much more. Plus, what is spiritual power and how can it support us?  So bring your tea to the table and let the radical collaboration begin. Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resourcesChristiana Figueres  Tom Rivett-Carnac The Art of Power  Brother Phap Linh (Brother Spirit)  The Four Dharma Seals of Plum Village  The B Team  The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Art of Saving the Planet  Music for Difficult Times: Awakening the Heart of Compassion by Brother Phap Linh  The Way Out Is In: ‘Being the Change We Want to See in the World: A Conversation with Christiana Figueres (Episode #21)’ The Way Out Is In: ‘Benefitting from a Spiritual Practice: In Conversation with Tom Rivett-Carnac (Episode #37)’  The Way Out Is In: ‘Bringing the Ultimate Dimension Down to Earth (Episode #40)’  Aeschylus  Quotes “Recognizing our own presence is already a power.” “The linearity of time is something that those of us who work on climate change live with on a daily basis. We have an alarm clock that is with us all the time because we have very clear timeli
Regeneration and Musical Inspiration: The North American Tour (Episode #53)
Welcome to episode 53 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this episode, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino talk about what they learned and experienced on the recent Plum Village North American Tour, which consisted of retreats (including one for climate leaders and activists) and Plum Village’s first international music tour.  The two presenters reflect on how the Buddhist teachings and lessons offered by this series of public events can help people create a healthier culture of service, and deal with both personal suffering and the collective suffering of climate destruction, biodiversity loss, and social injustice. Also, what is fierce compassion and how can we practice with it? Brother Phap Huu further shares on “opening new Dharma doors”, the adaptation of old teachings to new cultures; the importance of music in engaged Buddhism and why incorporating the flavors of contemporary music matters; Thay as peace activist and poet; the message of the song ‘Little Star’ (which you get to listen to!); dealing with the energy of anger; deep connection; and more. And what did Thay say when Brother Phap Huu rapped at a Plum Village festivity? Jo also shares about innovation in the Plum Village tradition; resilience and guilt in the climate movement; novel teachings and itineraries for retreats; the deep spiritual dimension of  climate work; radical compassion; forgiveness and transforming the system; nondiscrimination around suffering; and more.  Thank you for listening. Enjoy! Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resourcesHollyhock  ‘Unborn and Indestructible (song)’  ‘Plum Village Announces North American Fundraising Concert Tour with Hip-Hop Artist Born I’  Sister Chan Khong  Brother Phap Linh (Brother Spirit)  Sister Trai Nghiem Figueres  Sister True Dedication  Sister Lang Nghiem  Tupac  Lupe Fiasco  Djembe drums Way Out Is In: ‘Engaged Buddhism: Applying the Teachings in Our Present Moment (Episode #9)’  Namo’valokiteshvaraya Chant ‘Little Star’ (song video with lyrics) Quotes “The work of a monastic is service and our service is sowing seeds of awakening, or sowing seeds of mindfulness in today’s language.” “One of my experiences of Plum Village is that there’s a willingness to always innovate. While the core teachings remain present and are at the heart of everything, Thich Nhat Hanh talks about opening new Dharma doors. So there are always new ways, depending on cultural or technological changes, of reaching new audiences with the teachings.”  “Thich Nhat Hanh was an environmental leader and activist for more than 50
Listeners’ Questions: Responding from the Heart (Episode #52)
Welcome to episode 52 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. This time, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach and journalist Jo Confino are joined again by frequent podcast guest Sister True Dedication (Sister Hien Nghiem). Together, they respond to further questions from listeners in this second part of our first question and answer session of 2023.We hope that their answers will show how the teachings can help people who are in distress or are dealing with critical issues – but also simply how to find more joy in our lives.  This installment’s questions and answers cover topics ranging from how to create a practice with no sangha to how to develop a spiritual practice in busy, stressful lives; how to find meaningful communities and connections and become aware of our own story and that of our ancestors; understanding the complexity of ancestry and transmitted wisdom; belonging and home; intention and aspiration; the quality of presence; how to engage mindfully in a policing role; the difference between mindfulness and concentration; finding the sweetness of joy in life and making simple things your joy – and much more. To give a flavor of Plum Village Q and A sessions, the two monastics share memories including a story about Thay singing a song during a Q and A session for children.  And what question do you think people should be asking? Or don’t ask enough?There’s an answer to this one, too.Thank you for listening, and for sharing your deep questions! Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism:  With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resourcesThe Way Out Is In: ‘Listeners’ Questions: Responding from the Heart (Episode #51)’ True Dedication  Touching the Earth  The European Institute of Applied Buddhism (EIAB)  Dharma Talks: ‘The Five Skandhas of Grasping and Non-Self​’  Find a local group  Local communities (sanghas)  Kristallnacht  The Miracle of Mindfulness Sutras: ‘Discourse on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone’  ‘The Four Dharma Seals of Plum Village’  Sister Chan Khong  Dharma Talk: ‘Mindfulness and the Police’ by Cheri Maples  A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet  Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet  Online course: Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet  The Way Out Is In: ‘Connecting to Our Roots: Ancestors, Continuation and Transformation (Episode #5

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4.9 out of 5
891 reviews
-odjbo- 2024/02/21
Wonderful, Supportive, Generous
For most of us, time is our greatest (and most limited) resource. It is important to use it as wisely as we can…for ourselves, and our families, frien...
ChristinHeart 2024/02/18
Watering the seeds within me
2/18/24 This podcast has provided me with the right conditions to begin the process of transforming my own suffering and looking deeply within. Brot...
Yogibonito 2024/02/09
This is so well done. The combo of Jo, as a lay person and journalist, and Phap Huu, as a monk with close connections to Thay, is a beautiful thing. I...
JGraceRay 2024/01/31
With gratitude
Thank you for this wonderful podcast. This podcast plays a significant role in my recovery from alcohol addiction and in finding ways to cope with lif...
Tyson621 2024/01/29
I enjoy it.
Simple and relatable topics. I always feel better after listening. Thank you for your time.
mmss87 2024/01/16
Really enjoy this podcast. The hosts are kind, compassionate, and insightful. Listening is a very relaxing and uplifting experience. I appreciate Plum...
Stephen Kelly 2024/01/14
All podcasts are made up of non-podcast elements
Just like the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, this podcast is simple, approachable, and endlessly deep. Peaceful and gently challenging. I always come a...
K3k4kchvvdzvj 2024/01/13
Beautiful and insightful lessons
Plum village have taught me so much about handling difficult emotions in life and finding happiness. I love how they break down Buddhism to simple con...
Cute Fluffy Bunny 2024/01/11
strengthened my practice
this show is a light in my life
marketpop 2024/01/04
Heart of Meditation
Excellent choice of subject! After all, meditation is the core of Plum Village. This episode is letting many of us know what is considered an averag...
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