
Advertise on podcast: Babytalk

17 reviews
This podcast has
474 episodes
Date created
Average duration
26 min.
Release period
7 days


Welcome to parenthood, the most exhausting, exhilarating and emotional ride of your life! ABC Babytalk is all about the roller-coaster ride of having a baby in your life.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Babytalk podcast

Babytalk: Your Child's Obsession
If you've ever wondered if your toddler's obsession with their teddy dummy or blankie is okay, this is a podcast you need to listen to.
Babytalk: Screen-time for Babies
We know we should limit the amount of time babies and children spend looking at screens but why? What actual harm can it do.. in this podcast you'll meet a researcher who can give you some good reasons to try and limit your child's early exposure to screens.
Babytalk: Pregnancy and your changing brain
While we can sometimes joke about 'baby brain' and it's affects on us during pregnancy scientists have discovered it's a physical, quantifiable change they can show on a MRI scan/
Babytalk: Umbilical Cords
This week everything you need to know (and probably a bit more) about the umbilical cord!
Babytalk: Twins
Twins have always fascinated us but is there more to their connection than just being double trouble for their poor parents and a puzzle to the rest of us if we're trying to tell them apart.
Babytalk: Weaning your baby
Starting your breastfeeding experience can be a very intense experience but so can weaning your baby.. is there a way to make it as easy as possible?
Babytalk: The Anti-Ageing Effect of Grandchildren
Here's a great episode to share with your family, the anti-ageing effects of being a grandparent!
Babytalk: Magic Breastmilk
We know breast milk is the best thing to feed a new baby but do we really know how amazing it is?
Babytalk: Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Imagine having the worst food poisoning of your life.. and knowing it's not going to go away for the next nine months.
Babytalk: What if you don't make it to the Hospital on time?
What happens if you realize you're not going to make it to hospital to have your baby? Should you really send your partner off to boil water? What do you do?
Babytalk: The Cost of Labour
Does the medical model of childbirth have a bias against women? Should we be doing something about it?
Babytalk: Postpartum Doula
How might a post partum doula help with your recovery after birth?

Podcast reviews

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4 out of 5
17 reviews
Sunbec 2019/08/30
Perfect for every parent!
I started listening to this podcast when I was just into my second trimester and I have learned so much! I love this podcast!
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