Dharma Seed - dharmaseed.org: dharma talks and meditation instruction

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328 reviews
This podcast has
17 episodes
Date created
Average duration
58 min.
Release period
1 days


Dharma Seed is dedicated to preserving and sharing the spoken teachings of Theravada Buddhism in modern languages. Since the early 1980's, Dharma Seed has collected and distributed dharma talks by teachers offering the vipassana (insight) and metta (lovingkindness) practices of Theravada Buddhism. New recordings are being added continuously from contemporary dharma teachers.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Dharma Seed - dharmaseed.org: dharma talks and meditation instruction podcast

Ayya Santussika: Changing - Part One
(Karuna Buddhist Vihara)
Jill Shepherd: talk: Death contemplation, gratitude and muditā practice
(Auckland Insight Meditation)
Jessica Morey: Building the path to our best home: how to work with grief, and shame that can hinder Metta
(Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center) This talk explores obstacles to Metta, with a focus on shame and grief, as well as their distinction to hiri and ottappa
Oren Jay Sofer: Introduction to metta practice
(Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center) Instructions for loving kindness, practice, and a guided meditation
Tara Brach: Meditation: A Welcoming Heartspace
(Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC) Our pathway to peace and happiness is through opening, with tenderness, to our moment-to-moment experience. This meditation guides us first to be awake in our body and senses, and then to include the changing flow of life in a spacious, kind heart. We close with a short verse from poet Dorothy Hunt – “Peace Is This Moment Without Judgment.”
Tara Brach: “Getting Over Yourself” – A Conversation between Tara Brach and Stephen Josephs
(Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC) Executive coach and author Stephen Josephs has worked with many top business leaders, guiding them in transcending the egoic conditioning that limit their impact on other people, and on societal change. In this conversation we look at what he’s learned about inner freedom and awakening from his own trauma, from 60 years of spiritual practice, from models of adult development, and from the poetry of Lao Tzu. Stephen and Tara have been close friends for over 50 years, and she considers him her first inspiration for a dedicated practice of meditation. His website is stephenjosephs.com.
Oren Jay Sofer: Kindness rooted in love
(Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center) What is Metta? How do we experience it? How do we strengthen it?
Donald Rothberg: Transforming the Judgmental Mind 1
(Spirit Rock Meditation Center) We frame the session in terms of there being three main inter-related aims of our practice: (1) developing wisdom and insight, (2) cultivating the kind heart and compassion, and (3) acting skillfully and ethically in all the parts of our life. In this context, it's interesting that having insight can still be connected with reactivity; it's possible to be both "right" and see something clearly, and be obnoxious. We look at one major way in which insight can be enmeshed with reactivity--what I call "the judgmental mind." We first clarify how "judgment" in English is ambiguous, sometimes meaning judgmental, sometimes meaning discerning without reactivity. The judgmental mind combines typically some kind of noticing, insight, observation, etc. with reactivity, and the key to transforming the judgmental mind is to work through the reactivity, using multiple tools. The last part of the talk outlines our major tools for transforming the judgmental mind, and invites next week's practice. We then have a discussion.
Pascal Auclair: Pourquoi pratiquer la méditation?
(True North Insight)
Ariya B. Baumann: Closing Session
(Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre) Onward practice in daily life, sharing round, practical information, dedication and sharing of merits. Ayya Virañani & Ariya Baumann
Pascal Auclair: Éphémère moment de conscience
(True North Insight)
Jeanne Corrigal: Nature as a Teacher of Awakening
(Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge) The Buddha touched the earth and asked for help to awaken, and this can be seen as a template for us, even in difficult times. This talk begins with our own embodied experience, reflects on the Satipatthana sutta refrain as a description of how nature supports awakening, and closes with Ajahn Chah, who said that we can learn from Nature enough to be enlightened.

Podcast reviews

Read Dharma Seed - dharmaseed.org: dharma talks and meditation instruction podcast reviews

4.4 out of 5
328 reviews
Conguszen 2014/04/23
Very inspiring
Thank you all for your wonderful and inspiring talks. You all have been very helpful. If possible I would greatly appreciate a talk on how one can ex...
Kim🙏🏼 2023/02/08
The wisest and best dharma teachers!!
You won’t regret listening to these talks by some of the best Buddhist insight practitioners and instructors in the world. You can listen to many diff...
Messiahsez 2020/07/21
Stuyvesant fir the win.
Kidpalmtree 2019/02/04
Changed my life
This community is full of well educated, wise people who care about the craft of an hour talk, a dharma talk, a lecture, a sermon. They often include ...
Fiddle$ticks 2018/12/16
Rodney Smith “guided grounding meditation
Just an FYI: Its is not a guided meditation. Its a talk.
Discovertruthforyourself 2018/09/12
So wise. So healing. Therapy for the mind and heart...
MollyCCollins 2018/07/24
Sylvia is everything
I love Sylvia and love listening to her!
emshog 2018/06/04
Such a wonderful resource
So much to choose from and a terrific variety of teachers. Excellent for anyone wanting to learn more about Meditation, Buddhism, or just basic mindfu...
MD Converted 2017/09/29
Thank you so much for making these available
Indigo Blue Music Lover 2014/02/13
Such generosity of spirit. Thank you. A V Ellis Khoury
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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