ChabadTalk Podcast

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32 reviews
This podcast has
50 episodes
Date created
Average duration
16 min.
Release period
30 days


Listen to compelling podcasts by Tzvi Freeman and let him turn your world on its head as he probes the mysteries of life, purpose and the Jewish People.

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How Did Academia Fail So Badly?
Lurking beneath a scholar’s cloak on our best college campuses, the same raw hatred that Hitler’s professors rationalized persists. This time, sane academics must speak up and take action.
The Signature Element of Chabad Psychology that Few Understand
The signature metaphor in Tanya to describe all human activity, popping up in some form or another on almost every page, is clothing. Life, according to Tanya, is less about who you are and more about what you wear.
Should I Care What Other People Think of Me?
Instead of sweating over what everyone is thinking of you, spend that energy just being a nice guy.
Abraham’s Ultimate Test
Abraham constructed a ladder up to G-d. A ladder of insight and enlightenment. Then G-d pulled the ladder out from under him.
What I Told 1,200 Jewish Students Last Shabbat
Be Abraham. Take ownership. Shatter the narrative. Don’t let hatred define you.
So You’ve Got a Chunk of G-d Inside You
Within each of us is a breath of the divine, a neshamah. Everything else is created by speech. She is created by breath and by thought. Everything else is obsessed with being just what it is. But the neshamah hears the music of creation and yearns for it to be heard.
What Is a Soul?
Just as we invoke the existence of a force of gravity to explain things falling and an electromagnetic force to explain a host of otherwise very mysterious phenomena, so we invoke the existence of a soul-force to explain our inner experience of being alive, conscious, and self-directed.
Who Created G‑d?
The Creator of all boundaries is unbounded by any definition. Otherwise, He too would require a creator.
Why the Torah Was Given to a Nation of Trauma Survivors
If you're going to bring the ultimate divine wisdom into the world, why are shattered souls the channel for its reception?
How Moses Saved Egyptian Civilization
Wherever your soul has taken you, there must be something of profound value that you uncovered there.
The Last Two Mitzvahs
Why were we given the command to gather every seven years right when Moses was about to pass away?
“We Will Be As Dreamers”
Today we live inside a dream. In time, everything will be possible. We will be free.

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4.9 out of 5
32 reviews
MarquisDeParadox 2021/10/31
A deeply profound and moving podcast
Of all the podcasts I listen to, this one is the most spiritually deep, and life affirming. My assumptions are challenged, and my mind is expanded wi...
anoon1234567899 2021/10/15
Wonderful podcast
Thank you Rabbi Freeman for these amazing podcasts!
check all reviews on aple podcasts

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