Daily Jewish Thought

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21 min.
Release period
3 days


Thoughts on spirituality, Kabbalah, Jewish thought, Judaism and Relationships. Rabbi Yisroel Bernath is the Senior Rabbi at Rohr Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made 104 matches (that he knows of) to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Daily Jewish Thought podcast

Defiance and Devotion: A Purim Katan Legacy of Fearlessness and Faith | Rabbi Bernath's Sermon for Parshat Tetzaveh
In this inspiring episode, we dive into the heart of Purim Katan, a day that mirrors the messages of resilience and faith found in Purim itself, especially during leap years. We'll journey back to 1920, amidst the chaos of the Russian Revolution, to a moment of audacious defiance by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Ber Schneersohn, during a Purim Farbrengen. Despite the mortal danger presented by the Bolsheviks' intrusion, the Rebbe's fearless proclamation that "Judaism will never die" sets the stage for a story of miraculous survival and unwavering courage. We follow the legacy of bravery through to his son, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, during a similarly tense Purim Katan Farbrengen in 1927. His open challenge to the Soviets, emphasizing the importance of Jewish education and the spiritual warfare for the souls of Jewish children, showcases a breathtaking level of heroism and dedication to preserving Judaism at all costs. The narrative reaches a poignant climax with the Rebbe's dramatic arrest and subsequent liberation, a testament to the power of faith, international advocacy, and divine intervention. Fast forward 65 years to 1992, when the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, reiterates the call for self-sacrifice in the name of Judaism, urging not just a readiness to die for one's faith but to live with a sense of urgency and purpose towards spiritual growth and the hastening of the Moshiach. As we celebrate Purim Katan and reflect on these powerful stories of resilience, defiance, and hope, we are reminded of the legacy left by generations of Rebbes. Their lives and teachings inspire us to live with courage, to fight for what is right, and to dream of a world filled with peace, holiness, and kindness. Join us as we explore these themes and more, drawing lessons from the past that resonate with timeless relevance and urging us forward in our collective journey towards a brighter future. Dedicated in honour of Samuel & Diego Chiche Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Lots of events coming up. Check them out at www.theloverabbi.com Kabbalah of SoulMates | Brand NEW Course begins March 1 | Sign up HERE https://go.aleezabenshalom.com/offers/BUFCWSsS/checkout Support the show Kabbalah of SoulMates | Brand NEW Course begins March 1 | Sign up HERE https://go.aleezabenshalom.com/offers/BUFCWSsS/checkout Support the show
Echoes of the Unseen: Finding Meaning in What's Missing | Rabbi Bernath's on Parshat Tetzavah
In this week’s Torah portion, Tetzaveh, we embark on a journey of absence that paradoxically illuminates presence, a mystical dance where what is not seen or heard whispers louder than the clamor of what is. Welcome to "Echoes of the Unseen," an episode that delves into the human penchant for fixating on the missing pieces, rather than the mosaic of abundance that surrounds us. Imagine, if you will, a family in mourning, enveloped by a community's embrace, yet fixated on the one who failed to show. Or a newly engaged couple, showered with well-wishes, yet stewing over a single absent congratulation. It's a peculiar focus, isn't it? Our hearts, like mischievous sprites, skipping over a hundred hellos to sulk over one silent goodbye. This brings us to the heart of our Torah reading. In a curious twist of fate, or perhaps divine choreography, Moses, our indefatigable leader, finds his name conspicuously absent from this week's parsha, Tetzaveh. A parsha that ironically, speaks of him more than any other, precisely because he is not mentioned. It's as if by omitting his name, the Torah invites us into a deeper engagement, prompting us to ponder, "Where is Moses?" The Rebbe, drawing on the insight of the Baal HaTurim, connects this to Moses' selfless plea to be erased from the divine narrative should his people not be forgiven. Thus, in a paradoxical act of presence through absence, Moses' name is etched deeper into the fabric of our collective memory. And so, as we approach Purim, we encounter another divine irony in the Scroll of Esther. Here, G-d's name is nowhere to be found, yet, like the story of Tetzaveh, G-d's presence is palpable in every line, every turn of fate. This hiddenness serves as a mirror to our lives, where divine orchestration often masquerades as coincidence, inviting us to seek the hidden hand that guides us. Through the lens of David and Jonathan's story, we are reminded of the potency of what is not said, what is not seen. David, the absent guest at Saul's table, becomes the focal point, his empty seat a silent testament to the turmoil and loyalty that defines his and Jonathan's bond. "Echoes of the Unseen" invites us to consider how absence shapes our perception, how the unseen and unsaid can sometimes speak the loudest. In the missing names and silent spaces, we find a call to presence, an invitation to see beyond the visible, to listen for the whispers of what is not spoken, and in doing so, perhaps understand the divine and human narratives more profoundly. So, as we navigate the landscapes of loss and love, let us embrace the peculiar focus, for in the spaces between, in the silence and the absence, lies the potential for deeper connection, understanding, and spiritual awakening. Shabbat Shalom! Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Upcoming Event in Edison, NJ https://edison-highland-park-singles-event.square.site/ Lots of events coming up. Check them out at www.theloverabbi.com Kabbalah of SoulMates | Brand NEW Course begins March 1 | Sign up HERE https://go.aleezabenshalom.com/offers/BUFCWSsS/checkout Support the show
The Love Rabbi & Rebbitzin | A Special Conversation About Dating and Relationships
Rabbi Yisroel and Sara Bernath share the essence of their 19-year-strong relationship, underlining that real-life experience is their most credible guide to discussing love and partnership. They advise looking beyond the preconceived notions of a perfect relationship, emphasizing the importance of embracing the journey's unexpected turns with an open heart. Sara's key to a lasting bond lies in adaptability and openness, suggesting that the magic of a relationship unfolds in the spontaneous moments rather than in meeting specific expectations. The Bernaths debunk the myth of a singular, ideal partner, advocating for the significance of effort and mutual growth within a relationship. Their wisdom encapsulates seeking guidance from those who have successfully navigated the complexities of love, highlighting that while relationships require work, they should enrich your life rather than feel like a chore. This candid conversation serves as a roadmap for building and maintaining a healthy, fulfilling relationship that thrives on flexibility, effort, and the joy of shared experiences. Kabbalah of SoulMates | Brand NEW Course begins March 1 | Sign up HERE https://go.aleezabenshalom.com/offers/BUFCWSsS/checkout Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Upcoming Event in Edison, NJ https://edison-highland-park-singles-event.square.site/ Lots of events coming up. Check them out at http://www.theloverabbi.com Support the show
Parshat Tetzaveh | What is True Leadership?
Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal. Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love". Kabbalah of SoulMates | Brand NEW Course begins March 1 | Sign up HERE https://go.aleezabenshalom.com/offers/BUFCWSsS/checkout Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at rabbi@jewishndg.com or http://www.theloverabbi.com Single? You can make a profile on www.JMatchmaking.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone. Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast  https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi Support the show
Echoes of Resilience: Inspiring Unity and Faith Amid Adversity | Rabbi Bernath's Shabbat Sermon for Parshat Teruma
Tonight’s message enriched by the heartfelt sermon shared by Bosmat Gabay Loebenberg in loving memory of her daughter Laura. Amid the backdrop of conflict, discover stories of individuals traveling to Israel to offer support, only to find themselves deeply inspired by the resilience and global concern of its people. This narrative intertwines with the legacy of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, whose advocacy and love for the Jewish community highlight the beauty of seeing the divine in everyday moments. We delve into the significance of holiday names and the teachings of the Ark and Cherubim, uncovering layers of mutual respect and admiration between God and the Jewish people, reflecting the essence of a healthy, supportive relationship. Bosmat's sermon, a beacon of love and remembrance, adds a personal dimension, reminding us of the strength drawn from community and faith during life's most challenging times. Join us on this journey of reflection, as we explore how adversity can foster an environment of care and concern beyond our immediate circles, inspired by divine teachings and the enduring memory of Laura. Together, we celebrate unity, empathy, and the indomitable spirit of the Jewish heart, learning from each other how to inspire and be inspired, even in the face of loss. This sermon is dedicated in loving memory of Rivkah Laura bat Asher V’Bosmat. May her memory be for a blessing. Kabbalah of SoulMates | Brand NEW Course begins March 1 | Sign up HERE https://go.aleezabenshalom.com/offers/BUFCWSsS/checkout Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Montreal friends join us this Sunday for some comedy for Israel https://jlive.app/events/6883 Upcoming Event in Edison, NJ https://edison-highland-park-singles-event.square.site/ Lots of events coming up. Check them out at www.theloverabbi.com Download this little book and pray. These are prayers Jews have said for centuries in times of distress: https://jewishndg.com/media/pdf/1248/PQoG12484159.pdf Support the show
Why Jerusalem Not Mentioned in the Koran?
