Quabbin Valley Wellness

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2 reviews
This podcast has
49 episodes
Date created
Average duration
11 min.
Release period
8 days


Welcome to my podcast! I am Justine- I am a nurse, wellness coach, yoga teacher and an overall high strung person. My nursing career has evolved to be highly wellness focused which has given me the chance to learn a lot along the way about stress and the importance of self care. Over the past several years I have put together a lot of material on preventative health and I have written and delivered many guided meditations. This podcast is another way for me to share some of that with others! Join me each week as I upload one of my guided meditation on Monday to help you start your week with peace and intention.

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Quabbin Valley Wellness podcast

Creating Space Meditation
Guided imagery ☀️ practice with a little gratitude and intention thrown in! Take a deep breath and then let it go! Enjoy ✌️
Mindful Mindfulness
Todays practice is all about you, letting go of the things you can’t control, having gratitude and make space to set goals and intentions! 😊 enjoy
Insight and Awareness
Mid week meditation! Happy Wednesday keep practicing and taking care of yourself! Enjoy ❤️
New Month Intention
Take this time to focus on your well being and set your intention to reflect whatever you need to feel your best self! ❤️
Present Moment Gratitude
Get out of your head 🐒! Come back to today! It’s a ☀️beautiful day 🌺 and now you get this opportunity to start it off right- enjoy 😊
Grounding Through Emotions
How are you feeling today? Honestly** 🌸 checking in with your emotions during times of stress and celebration can benefit your ability to cope. Take the time this week to ground yourself and be present— so that no matter what comes your way you can stay as stable as a tree🌳 Enjoy 😊
Self Care Practice
Making time for self care is never a bad thing! It’s not selfish or for someone else. It’s for you ❤️ and it’s the only way you can be there for the ones you love! Thank you for taking this time to practice - enjoy! 🌸
Relax with Intention
Enjoy this episode on breathing, relaxing and setting an intention this week. Judgment is real- distractions are too- it’s okay 🌺 keep practicing and making this time for self care!
Guided Imagery River
Enjoy this gentle guided imagery practice where you get to step away from the chaos of the day and find ease!
Active relaxation!
Enjoy this brief active relaxation meditation practice! This is your time to take a break so give yourself this opportunity to create some peace and calm! Enjoy!
Loving Kindness Meditation
Ahh share the love with whoever needs it, but don’t forget to send loving kindness to yourself 3 Enjoy!
Daily Gratitude
Lift yourself up this week with a little gratitude. This simple practice can be done everyday this week to help boost mood and relax your body! Enjoy!

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