Just A. Messenger

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2 reviews
This podcast has
10 episodes
Date created
Average duration
6 min.
Release period
102 days


I love you. Yeah I said it. You know what else? You matter: and you can do this. Your struggles of today are in tomorrow's acceptance speech: so don't give up. If you are interested on taking a mental vacation away from all of the negativity life has to offer- board this flight on the path to success. All topics on the table, hope to have you around: all the best... - Just A. Messenger

Podcast episodes

Check latest episodes from Just A. Messenger podcast

Giants in Miami? What next? (#9)
Your best days are ahead of you, you are important: you got this. May Yahweh bless you and reveal more of Himself to you in the process. He loves you. You are valuable to everybody around you, you always were and always will be.
Two boats and a helicopter (#8)
Thank you so much for the support as it means a lot. You are a blessing and I pray that you have a blessed day!
Life be Lifing (#7)
Badvice (#6)
In this episode I talk about 'Badvice'. I was pretty much in a state of mind where I was battling something mentally, it was in this timeframe I started analyzing some of the 'advice' I had received over the years....
Spring comes after winter (#5)
Just like planet earth: our life goes through seasons. Some are nicer than others- but all are necessary and can be beneficial in the long run. Temporary pain can bring a long-term gain, even if it doesn't appear that way in the moment. This episode talks a little bit about this, thank you for listening and I greatly appreciate you!
Communication (#4)
The more I live life, the more I realize my mind drifts in harsher realities than reality itself most of the time. I find that communication has helped me internally and externally- and can do the same to you. Thank you so much for tuning in, I wish you nothing but the best: always
Positivity Rant (#3)
Just in case you didn't know....
Baking (#2)
Who knew life had so much parallels to baking? Either that, or I'm just stretching a little bit because I'm hungry. Either way, thank you for tuning in to the show and I hope you enjoyed it: all the best!
Goals (#1)
Everybody has goals, or at least should have goals. We don't realize however that we push our own net back a lot of times. The further we push that net back, the further the reality of accomplishing said goal will seem possible. Realizing in the moment certain routines we have are working against us, can help save someone time in the future. Changing some of those habits can inch us toward our goals rather than inch our goals further from us.
Welcome! Bienvenidos! Bienvenue! Benvenuti! Wilkommen! This is the first episode of my brand new podcast, with that brand new podcast smell. Thank you so much for being here, on this journey I will talk about many different things- generally from a different perspective than what the surface shows. All in all though I wish you nothing but the best in life, always...

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