Embark on a thought-provoking journey with Rabbi Bernath in this episode "Jerusalem in the Koran," where the enigmatic absence of Jerusalem from the Koran's text sparks a historical and spiritual exploration. Dive deep into the Ummayyad Dynasty's strategic elevation of Jerusalem to a holy city to rival Mecca, leveraging the tale of Muhammad's celestial ascension from the newly christened Masjid Al-Aksa. This maneuver intertwines with the Jewish narrative of prophets transcending earthly bounds, exemplified by Elijah's fiery ascent, highlighting the universal quest for divine closeness. Rabbi Bernath navigates these tales with a blend of historical insight and spiritual wisdom, questioning the true zenith of spiritual achievement. While figures like Moses and the Baal Shem Tov embrace their earthly departures, the podcast contemplates the essence of divine presence on Earth. Through the lens of Judaism, where the divine is drawn down to dwell among us, Rabbi Bernath redefines the spiritual goal not as ascending to heaven, but as sanctifying the earthly realm. The construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) becomes a focal point, challenging the notion of confining the Infinite into a physical space, and instead proposing it as a bridge connecting the divine and the mundane. This concept is further explored through the mission of drawing the Shechina (Divine Presence) into our world, emphasizing Judaism's unique perspective on the ultimate spiritual quest. "Jerusalem in the Koran" isn't just a historical recounting; it's an invitation to reflect on our place within the cosmos, the role of sacred spaces, and the pursuit of a life filled with divine purpose. Rabbi Bernath, with his characteristic wit and insight, encourages listeners to recognize the divine party host among us, urging us to live in a manner that acknowledges and celebrates the sacredness of our world and our actions within it. Kabbalah of SoulMates | Brand NEW Course begins March 1 | Sign up HERE https://go.aleezabenshalom.com/offers/BUFCWSsS/checkout Donate Here |  https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Montreal friends join us this Sunday for some comedy for Israel https://jlive.app/events/6883 Upcoming Event in Edison, NJ https://edison-highland-park-singles-event.square.site/ Lots of events coming up. Check them out at www.theloverabbi.com Download this little book and pray. These are prayers Jews have said for centuries in times of distress: https://jewishndg.com/media/pdf/1248/PQoG12484159.pdf Support the show
Parshat Teruma | Am I just Blindly Following the Crowd?
Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal. Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love". Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at rabbi@jewishndg.com or http://www.theloverabbi.com Single? You can make a profile on www.JMatchmaking.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone. Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast  https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi Support the show
60 days of Joy: The Story of Purim and the Jewish Month of Adar's Eternal Optimism
Today we explore why the month of Adar is 60 days and the holiday of Purim symbolize an unending joy for the Jewish people. We dive into the historical backdrop of Purim, focusing on a time when the Jewish nation faced its darkest hour under the threat of Haman's plot. Despite these dire circumstances, the story of Purim emerges as a testament to the Jewish people's resilience and their deep-rooted bond with G‑d. Each episode will unpack the reasons behind the joy of Purim extending throughout the entire month of Adar, offering insights into how adversity was transformed into celebration. We'll explore the critical moments that led to Haman's downfall, the significance of the lottery falling in Adar, and how what seemed to be the worst possible timing turned into a triumph of spirit and faith. "Joy in Adar" invites listeners to reflect on the essence of Purim's joy—celebrating not just a victory over external enemies but the enduring strength of the Jewish identity and its eternal relationship with the Divine. Join us for a journey of understanding, celebrating how even in the lowest points, our connection with G‑d remains unshaken, making Adar the happiest month of the year. Kabbalah of SoulMates | Brand NEW Course begins March 1 | Sign up HERE https://go.aleezabenshalom.com/offers/BUFCWSsS/checkout Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Download this little book and pray. These are prayers Jews have said for centuries in times of distress: https://jewishndg.com/media/pdf/1248/PQoG12484159.pdf Support the show
Rabbi Bernath's Weekly Sermon: Positive Jewish Identity
This week’s sermon reflects on the resilience and unity of our community. The book 'Buried by the Times' sheds light on a past where the Holocaust's truth struggled to find its rightful place in public consciousness, hidden away in the back pages of history's draft. Yet, this story isn't just about what was buried; it's a call to unearth our collective strength and purpose. Parshat Yitro brings the powerful symbol of the shofar, reminding us that awakening and unity are at the heart of our journey. From the echoes of the Holocaust to the triumphs of the Six-Day War, we've seen the shofar's call to action in our own times, stirring us to remember, to unite, and to act with courage and love. As we reflect on our history, we see not just the challenges, but the incredible victories and the miracles that have shaped us. These stories teach us that it's not just about surviving; it's about thriving, about taking pride in our identity, and about moving forward with positive action. Let's carry this spirit into every aspect of our lives, embracing our heritage with joy and a commitment to making a difference. Together, we're not just remembering the past; we're building a future filled with light, learning, and love. — Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Download this little book and pray. These are prayers Jews have said for centuries in times of distress: https://jewishndg.com/media/pdf/1248/PQoG12484159.pdf Support the show
