RTÉ Brainstorm

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4 reviews
This podcast has
180 episodes
Date created
Average duration
7 min.
Release period
9 days


New ideas and insights about the world around us. From RTÉ in co-operation with Irish universities and the Irish Research Council.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from RTÉ Brainstorm podcast

How a kiss in public in DeValera’s Ireland caused a global sensation
A woman was effectively banished from the country for the crime of kissing of a boy in public in Co Louth in 1937. By Michael Mary Murphy, Institute of Art, Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire.
How remote working has changed how we learn on the job
We seem to be increasingly missing out on learning invaluable bits and pieces from our colleagues, managers or even the new intern. By Arpita Pal, TU Dublin.
Why are teens half as likely to walk or cycle to school in Dublin as Dunshaughlin?
Research has found disparities between areas are not due to population size, but are more to do with differences in educational provision. By J. M. Mancini, Maynooth University.
Why do you have so many unread emails?
4 tips to manage the time demands of digital communication when there's just so much to do. By Anna Navin Young, UCC.
Who was Kathleen Lynn? The diaries of a radical Irish woman
Her diaries tell the story of an innovative and revolutionary activist devoted to the cause of women, workers and Ireland. By Mary McAuliffe, UCD and Harriet Wheelock, RCPI.
Dia dhuit: what's behind Irish language's religious roots?
Gaeilge is deeply intertwined with Ireland's religious history, which explains so many phrases about saints, devils and eternal life. By Peter Weakliam, DCU.
5 tips to save money on your heating this winter
Winter means having the heating on more often so here's how to have a comfortable home with optimal energy use. By Asit Kumar Mishra, UCC.
Is Government policy leading to longer commutes and urban sprawl?
With Dr Lorcan Sirr from TU Dublin on RTÉ Radio 1's Drivetime from November 23rd 2023
'A good send-off': why food plays a major role in Irish wakes and funerals
Irish funerals and wakes since ancient times have always highlighted the importance of food, feasting and hospitality
How Irish dance became a significant business for Irish women
Irish dance has deep historical ties with cultural nationalism and identity, but its financial importance for women cannot be overlooked
How did the marriage bar affect Irish women?
The impact of Ireland's marriage bar on the affected women's professional lives and careers is still felt to this day. By Jennifer Redmond, Maynooth University; Judith Harford, UCD and Deirdre Foley, UCC.
Why so many of us will run up that hill with Kate Bush
As fans gather for the Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever in Dublin, a look at the life, work and Irish connections of Kate Bush

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