Parshat Yitro: The Goldilocks Principle
Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal. Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made several dozen matches to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love". Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at rabbi@jewishndg.com or http://www.theloverabbi.com Single? You can make a profile on www.JMatchmaking.com and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone. Contact Rabbi Bernath via http://www.theloverabbi.com Donate and support Rabbi Bernath’s work http://www.jewishndg.com/donate Sign up for Rabbi Bernath's Relationships Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-love.../episodes/Love-Rabbi-QA-ecpnte Sign up for Rabbi Bernath’s Kabbalah Podcast  https://anchor.fm/kabbalahforeveryone Listen to Rabbi Bernath and Aleeza Ben Shalom’s New Podcast Matchmaker, Matchmaker as they handle the toughest questions about dating at https://linktr.ee/matchmakermatchmaker Follow Rabbi Bernath’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ybernath Access Rabbi Bernath's Articles on Relationships https://medium.com/@loverabbi Support the show
Recording of Rabbi Bernath's Shabbat Sermon: Amalek Revisited: Confronting Ancient Enmity in Modern Times
This was recorded Sunday evening, as recording devices are not allowed on Shabbat. 🔍📜 Exploring Amalek: Ancient Hatred in Modern Times 🔍📜 In a recent, controversial lawsuit brought by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice, the ancient biblical figure of Amalek has resurfaced in a modern geopolitical debate. Accusations of genocide hinge on Prime Minister Netanyahu's invocation of the Torah's command to "remember what Amalek did to you" in the context of Israel's stance against Hamas. This historical reference has sparked intense discussion and scrutiny, especially given the evidence presented, including a video of soldiers and statements from a Knesset member relating to Amalek. 🌍🕊️ Amalek's Legacy: From Biblical Times to Today's Struggles 🌍🕊️ Amalek, historically, was the grandson of Esau and is emblematic of baseless hatred towards the Jewish people. This enmity is deeply rooted in Jewish history, with the Amalekites attacking the Israelites unprovoked as they journeyed through the Sinai Desert after their exodus from Egypt. The Torah's recounting of this ancient conflict underscores a relentless, generational animosity that poses a perpetual challenge to peace and morality. The episode of Moses and Joshua battling Amalek, and the divine command to erase Amalek's memory, symbolizes the ongoing struggle against unfounded hatred and evil. 🤔💭 Contemporary Reflections: Understanding and Overcoming Doubt 🤔💭 In Chassidic thought, Amalek represents the concept of 'doubt' (safek), challenging faith and moral certainty. This allegorical interpretation urges introspection, especially in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the broader challenges facing the Jewish community. The internal convictions regarding the Land of Israel, its history, and its spiritual significance are critical in this discourse. The teachings emphasize the importance of nurturing a strong connection to Judaism and Torah, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose, as a means to counter the "spiritual Amalek" of our times. --- Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Download this little book and pray. These are prayers Jews have said for centuries in times of distress: https://jewishndg.com/media/pdf/1248/PQoG12484159.pdf Support the show
🌳🍇 Celebrating Tu B'Shvat: Healing the World with Every Bite! 🌍🍎
Dive into the profound spiritual significance of Tu B'Shvat, the Jewish 'New Year for Trees.' This class unravels how this ancient day, once focused on tithing fruits as per Talmudic teachings, evolved into a powerful tool for cosmic repair, as revealed by Kabbalistic wisdom. Discover how the simple act of eating fruits during the Tu B'Shvat feast isn't just a culinary delight but a ritual of mending the rift caused by Adam and Eve's original mistake. Learn how enjoying these earthly delights reconnects us with the Divine, transforming our physical world from a barrier into a bridge to spiritual fulfillment. Join us in exploring how Tu B'Shvat is not just about fruit, but about turning our earthly pleasures into paths to divine connection and making the world a bit more like paradise with every bite. #TuBShvat #SpiritualFeast #CosmicHealing #JewishTradition #KabbalahInsights You can join Rabbi Bernath every Thursday at 9am EST for a fantastic conversation on Zoom. Just email rabbi@jewishndg.com to get the zoom link. Donate Here | https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=36 Donate Here in US dollars https://ndg.chabadsuite.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=15 Download this little book and pray. These are prayers Jews have said for centuries in times of distress: https://jewishndg.com/media/pdf/1248/PQoG12484159.pdf Support the show

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4.9 out of 5
43 reviews
finneymeboi 2022/11/03
As a young jew struggling with a not practicing jewish parent, this podcast has helped me a lot find God in myself, learn the relegion, and find mysel...
3511danny 2020/08/13
Very nice.
Very nice.
Lidror 2021/02/21
Good Podcast
A). BUT it COULD BE A GREAT PODCAST IF ONE audience member could tamper-down his excitement a bit and allow the rabbi (and other participants) more t...
YoshiNtampa 2019/10/04
Must listen.
Rabbi Yisreol is amazing. A true man of God and goodness. Independent thought, analysis and honesty like what I’ve heard from him is hard to find.
RebYossi 2019/03/01
Powerful and relevant
These messages are so meaningful and really give me something to think about during the day!
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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